The Boy in the Window | Teen Ink

The Boy in the Window

September 12, 2022
By yuriguzman230 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
yuriguzman230 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 My dad began to pull into the driveway of our new home excited to see if we liked the new house he picked for our small family.

“How's the new house Eve? I think you will like this one” my dad signed to me.

I stared blankly at him and gave him a nod of approval. This being house number five, I lost any hope of stability by house number three. Having to get up and leave every house we newly moved into because of me evidently bothered my mother, so much that there was clear tension in the car. I couldn’t help being different from those around me, so we moved. Facing constant threats we had to leave because of the harassment I faced on a day-to-day basis. I was hated for what I couldn’t control and feared for what I could see, I was shunned by society and now rejected by my mom. Having a “gift” like mine, at least that’s how dad referred to it, made me an outcast. Deaf and practically mute made everything so much more difficult but that didn’t stop me from having a keen eye for things I could never explain. Waving me back into reality my dad pointed towards the house “we’re here” I thought. A big two-story Victorian style house stood before us. A nice shade of sage green covered the house with just the right amount of white accents, it was perfect. Right besides our new home stood another house, a rundown white schoolhouse. This house stood out among all, something about it other than its shabby state, called towards me. I felt a pull to this house but why? I got out the car still looking at the house besides ours 

“don’t wander off now” signed my dad, noticing my infatuation.

“Let’s go inside, we have lots to do” he signed again.

I entered the home, it was beautiful with stained glass windows and high ceilings all over. My mom entered after me glaring a cold stare at me.

“Can’t you make life any harder?” She signed for me for the first time this whole day.

Before I could respond dad came in and directed me towards the second floor

“Get your mind off things your room is upstairs go unpack” he signaled 

I followed and made my way upstairs leaving them behind. When I got to the second floor a dreadful feeling flooded my body instantly goose bumps covering my body, a shadowy figure appeared at the end of the hall and my heart sank. It was heading towards me and with a blink of an eye it hovered over my body. I shut my eyes pleading for it to go away. A strong ringing ached my mind, unknown thoughts came over me as if someone or something was inside me taking over me. I fell to the ground still facing this shadow with no clear visual, just darkness. I braced myself for whatever came next. In that moment my dad ran in shaking me out of this terrifying daze.

“What’s wrong? What happened!” said my dad frantically 

“I don’t know” I said still in clear shock

I felt paralyzed but I knew if this incident were to be mentioned it would mean moving away once again because these things would follow me around like a plague and cause problems.

“I’m fine, just a bit startled that's all” 

I signed to my dad reassuring him though he wasn't convinced.

“I’m here for you if you need anything, I mean it kiddo” he replied

Still mortified, I forced a smile on my face to prevent any further questions.

 “I’m fine really” I repeated 

“Well come downstairs I ordered your favorite pasta” he signed

I followed him down the stairs, still not ready to face my mothers wrath. We all sat around the only available furniture that we had unpacked, a small dainty coffee table big enough for the three of us.

“Are you satisfied now?” my mom signaled to me 

“Ana please, not now its not her fault” my dad spoke out to her

“No, I'm sick of holding this in. We had a good life till she came in and ruined it. These last sixteen years of enduring and accommodating her every need has been so exhausting all because she can’t fit in and be normal? All because she sees these imaginary things? I’ve had it. I left my old life behind for this it’s unfair” 

Though not being able to hear her voice I felt the hatred and anger she felt towards me and it was killing me inside.

“Ana!” my dad yelled 

“I never asked for this, I never wanted this. I’m sorry that I’ll never fit your standards but you never came close to being a loving and supporting mom towards me” I didn’t hold back

“I never wanted to be the mother of someone like you” 

“How could you-”

Before my dad could finish his sentence I stormed out of there I was never enough.

I locked myself away into the farthest room down the hall forgetting about the incident.I cried for what seemed like forever when I noticed little taps coming from behind one of the boxes. I moved the box using all my body weight to reveal a window and to my surprise a clear view of the white schoolhouse but not only that but a boy on the other side. 

“What’s wrong” he wrote on a paper

“My parents” I wrote back showing it to him

“What about them if you don’t mind me asking” he put

“I just wish they could disappear sometimes” I put

“Interesting” he put on his paper flashing a smile

We talked for hours through our windows with written notes. His name was Axel and seemed very sweet. He made me forget all the bad things from earlier. I didn't feel as alone with him.

The next morning came and what I saw was something I will never forget. Both of my parents, lifeless on the ground in front of my bedroom with a note attached “I made them disappear”

It was Axel at that moment I called the police. Scared and fearing for my life, I waited for help. I explained everything to the police about the notes and Axel. 

Ten years have passed since and I was charged with the murders of my parents. The last thing I saw in that house was the appearance of the shadow figure and the police informing me that Axel had been dead for the last four years. I now sit in a cell looking out of my barred window wondering what I did to deserve this.

The author's comments:

I am a High School student that did this as a assignment for my English teacher.

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