The Man In The Attic | Teen Ink

The Man In The Attic

September 12, 2022
By dorimarquez101 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
dorimarquez101 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      “Finally, I live by myself.” or so I thought. When I turned 21, I saved up enough money to purchase my first house. Finally, away from my parents and my extremely annoying siblings. I finally had my freedom; no more parents trying to control me and tell me what I can and can’t do. My first day moving into my new house was like any other day. I spent all day unloading boxes and moving all my furniture in and organizing everything to the way I like it. Moving everything into my first house by myself has made me learn how to be independent and, how to learn to fend for myself. I remember being young and never thinking that the day would come where I would finally move out and live by myself, but alas the day has come. After a long day of unpacking and moving the sun starts to set, it is finally night. A long day of moving has made me exhausted. I climb into my freshly made bed, and I drift off into slumber. I wake up the next morning and my first thought as always was to check my phone for any texts or calls. As I’m on my phone I remember that I took pictures of my new home and forgot to send them to my parents. I open my camera roll and as I’m looking at my photos, I notice a photo in there that I’ve never seen before, nor did I take. I click on the photo and my heart stops and my eyes widened. I take a long pause and examine the photo. It was a picture of me sleeping from the previous night taken by someone else. “I live alone” I thought to myself. The thought of the photo terrified me. “Where did this photo come from?” “Who took this photo?” questions that were lingering in the back of my head. I try to put the thought of the photo aside and not think to much about it and go on with my day still extremely shaken up and confused. “How did that photo get taken?” the question still lingering in the back of my head. I had moved to a new town, so I had yet to explore it. I had finished unpacking everything yesterday, so I thought id take today to go explore the town and see what there was to do around here. During my exploration of the new town, I found a mall that I could go to occasionally, to get some shopping done whenever I had some free time. I also found a movie theatre and a few other cool places that I could visit soon. New town means new job opportunities, so I made sure to keep an eye out for any places I saw nearby that were hiring. After a long day of exploring the town, I was exhausted, so as soon as I got home, I got ready for bed, and I fell asleep. When I wake up the next morning, I check my phone per usual, but out of curiosity I go and I check my camera roll. Again, a new photo. Frightened yet again, still questioning how these photos are being taken and who is taking them, I try to not think about it to much again and move on with my day. I got out of bed, and I went to go eat breakfast, because I was hungry. After breakfast I get into my car, and I drive to the store to get some more groceries because I had taken some things from home when I moved but I didn’t have very much. While at the store I also found some unique home decorations to spice up my new house some more. After I leave the grocery store, I run a few more quick errands and go to a couple stores to see if I can find anything worth buying. After I’m done shopping I drive home, because I got everything that I needed. When I get home, I lay down and relax a little bit and manage to get some cleaning done. As the sun sets and I’m getting ready for bed I have this interesting idea in order to try to see if I can catch whoever has been taking pictures of me while I’m sleeping. Before I go to sleep, I decide to turn on my live photo on my camera, so whenever the person takes the photo, it will show their face and I can catch them, so I turn my live photo on, and I go to sleep for the night. When I wake up, I immediately grab my phone and check my camera roll for any new photos taken of me sleeping, and surely enough there was another photo taken of me while I was sleeping. Now it was time to see if my plan had worked or not, I click on the photo and hold it down. The photo starts to play, and my face instantly freezes. The live photo reveals the person who has been taking photos of me while I was sleeping. The photo reveals a creepy looking homeless man. I throw my phone across the room, and I run to my bed and freeze in fear not knowing what to do next. “How long has this man been I’m my house” I wonder “What is he doing in here” multiple questions running through my brain as I try to process what I just saw. “There is a creepy man living in your house taking pictures of you sleeping” I thought. I’m sitting on my bed breathing heavily completely freaked out trying to calm down and figure out what to do next. When I manage to take some breaths and calm myself down enough and gain my courage back, I run off my bed and grab my phone quicky and run out of my house as fast as I can. When I get outside, I immediately call the police and explain to them what has happened, and they send someone over immediately. When they arrive at my house, I show them the photos and the one live photo of the creepy man, and they rush into the house in search of the old man. After they thoroughly search my house 2 of the police walk out of my house with the creepy man from the photo in hand cuffs, a feeling a relief washes over my body knowing that the guy was caught and will no longer be a bother to me. Apparently, he had gotten into the attic before I moved in and had been living up there and taking pictures of me sleeping when I moved in. I was just happy to know I wouldn’t wake up to creepy photos of me sleeping in my camera roll anymore, also knowing that there isn’t a creepy man watching me while I sleep anymore was a big relief. Living by myself has definitely had its perks but its also has been a very scary and terrifying situation and has not at all been all that I thought that it would be.

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