Twelve Seconds | Teen Ink

Twelve Seconds

September 12, 2022
By genguerra21 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
genguerra21 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Going on annual trips or even just camping with friends as teenagers would seem like a weekend full of excitement and emotions.  
Every year Luke goes boating anywhere he likes to do something adventurous, so Luke’s dad told his son to invite his friends on a camping trip. Luke knew he was going to have so much fun because his friends are humorous. Once Luke told four other guys, they were stoked and ready to plan activities. Meanwhile, Anthony the “scary cat” as his friends call him, was not thrilled to go camping with Luke because he does not like being outdoors like the other boys. Josh, who was delighted to go, convinced Anthony that he was still going to have a good time exploring new things. Josh is brothers with John, and they were both also invited to go on the camping trip. 
Furthermore, it was the day to leave, and all the boys were ready to go by 6 o’clock in the morning. All the boys, including Anthony, met at Luke’s beach house with their food and towels packed. Anthony was feeling nervous because he tends to always feel seasick, but he knew that Luke piloted his boat before, which he had learned from his wise father. Moreover, after leaving Luke’s house on the shore and boating for three hours, Luke decided to take a different route than planned. Dylan, the autonomous friend in the group, noticed after staring into the top of the big blue ocean, that more fish started to appear. The fish throughout the ride started to look capricious. Luke became tired from piloting the boat for so long, so he stopped at an island he had never seen before. After getting off the boat, the boys saw no one as a source of destination, and Anthony became furious. Anthony got mad at Luke for taking the boys into the middle of nowhere with no human beings. John tried to plan a hike so that Anthony could cheer up, but Anthony turned him down. He was feeling blue and has always tended to stress- eat, therefore he ate a sandwich his mother made for him to allow himself to feel better.  
After a couple of minutes go by, Josh had a great idea to go swimming in the ocean. All the boys joined him to swim in the salty water. They were rolling in the sand, jumping the waves, and playing football on the beach. “Splash, splash, splash.” To dry off, the boys wanted to find amusement by wandering around the island. Dylan saw iguanas and many fish after the boat ride. Anthony saw crabs which made him feel blissful since they are his favorite animal. Josh saw beautiful, bright, blue jade flowers that he had never seen before. He knew his girlfriend loved flowers, so he ripped them off the long, growing stem to surprise her when he got back. 
As they continued to walk around and explore the differences of the island even more, John ran into an unordinary cave that seemed like it led to an umbonal tunnel. He became fascinated, so he shouted out for the rest of the boys. John is an adventurer and he implied for them to go in. However, of course, Anthony was extremely against going inside the cave. He does not think it is safe to go in due to the movies where people get lost in caves. The rest of the boys wanted to go in and see what they could find, with the intention of finding something extravagant. The boys agreed to go in while Anthony said he would stay back and wait for them. 
After fifteen minutes had gone by, the boys beside Anthony were strolling off deeper toward the tunnel. Anthony becomes anxious due to them taking what seemed like years to come out, and he was receiving mosquito bites. He began to constantly shout for them, by saying their names with no response. His biggest fear is being alone, so his anxiety was over the roof. Meanwhile, Luke, Dylan, Josh, and John were sweating due to how hot the tunnel was.

Additionally, Dylan wanted to take a break, so they sat down and hydrated themselves with water jugs they had brought into the cave. Josh was ready to head out when his brother John insisted on exploring for more. John enjoyed hearing the ocean waves, the scent of the salty air, and seeing the darkness but little light of the tunnel. After a few more minutes go by of them sitting down, Anthony catched up to them after running for a while, gasping for air. They were not surprised to see him since his fear is obviously well known. As Anthony begged them to go back and leave the tunnel, John promised the boys after he saw something fascinating, they could then head back.  
Then, John photographed stalagmites on his disposable camera and was ready to go. Dylan was leading the boys out but suddenly, Luke noticed that they were not getting out the same way they came in by the different shapes of rocks they had currently passed. In that same moment, all the boys became worried. They kept walking and walking but could not find an exit. 
After a while of being lost in the cave goes by, Luke shared an idea to start removing the rocks in a certain part of the cave and dig. Once Luke said that, Anthony bursted out to tears, “waah, waah, waah.” This did not help the boys at all, in fact this freaked them out even more. Josh told him to sit and calm down as they continued to dig rocks.  
Afterall, Luke’s plan did not work as he thought it would, and they were still scared and stuck in the tunnel, so they decided to walk even further and hoped they could make it out. Dylan had to face the thoughts in his head, he believed he would be stuck in the cave forever and never see his family again. Luke was hoping they would all make it out alive.  
Consequently, after spending more time dreadfully walking, the splashing of the waves grew louder. All the boys felt a feeling of hope stronger than they have felt before. They walked closer to the sound as it became louder. Luke was the leader in the direction they were walking; he was very brave. And there it was, a stream in the tunnel. They all began to think alike, and without saying a word, they jumped in the stream that led to the ocean one by one to swim to shore.  Dylan jumped in first then Luke. Josh told John “See you on the other side”, right after John jumped, and just after that Anthony took one deep breath and jumped with no fear. The swim was no longer than twelve seconds, but it was not an easy swim. These twelve seconds felt like the longest seconds to the boys. As they came up panting, they never felt so blessed to see sunlight again.  

The author's comments:

I am an 11th grader at Pasadena Memorial and am currently taking English 3. My story is about a group of teenage boys going camping, but they got into an incident and became a day boat trip. 

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