The Doll | Teen Ink

The Doll

September 12, 2022
By MathewB12 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
MathewB12 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago a doll was given to a family as a gift. It was a 4 foot tall doll that looked like a little

girl with a white dress, red hair, and blood red lips. The doll ended up being given to the little 

girl of the family . This doll was passed down through generations, each time the owner went 

Missing and the only thing that was ever left was Lezabel the 4 foot dressed in white doll.

Alex walks into the attic, curious, looking for something, anything to keep her company on a boring Tuesday after a long day at school. She moves a couple of boxes around. Then she finds a large wooden box, in the middle of the box in gold plated lettering it reads “ Lezabell the Doll” she tries her best to open the box but can't even nudge it. She shouts “ Nathaniel get up here.” Nathaniel walks into the attic moments later “What do you want?” he says annoyed. Alex walks him to the box that held the doll “This, open it for me please” Alex says pleadingly. Nathaniel groans in annoyance, he grabs a hold of the handle on the box, he opens it first try as the room is filled with dust and old wood smell from the box being opened. “ You wanted me to open this box for a dumb doll.” says Nathaniel. Alex glares at him “Why do we even have this thing up here anyways, why do we even have it at all.” says Nathaniel curiously . Alex looks at the doll and says “ Your guess is as good as mine right now Nathaniel. It said on the gold plat its name, Lezabell , weird name for a doll don't you think.” Nathaniel looks at the doll one last time and says “ looks like it would attack me if I was mean to it. ” Alex laughs, agreeing with Nathaniel “ Lets go ask mom and dad about it, maybe they know something about it.” says Alex, Nathaniel shaking his head in agreement. Nathaniel carries the doll like it was a child, they walk to their parents and put the doll in front of them “why did we have this in the attic” Alex says in a demanding voice. “ Oh no they found the dumb thing ” Says Alex’s Mom. Dad responds with “ Well it was your Aunts before she went missing the only thing that was left from her was that doll, we took it in and put it in the attic after she was gone.” Alex says “ Can I keep it, it's bizarre though but looks cool all at once.” the dad shakes his head yes. Nathaniel helps Alex put it in her room. “ Where do you want me to put it?” asks Nathaniel, Alex points to the empty spot next to her closet. Nathaniel puts the doll down in the empty spot and walks out the room. “ Thanks Nathaniel,” Alex says as he walks off.

Alex sleeps through most of the day only to be awoken by her middle brother David and her dog Bo “ Wake up mom and dad are taking us to go eat something.” David softly says to Alex. Alex groans and says “ Ok I guess just let me get up.” The family leaves the house, leaving the dog at home. The family gets home and Alex rushes to her room so she can finally finish the sleep she was enjoying before they left. As she gets in bed she notices the doll is gone “ NATHANIEL DID YOU TAKE THE DOLL FROM MY ROOM!!!.” she shouts, Nathaniel walks to her room and says “ No why in God's name would i take that freaky doll.” Alex looks around. “ Well it was right there when we left.” she says angrily. As she says that a loud piercing scream is heard, both rush to the location of the scream. When the duo got there they saw the mom run out of her room saying “ The Doll it attacked me, it tried to choke me.” The 2 rushed into the room with no fear and there it was Lizabell, the doll facing the door on the edge of the bed swinging her legs with a plain face. Both run out with pure fear and shock in their eyes. They run outside where their dad was and look for him once they found him Alex shouts at him telling him what happened. The 3 rush inside as the mom is nowhere to be found. The dad and the 2 follow into the room “ The doll it's gone.. Where did it go?” says Alex in a panic. Then all at one moment the doll slices the dad's legs, the dad exacerbated with his wounds falls to the ground. Nathaniel rushes the doll and grabs it and as he grabs it the doll slashes the side of his face. Nathaniel drops the doll and covers his face trying to stop blood spewing everywhere. Then as he is ready to attack the doll he feels a cold yet sharp pain in his stomach he immediately touches the area to see what happens he pulls his fingers to his eyes and sees blood. All of a sudden he feels weak and falls to the ground face first. Then he feels it again but in his lower back, the same cold but sharp pain then he feels it again, and again, and again. Alex, witnessing this, shouts at the doll “ LEZABELL STOP IT PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM.” The doll stops and stares at Alex with pure evil; she pulls the knife away from Nathaniel's still body with blood still dripping with it.

“NO ONE WILL CALL ME THAT NAME AGAIN!!!” The doll pounces on Alex like a panther but Alex dodges the doll. Then David and Bo walk in “ WHAT HAPPEND!!” shouts David in pure fear. Alex assertively then shouts at David “ RUN GET HELP, GET OUT OF HERE DON'T GET HURT.” David runs out the house. Alex grabs a frying pan and throws it at the doll. The doll gets its face hit by it. The doll jumps on Alex’s face and starts slicing it. She falls back and as she falls back she sees Bo starts chewing on the doll. Alex finds the strength to get up and sees the doll torn to pieces. “ Thank you Bo.” She goes in for a hug but Bo moves away and starts walking towards the front door. She glances at him and notices that he has pure black eyes and a foaming mouth. As he walks out he turns around he almost makes a smile, Bo runs off.

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I play Football

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