The Rise of Death | Teen Ink

The Rise of Death

September 12, 2022
By rm060806 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
rm060806 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Rise Of Death

That Morning to Carter had an extremely troubling feeling in his gut but that would be the last thing Carter would worry about that Christmas morning. The smell of egg nog and frying bacon filled his nostrils. The excitement of it being Christmas morning built up in his mind you would think he was a little kid, he practically broke down his door trying to race downstairs. He vigorously ate his cinnamon toast crunch whilst he peered at the illuminating tree.  His wife, and him sat there eager to open the gifts. He seemed so excited and opened a present containing two dolls he curiously stared for a moment, before shrugging them off. He opened the rest of his presents and was very content with what he got.

 He got up and hugged his wife, before she went off to her parents house for the rest of the weekend. He began to clean up the mess when he saw the dolls again. It jumped into his mind again curiosity waved over him. He pulled out his laptop from the garage and started to research ebay to see if maybe they were limited edition or worth any money.

 He couldn’t find anything, after scrolling through google for a while he was about to put it down when a link caught his attention “possessed cambodian dolls disappear from museum”.  He thought his wife had gotten him replicas, but something didn’t seem right; they seemed so esoteric they had to be real. He looked for videos and a CCTV camera popped up and showed the dolls attacking a new yorker a few weeks ago. It had to be fake, he thought, or was it real. He didn't want to take any chances,so he decided to dispose of them somehow. He took them outside and placed them on his neighbor's tree Hoping a dog would eat them or something. 

He went inside to lay down and watch some football to relax for the day it was christmas. He dozed off for a moment. When he woke up the game was over and it was dark outside. He went to take the trash out, and do some of his chores. That wave of curiosity came back, before he knew it he was over peering at his neighbors tree and the dolls were gone. Carter thought he would be relieved from this information, but he had an uneasy feeling in his gut. He started making his way inside, but found himself peering over his shoulder a few times. 

When he finally got into the house he saw water on the floor. Had he spilled something he thought, but he shrugged it off maybe he was half asleep and bumped something. He walked to the kitchen to get some water, but something caught his eye, a sliver of light showing from the refrigerator. It was open now he knew something was off. A sharp pain shocked him. He looked down and a tac was lodged in his foot. His austere beliefs kept him from believing that the dolls were actually alive. After he dislodged the tac from his foot he decided to collect his thoughts on the catch in the living room. The breath was ejected from his lungs as he felt an extension cord closing around his neck at this point he is like what in the actual f*ck is going on. He turns his head to the dark abyss expecting a person to be there little does he know the doll ស្រមោល is behind him going absolutely on the cord making it extremely hard for carter to breath nor move, until Carter got a hold of the cord and pulled it hard then ស្រមោល ascended up the back of the couch and flew into the Tv. He picked both the dolls up and they didn’t even retaliate. He put them in the garage. He went to his kitchen to check himself for any other injuries but he was clean.

He had no internet or power to call anyone so he had to resort to dealing with it himself. 

He grabbed his trash lid and a broom to go after them but when he got there all he saw was them roaming around no aggression. He was puzzled. As time went on they became less and less animated; he just sat there looking at them. He tried to make sense of the situation but nothing seemed to be anymore clear. Midnight struck and he saw a white mist escape their bodies and they slumped over. A loud noise came from the mist as it flew into the air. Had it been their souls or had they been possessed he was perplexed. 

He never could figure out this peculiar day. 

The author's comments:

Mystery about Cambodian dolls.

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