Why Thomas | Teen Ink

Why Thomas

September 12, 2022
By JeremiahBeverley BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
JeremiahBeverley BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why Thomas

Sweet, gentle, loving, and caring was how the newspaper described Thomas the morning after his death. Thomas was found dead in the master bedroom the day before by his wife after she came back from a business trip from London. The wife came home to a gruesome scene. Thomas was found stabbed 7 times in the chest with the murder weapon not found. Detective Brooks arrives at the home of the newly widowed Elise for the first time to find Devin who is Elise’s brother and Carmelo who was Thomas’ best friend for 7 years all the way up until his death. Brooks decides to not dawdle around and gets to work, one by one he will bring them into the room where Thomas was murdered. The first person Detective Brooks takes to the room is Elise, as Brooks is leading Elise to the room she has an expressionless look on her face as if she's giving up on life. As they enter the room Brooks can't help but notice that as soon as Elise enters the room her eyes stay fixed on the chair in the corner of the room. Concerned Detective Brooks asks if she's okay. Elise says that Thomas would always sit there and that's where she would come to find him laying there all the time only this time he wasn't breathing. Detective Brooks asks her how she came to find his body that day. Elise starts to explain that when she came home from her trip that she went straight to the kitchen to make herself something to eat since she had just gotten off a 7-hour flight from London. She says that after she was finished eating she walked to the bedroom to take a shower and when she entered she saw Thomas’ lifeless body in the chair in the corner of the room and her face changed capriciously. She said that she thought her first initial reaction would be to scream but she said when she saw him she just looked and stared with a million thoughts going through her head then she snapped back to reality and ran to Thomas’ side and started sobbing. After a couple of minutes of mindless crying, she ran to her phone and dialed 911 and within a couple of minutes the police and paramedics made it to the home and lifted the lifeless body into the back of the ambulance, and drove off. Detective Brooks asks Elise if she knows why someone would do this to Thomas. No, she says everybody loved Thomas only a sick monster would do that to someone as sweet as him. Brooks then ask if she and Thomas had ever gotten into any fights or arguments before. Yes, she said but only a few as Thomas wasn't the type of person to argue back. Why would you even ask that she says are you trying to defame me by saying I had something to do with this she exclaimed. Brooks apologizes and states that he's just doing the job he was paid to do. After that, he tells Elise that she can leave and ask her to tell Carmelo that he would like to speak to him now. A few minutes later Carmelo walks into the room and sits quietly on the bed. Detective Brooks asks Carmelo if he knew why someone would ever hurt Thomas. Carmelo says there was no one that disliked Thomas and that even if people were to talk about him behind his back it would be about how nice he was to everyone family or not. Brooks then asks why Thomas was so nice to everyone he met. Carmelo replied and said that he had no reason to be nice it was just who he was. Brooks asks if he and Thomas had ever gotten into any fights or altercations during their friendship. Carmelo says that he and Thomas never argued as they often saw things from the same point of view and never disagreed on anything. Detective Brooks then tells Carmelo he can go and tells him to bring Devin into the room. A few minutes go by and Devin walks into the room with a scared look on his face. Concerned Detective Brooks asks what the problem is. Devin asks if Brooks has ever been to this home before. Brooks says no I haven't why do you ask.. Devin then says then how did you know where the room Thomas was murdered at. I don't know what your talking about Brooks says. Well answer me how did you know where to lead Elise to then Devin says. Startled Brooks tells Devin he can leave now. Devin walks out and Brooks takes a breath of fresh air and sits down in the chair in the corner of the room. As Brooks sits down he lets out a sigh of relief as he was almost caught. Brooks, a private detective hired to find out who murdered the man he killed just a few days earlier.

The author's comments:

Writer from Houston, Texas

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