Breakthrough | Teen Ink


September 8, 2022
By Anonymous

I couldn’t even describe how nervous I felt. What is about to commence is completely revolutionary. I am told the details. I will be sent only 24 hours forward and will end in the lab. The lab was so large and heartwarming with the faces of the nicest people I have ever met. They all share the same excitement I do. All the years of pondering what would happen if time machines truly existed. So many stories over the years but today is the day the world would finally find out. The geniuses who devoted their lives to this project finally are convinced that it would work. It had too. Everything would change. I was lucky enough to be the first ever to try it. I am the guinea pig in the biggest scientific experiment in history. They had me strapped in this suit and commanded me to enter this capsule. I’m not the biggest person but this machine was not exactly the biggest either. It was very cramped and dark. So very dark. Nothing was visible. I could only listen. The countdown has begun. 10, I remember the 10 other candidates who might have been in my position but were not chosen. 9, I begin to sweat a little. 8, each second feels like a lifetime. 7, I remember my sweet child back home. My little girl Sammy just turned 7, I have a picture of her in my pocket so that no matter what happens she will always be with me. 5, I think about how I didn’t hear them say 6 and before I know it I hear 4. 4 seconds till history is made. 3, three test runs were executed with inanimate objects and all were successful. 2, two decades in the making of this machine. 1. I felt cold. Suddenly everything became so bright. The darkness was filled with bright yellow all around. Then it appeared as blue. It got darker as it moved from blue to orange, then finally came to a hard stop at its final color. It was red. Dark, deep red. It appeared as it was flashing. I opened the capsule latch and there I was, back in the lab. It had worked, yet horror struck me in every bone. I take one step out of the capsule to be greeted with the emergency lights of the lab flashing, protruding a sinister dark red. I knew not what was the issue but as I continued deeper into the lab I noticed it was trashed. I saw a writing on the wall. It appeared to be dripping a lighter color as the lights flashing around me. It was fresh. Whatever happened here, it was not too long ago. There, on the wall it revealed one word. Sorry. There was no answer but as I looked down to try to avoid looking at such a terrible thing I noticed a small piece of paper. As I picked it up I knew what it was immediately. A crumpled up photograph of a small 7 year old child. It was Sammy.

The author's comments:

This is meant to make the reader use their own imagination to decide what follows after the events of this story.

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on Sep. 9 2022 at 7:55 pm
coovejay000 BRONZE, Larksville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i would wish you the best but you already have it" - Blackbear

very crafty i very much enjoyed it well done :)