The Car | Teen Ink

The Car

May 17, 2022
By Mizzy BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Mizzy BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was an overcast day, and I was finally going to buy my first car. I’d seen an ad on and, although the site looked somewhat shady, after looking at the reviews for the site, I decided to at least check it out. After hours of looking, I finally found the perfect car: a 1960s Jaguar E-Type. It was my dream car, the perfect combination of history and sports car. It was incredibly cheap too, but I suppose that was to be expected from the person that was selling it.

Coincidently, the car was right around the corner, about five blocks from my house. The seller was an old woman who’d recently lost her husband to old age and was selling everything her husband owned. From what I’ve heard, her husband and her never really got along after some incident that happened back when they first moved into the neighborhood. I’d met her a few times when I was younger, but I never really took any time to really talk to her. She seemed like a nice lady, especially if she had my dream car in her garage.

My line of thought stopped as I walked upon the woman’s house. She just happened to be outside, sitting on a rocking chair, looking at the overcast sky with an unreadable look on her face. I started approaching her porch, and as she took notice of me, she gave me a small wave.

"Good afternoon, ma’am I’m Asher. I’m here about the car you’re selling. I spoke to you about it on the phone yesterday, and I told you I’d come around at this time. " I told her respectably.

"Ah yes. I was expecting you, young man." She said.

"Does the offer for the car still stand? Will you really sell it at such a low price? " I wondered, hoping that she hadn’t changed her mind overnight and that my being here would be for naught.

"Of course, after all that has happened, I would love to get rid of that car and all of the horrible memories that came with it. I always wanted to sell it, but my idiot husband thought otherwise. " She responded by dismissing my concerns about the matter.

"Oh, thank you ma’am. I have the cash right here. " I said gratefully, taking out the money from my bag and putting it on the small table beside her. She started counting the money and looked up at me as she finished.

"No problem, young man." She said, smiling lightly and standing up from her chair. "Would you please stay here while I look for the car keys?" she asked.

"Of course, ma’am." I replied.

"I’ll be just a moment." She said, going inside. After a short moment, she was back out with the keys and the car title in her hand. "Here are the keys and the documentation for the title of the car." She said, handing them to me and taking out another set of keys from her pocket and pushing a button. "The car is in the garage. I’ve opened the door for you, so you can go right ahead and take it out."

"Thank you, ma’am I’ll do that now." I said excitedly, almost jumping for joy. I quickly made my way to the right of the house, where the garage was.

And there it was. It was breathtaking, a real beauty, but for one moment I felt as if something was off about it. Naturally, I brushed the feeling off and went to take a closer look at it. It was an opalescent silver-gray color with red seats. I opened the door and noticed how beautiful the inside looked. The seats were an amazing color of red, my favorite color. I climbed into the car and sat on the seat, taking the keys and turning on the engine. The feeling I got as I turned on the car was blissful, but again, a small speck of dread settled itself into the back of my mind. Again, I ignored it, deciding to take the car out of the garage instead. Once out, the woman came up to the car’s window. I rolled the window down so I could hear what she had to say.

"Well, the car is all yours now, so you can take it away right now and never let me see it again!" she said. I wasn’t surprised by her words. After all, she didn’t seem very fond of the car.

"Alright ma’am. I’ll see you around I guess. " I said, eager to take the car home.

"Have a safe trip, young man," she said. And with that, I was off to my house in my new car. The drive home was less exciting, despite everything, and I made it home in less time than I thought. When I got home, I parked the car outside and went to bed as the sun was setting, and I found myself somewhat tired after the excitement that I had. So, I went to bed and fell asleep quite quickly, awaiting the next day when I could drive my car.

However, at around 3 in the morning, I woke up. Something was telling me that I wanted to go drive the car. Not want, need to go drive the car. I got up and, without even changing, I went to get my keys. I opened the front door, and I went out to the front where the car was parked. I opened the door of the car, and I started the engine.

"Drive, drive, drive, drive." It was as if something was whispering to me to drive. I stepped on the reverse, and then I started driving as if I was possessed.

"Mommy and Daddy forgot about me and the horrible heat got me. Mommy and Daddy forgot about me, and the horrible heat got me. Mommy and Daddy forgot about me, and the horrible heat got me. Mommy and Daddy forgot about me, and the horrible heat got me. Mommy and Daddy forgot about me, and the horrible heat got me. Mommy and Daddy forgot about me, and the horrible heat got me. Mommy and Daddy forgot about me, and the horrible heat got me." What was happening?

I wasn’t even in control of the car anymore. Everything was out of control. The heater was on full heat, but the door wouldn’t open. I was going to be burnt alive if it kept going at this rate.

"Mommy and Daddy left me inside. Now you'll have to die. Mommy and Daddy left me inside. Now you'll have to die. Mommy and Daddy left me inside. Now you'll have to die. Mommy and Daddy left me inside. Now you'll have to die. Mommy and Daddy left me inside. Now you'll have to die. Mommy and Daddy left me inside. Now you'll have to die. It kept repeating and repeating the same thing. Now I finally understood what that blasted old woman meant when she said there were bad memories in the car.

My last thought before falling unconscious was that I should have followed my instincts.

The author's comments:

Hi! I'm a 16 year old writer who's publishing their first work. I really like writing stuff but this is the first time I'm publishing something. What inspired me to write this piece was a previous story that I'd seen in the newspaper.

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