Mystery Next Door | Teen Ink

Mystery Next Door

June 2, 2022
By 3jochims BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3jochims BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He lives in an old castle-like house. Willow trees with cobweb leaves melt down besides his castle. His window all fogged out with a hole for just one eye to peak out of. The muffeling TV and the blue fliker poking out in the dead of night.

Sometimes I see his cat roam around the back yard. The cat looks stray all black with a cut in its eyes. There is a patch which looked to have been from a chemical spill or burn.

 I've never seen the man, couldn’t even tell you his name. He was the neighborhood mystery that neighbors could only rumor about him. Once a week around 3 a.m the screech from his rusty garage door opens. Usually a hearse pulls into the garage which is the only time the garage is open.

 This week the garage opened but I heard no hearse. I always jump up and out of  my bed. The adrenaline makes my arm hair spike up and my heart beats like a drum, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump. As always I run outside, snuggled up in my nightgown and creep behind the willow. A cat hiss erupts making me yelp. I turned around and a giant man was towering over me. I didn't remember what happened next but I woke up in pitch black with the jingle of keys scraping above me. The coffin lid opened and a man in a hockey mask bellowed over me.   

The author's comments:

I am a ginger

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