My Next Door Neighbor | Teen Ink

My Next Door Neighbor

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

I never trusted my neighbor, Mr.Castro.Even though he was kind, sweet, and always in a good mood every day. His energy made me uncomfortable. His house was full of plants due to his love for gardening, and each window was blocked with long black curtains. I would always tell my mom that he was weird, but she never listened. Nobody believes me anymore. Mr.Castro would make me anxious and frequently have a nightmare about him.

 I would always tell my mom to not get near him at all.

All she would say was “Don't worry about him dear” as she gave me my last dose of pills.

She already fell for his kind act. I need evidence for them to believe me but how? I've spent nights gathering evidence and planning for this moment. Today was the day. I will make everyone believe me. I had lack of sleep for many nights staying up. My mom would get worried frequently.

“Don’t forget to eat and take your medicine, dear” she would say

“I know mom” was all I said back as I kicked an empty bottle away from me

Earlier today I noticed he had a big shovel and bags of dirt. Why did he have these things?

Is it for him to bury evidence? Bury a body? If it's a body whose body? So many questions wondering in my head, as I snuck out of my house to go to Mr. Castro's house. Today I will prove everyone wrong. I wandered the empty streets that were when I saw it. His house is a regular modern house, similar to mine, including most of the houses in the neighborhood. I hide in his bush as I figured out a way to get through his backyard. As I figure it out the backyard door swung open, and loud steps were heard behind the door.

“If I get caught it's over,” I thought to myself. 

That was when I saw Mr.Castro dragging a large heavy black bag. What was inside it? A body? Who’s body is inside the bag?`As I asked myself these questions, I took the opportunity to go through the backyard door. I noticed his backyard was similar to my backyard. As I looked around, I noticed the shovel and dirt he had brought earlier today next to a big hole.


I saw his back door to get inside his house. The door led to the inside of his kitchen as I looked around. The kitchen seems like any modern kitchen the only thing that seemed out of place was the basement door. A large wooden door stands in front of me. I grabbed a meat chopper, just in case, anything goes wrong. Slowly I pushed the door open. A loud creak was heard. Stepping down each step of the stairs

Thump Thump

Loud steps followed behind me as I got to the bottom, I saw many bones, weapons, and rooms..many rooms.

“Hello, Is anyone here?” I said as I slowly walked through the long narrow hallways. Each room was empty until I had gone further deep. I heard crying from the last room in the hallway.

“Help me” I heard

“You don’t have much time,” the person said 

“It’s okay, I'm here to help you!”

“He's here, “ they said

I turned around and saw Mr.Castro standing across from me, staring into my soul.

Mr.Castro says “Time for you to go, Zander”

He screams “WAKE UP!”

As the person in the cell screams.

I woke up. A nurse was standing next to me.

  “Where am I?” 

“What happened?” I asked

I turned to the nurse who ignored me. All of a sudden I heard the same scream I heard from the person who was in the cell. The nurse ran out to check what was going on. As she left, she left a file of something.

“What is this?” I thought to myself

The file said “Zander Rey- Psychward-Charged for the murder of his neighbor Mr.Castro.

The author's comments:

Highlight wouldn't paste into the text.

Story is a boy who sufferers from mental illness and hallucinates situation without his medication he does thinks without thinking.

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