Tea Party | Teen Ink

Tea Party

September 12, 2022
By zuemyleal BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
zuemyleal BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Would you like some tea?” Lily says holding the teapot showing it off to her friends. Shaking their heads, yes Lily starts pouring them their tea. Joline stood near the living room door looking at her daughter with a faint smile on her face. “Who are you talking to my dear?” “My friends momma they wanted to have a tea party with me!” Lily said excited like a kid in a candy store. Joline smiled and walked off at the sound of the doorbell ringing. As she opened the door, she saw Lily's babysitter Gwen who was staying for the evening to watch over her while she left to run some errands. “Hi, miss Gomez, how are you?” “I’m great Gwen I am in a rush, so I have to go I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Joline walks away to the car and Gwen just nods, closing the door.

Walking into the living room she sees Lily dancing just as she would with a person but there was no one there. Gwen strangely looked at the girl who seemed to have the time of her life dancing to old songs coming out the radio. “Can I dance with you lily?” Lily turns her head and shakes her head and laughs “can’t you see I’m dancing with Alex and later violet wants to dance.” Gwen awkwardly laughs and just thinks to herself that her so-called dancing partners were just imaginary friends.

The tv randomly turns on which startles both the girls as it was just overly loud. “Child killer on the loose please keep your kids safe and look over them.” Both Gwen and Lily look at each other somewhat scared at the news of a killer and just at the random tv turning on. The doorbell rings and Gwen dawdles her way to the door looking through the peephole and sighing. “Stay in the Living room and don’t come out just in case something happens,” Gwen said in an austere tone. She unlocks the door and opens it to reveal two cops who looked around the neighborhood from the doorstep. The sound of the door opening pulls them out of their trance. “Hello there, we’re here just asking questions about the missing children we just wanted to ask if you or anyone in the house knew anything.” Tiny footsteps were heard, and Lily approached the door with a face full of curiosity. “Hello little girl do you know any of these kids?” the guy officer says while pulling out a couple of photos of children from what seemed to be taken out of the yearbook of the kid’s schools. Lily looked at the photos as if she knew the kids but somehow, they were still unknown to her. It was as if she had seen them or even talked to them, but she knew she wasn’t  friends with any of those people or even seen them in real life. Lily was about to speak when the sound of a car ascending up the driveway. Joline gets out of the car with an angry look as if she was re from angry birds. “ What do you think you are doing interrogating my child as if she was a criminal.” “I'm sorry our intentions were solely benign, we were just looking for clues on the child killer.'' At the words child killer Joline went from possessive to extreme anger. “ Get out of my house we don't know anything of a stupid child killer!” the cops nodded and left with a weird feeling of suspicion. Joline turns to gwen and it's like she had seen god itself and smiled. “ Thank you for everything you can leave now Gwen” Gwen, not wanting to push any buttons, smiled, got her stuff and left as quickly as she could. 

Closing the door Joline looks at Lily, “ we have to go pack your stuff go hurry.” Lily, not wanting to anger her mother, left to her room to see her friends looking at her. “You can't go with her, she's not who she wants you to believe she is,” Alex said. Next to him was Xavier who just stared at her with a look of worry. “She's my momma, she's not a bad person why are you saying that?” Joline bursts through the door with a suitcase in hand “ stop talking to your stupid friends come on hurry.” The sound of sirens stops her from saying anything else as she widens her eyes. She looks at Lily and just starts running out of the house but she was too late. There were police cars everywhere. There was nowhere to go and Joline knew that so with a defeated look she grinned an awful grin that made you want to look away. A police men approached her carefully before quickly cuffing her, “ your'e under arrest for the murder of the missing El Paso kids.” “I just wanted my daughter to have friends like she always wanted!” Lily heard her mom say as she stood near the front door scared to death. “Where is she going? What's happening?” Lily was pulled back to the living room by the cops to try to calm her down but it just made it worse. At the sight of her so called friends who looked awfully familiar to her now drinking their tea,

 “ Come join us Lily for some tea.”

The author's comments:

this piece is inspired on my favorite movie Coroline.

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