Alisia Rivera’s Persona- A Ring Finger with No Ring | Teen Ink

Alisia Rivera’s Persona- A Ring Finger with No Ring

August 25, 2022
By Sohaagg BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Sohaagg BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A new life, a fresh start. Alisia followed the oddly thin, stiffly-walking lady through the wooden doors.

“And this is your classroom”, said Principal Roberts.

Alisia looked at the class of eighth graders looking at her, scrutinizing her through those vicious eyes. Just like everyone else in her life did. 

Roberts surveyed her impatiently through those steel-rimmed spectacles. The same way she had in the interview. Alisia clenched her fist, wringing her nails into the taut skin of her palm so hard, that there would definitely be scars left behind. One. Two. Three.

She forced a smile onto those perfectly symmetrical lips and said softly but brightly, “Hello class! My name is Alisia Rivera. I will be teaching you Literature this semester. Please take out your Shakespeare.” 

Blank, so blank. There was no response. Roberts smiled wryly at her as she waltzed out the classroom door.

Right. She had to begin now. Turning around, she picked up the torn-down edition of ‘Twelfth Night’. She had used it school after school. This wonderful tale, filled with happiness and romance. Her own life, lacking both. Well, now she would be teaching a handful of spoiled brats some English. Wonderful. She was about to open the book, when a blonde-haired boy of average height suddenly stood up. 

“My name’s Tom, Alisia. I was just wondering whether you would tell some bit about yourself. You don’t seem like the other teachers. You’re younger than them and you don’t seem very... well-off.”

There was that absolute lack of manners. Exactly what she meant by spoiled brats. She’d admit she wasn’t the richest. Clearly seen by the simple pair of jeans she wore with a t-shirt that looked unwashed and dirty. 

“Tom, although I admit I am young, that does not mean I am foolish. You will refer to me as Ms. Rivera only. I will not stand witness to such brazen language. As for my background, I have recently moved here from Atlanta.”

Another hand shot up. This time a red- haired girl with a freckled face. Gosh, children really were a piece of work. 

“Ms. Rivera, why did you move?”

That, THAT was a very good question. Her parents had offered the money, but she wouldn’t take the liberty of letting them satiate their guilt. For Christ’s sake, they had borne witness to her ex-husband during the divorce. There was no way she would let them buy their way to become coddling parents anymore. 

“Well, Mayfield is one of the best schools in the city and I wanted this fabulous opportunity to teach all you wonderful children.” 

That was the partial truth at least. Mayfield was indeed one of the best, richest schools in the city, but she hadn’t travelled all this way for the children. No, they had offered enough money to get back to her original self. Enough money so that she wasn’t poor anymore. Enough money to compensate for how much her ex-husband had taken from her during the divorce.

The children seemed to be able to sniff the lies in the air, for they looked at her with aghast eyes. They understood that she wasn’t one of those teachers who were so naïve to believe that children were angels.

“I hope you are a bit more acquainted with me now. I would like to begin without any further interruptions.” 

The class nodded. Good.

“Twelfth Night is one of the lighter romantic-comedies written by William Shakespeare. It contains several aspects of love, friendship and some classic humour. Needless to say, this will be a book you will enjoy reading.”

“Does anyone know what it is about exactly?” It was about time to test what this high- end school really taught their children.

A brown-haired girl named Lisa said, “It revolves around the story of Viola, Sebastian and Olivia as the protagonists of the play. It entangles their love stories at the beginning but the play ends with all the stories unravelling and complete.”

 “Very good, Lisa.” 

So these children did indeed know something. Alisia was about to proceed when she heard a vague noise in the background. A sound that was enough to make her nerves jump out of her body. One. Two. Three.

Her eyes fluttered throughout the room. Scanning the room for the criminal. The criminal who was still committing the crime, even with the inspector currently investigating them.

She caught him located at the far end of the room. He was a short, stout boy with a plump face. She looked at him with murderous eyes as he kept tapping the pen against the desk. 

“You there”, she pointed to him, “what is your name?”

For someone who had a death wish, he looked utterly confident. He was still tapping the pen on the table, wielding his weapon. 

He answered, “My name’s Ben Cooper.”

“And why are you making that ridiculous noise, Ben? Not only are you disturbing my class but you are also insulting me.”

He smirked. He had the nerve to smirk!

He said haughtily, “I’m sorry Alisia, but this ridiculous noise calms me.”

That was it! Her widening eyes could only display the molten rage that now devoured her. She clenched her fists, and stormed to the far end of the class until Ben sat right below her hollow eyes. He still was moving his wrist, thrusting the weapon against the table. She had to find a way to disarm him. One. Two. Three.

Ben slowly lifted his head to meet her icy face. His cool exterior melted away to full-fledged fear as he looked into her eyes. He dropped the pen on the table. She had disarmed him. He shoved his trembling hands away from the desk.

Ben said, “ I’m...I’m sorry.”

Alisia just stood there, looking at him with the same aggression. She picked up the cursed weapon and snapped it with her hands, hastening unbelievable strength. The class gaped at her. 

This, THIS was the anger her ex-husband had spoken against her at the court. But, she had never done anything to him. She had been the perfect wife. That greedy fool had only married her for her wealth! And he had robbed her of it, turning her own parents against her. He had portrayed her as a monster, and now she was one.

She slowly lifted up her right hand to look at the crease around her left hand fourth finger, where the ring used to sit. She heard the tinkling of the school bell, but no one moved from their seat.

“Come, Ms. Rivera.”, said Roberts. 

She slowly moved from her still position and looked around to see a stern, but concerned expression on Principal Roberts’ face. Alisia followed her out of the classroom, a single tear leaking from her eye. She knew she was losing her job. So much for a new life and a fresh start.

The author's comments:

Soha Aggarwal is a Grade 10 student at the prestigious Cathedral and John Connon School, Bombay, India. When she is not busy learning Korean, playing the piano, or singing, she loves exploring her creative imagination through story writing.

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