The Winter Cabin | Teen Ink

The Winter Cabin

September 12, 2022
By 8328471267 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
8328471267 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Winter Cabin

Liza, Maddy, and Yaya all met in school. They go to Pasadena Memorial Highschool, and they all play Softball, Liza and Yaya are cousins and grew up together since the day they were born, they were very athletic when they were little and still are to this day. They played all sports like Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Track, Cross Country, and Soccer, but they fell in love with Softball and have been playing ever since. Everyone knows them as the “Athletic Cousins”. They have always had trouble finding friends mainly because they are always closer to each other than anyone else in the group and that somehow always becomes the problem at the end of the day they know they have each other.

Liza is the oldest cousin and the oldest friend in the group, so she is always keeping her friends in line, making sure that they’re not putting themselves in a situation that they shouldn't be in, and constantly pushing them to do the right thing, she's basically like the mom of the group. Liza's relationship with her dad has always been rocky, she has always been closer to her mother mainly because she grew up in a toxic household because of her father so things use to get pretty bad for her and her mom, but they always had each other. All of this will make sense further into the story. Yaya is the second oldest in the group. She is the funny one that is always laughing at everything and always making not-so-good decisions. She is always dawdling with her time but at the end of the day, she always has liza by her side to put her back in her place and keep her on track. Yaya is known to be the cousin in the family with lots of siblings, she has two older sisters, Kayla is nineteen, Jackie is 18, then she also has two brothers Chino is 17 and baby hector is 11. So that leaves Yaya to be the middle child and everyone knows how it is for the middle child. She never really gets attention from either parent which causes her to struggle mentally and causes her to always have a negative state of mind with most things. She has a love-hate relationship with her father, when she was little she and her dad was supper close, where you saw her dad you saw Yaya's little body walking right behind him, but as she grew up they slowly departed which is when yayas capricious moods and bipolar disorder started and has gotten worse as her and her father grew apart, even more, the older she got. Yaya's relationship with her mother is not very good either, they are always bumping heads and just always in a bad mood when near each other, so growing up all Yaya really had was softball and Liza, but she knew without those things she would be alone. Maddy is the youngest one in the group. She's basically like the little sister of the group and she's closer to Yaya than she is to liza, so she does everything that Yaya does and follows her which causes her to make, not the best decisions ever but that doesn't change how close they all really are. Maddy has also always played softball but never with Yaya and liza, she was also a very athletic person and played all the sports that the cousins played. Maddy's relationship with her dad has always been good, she's always been daddy's little girl mainly because they were both really into sports. Maddy and her dad would always be together either because they were training or practicing and Maddy loved spending time with her dad. Maddy is also very close to her whole family they are like the perfect families that you see in movies that you wish you were a part of, so of course, growing up Maddy was always surrounded by love and Maddy knew her family would go to hell and back for her. Now Alvin is Maddy's dad, the dad they never had, he is benin and loves that the girls trust him with their lives and to be the one to watch over them. He protects Maddy, Liza, and Yaya with his life and he doesn't treat one better than the other, he treats them all the same with respect and love.

It was the year 2021, and softball season had just started, Yaya and liza had never met Maddy but soon they would. The day of tryouts came around and that was the first time that Yaya and liza had seen Maddy, their first impression wasn't so great, she was struggling at tryouts so that's kind of when they started to not really pay attention to her. Then fall ball came around and that's when Maddy really started to shine and she started doing really good on the field which is when all the girls talked for the very first time and they all instantly clicked, it was like a friendship match made in heaven, and ever since then, they have not left each other side. Fast forward to the next year and fall ball came back around, it was the 2022 Softball season, and this year the coaches had something a little different in mind, they announced to the girls that they would be taking them to the very cold colorado to play their fall season!  The girls were supper excited and couldn't wait to get going on this trip, but little did Maddy and liza know that Yaya had something crazy in mind. The day to leave for colorado came and the girls all sat on the same row on the cold banal plane, They landed and got their belongings, the team then met up to go on a bus to drive to where they would be staying and when they arrived they saw rows of cabins and Yaya instantly knew her plan, she was so mad and angry with her best friends that she was planning on killing them. She and the girls planned to sneak out at night and go into the mountains which is when Yaya would strict and kill them. Night time rolled around and this is when Yaya took Maddy and liza to the cabin she went right for the kill and tried to kill Maddy but Maddy pushed her off before she could do anything, the whole time Alvin was back at the cabins and found out that the girls had snook out so he went to go look for them, meanwhile Yaya had liza and Maddy tied up torturing them ready to kill them when Alvin BANGS through the door and chicken Yaya to where she can barely breathe. He then grabs liza and Yaya to untie and help them up and make sure they were okay. Alvin then went back to Yaya and grabbed the ropes that Yaya had the girls tied up with and tied Yaya threw her outside in for her to die.  

The author's comments:

This article is bout a trio friend group that plans on going to colorado to play softball together, but little do they know that one of the friends is jealous and is planning on killing them both in the cold colorado mountains. 

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