Psychotic thoughts | Teen Ink

Psychotic thoughts

September 13, 2022
By Aledezma06 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Aledezma06 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Psychotic thoughts

Erica walks in this nice, beautiful, white two-story house. Walking up the stairs not even wanting to notice her mother. “Hey honey, how was school!” her mother said joyfully, Erica walked up the stairs in silence, no emotion nor feeling on her face, she just kept walking. “You alright honey?” her mother asked in concern. “Uh, yeah I’m fine.” Erica replied as she slightly turned to her mother and lightly smiled, then proceeded to go to her room and slammed the door, walking into a bright heaven like room. She throws her backpack on the bed. Tears start forming in her eyes, “why would he do this to me?” she whispered, her voice cracked, feeling her heart shattering into a million of pieces from her now ex-boyfriend as he still roams the earth freely and happy. Erica’s mother overhears her from the other side of the door, feeling confused she knocks “Erica honey, is everything okay?”, no answer just silence; her mother knocks again calling out her name and still no answer. Her mother begins to worry as she is trying to open the door but is stopped by the locked door handle. Ignoring her mother, Erica sits on her bed looking at the pictures and memories of her and her lying, backstabbing, cheating ex- boyfriend. Her mind begins gathering billions of thought and emotions. Feeling alone and depressed from a relationship of 3 years she hoped to be forever became just a fantasy she always wanted to come true just like every other ordinary teenage girl. “All those years, and I really thought he loved me.” She cried as she deleted each picture on her phone trying to erase him from her life, but the memories still stayed buried deep inside her mind. She walked over to the bathroom, took a glimpse in the mirror to see dark black lines of mascara down her face as if her face was melting like the villains you see in cartoon princess movies. Seeing herself made her cry even harder thinking of how ugly she looked. She opens a drawer beside her and notices a large sharp blade, she pulls it out of the drawer admiring of how sharp it was. Erica’s staring as if she spaced out but that wasn’t the case, her mind became much darker and empty, everything inside her turned cold and black. Her mind creating a hallucination, as she starts gazing a little more into the blade. Tuning out the noises, hearing her mom still trying to get ahold of her starts fading away slowly. Her mind and intentions took a turn, seeking evil and revenge towards the one she still loves dearly. Feeling angry, she needed payback for what he did to her, her broken heart turned cold like ice. The thoughts turned into voices getting louder, more aggressive as if it was a completely different person, a monster took over her mind. Erica jumps out the window, sprinting to her ex- boyfriend’s house. She approaches his house silently making her way inside; seeing pitch black like she was in a different dimension of pure darkness. Alone was a white door with lights coming from the cracks of the door. Erica walks towards the door opening the door to see a bedroom, his bedroom with him sitting on the bed staring at her as if he was waiting upon her arrival. Erica was left in shock “was he waiting for me the whole time?” she thought to herself. “What do you want Erica.” Her ex- boyfriend said angrily, “why did you hurt me, after all those years, I loved you and treated you well and this is how u repaid me.” She sobbed “honestly I did love you until I met Sarah, she was just better and more of what I wanted” he explained as if he didn’t care. Her tears stopped, and the angry began to rise. She walked over and pulled out the blade she had in her pocket, cutting his throat was like spreading butter on a piece of bread. She is watching all his mistakes and heartless actions in red gushing out from his neck, she ripped his heart out from his chest and tearing it apart. Hearing his last breath slightly fading away; she looked at her hands to see monster like claws covered blood. Erica’s angry formed into little giggles, she was laughing with tears running down her cheeks. “You broke my heart, so I broke yours” she said in a deep raspy voice. As reality came back, the voice of her mother became clearer as she stood there still looking at the blade. She looked in the mirror now had dried up mascara down her face. The reflection smirked at erica as she smiled back at her monster like reflection. She walked out the bathroom after cleaning herself up and opens the door. “Honey, I was calling you, you wouldn’t open the door! Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital, what happened!!!!” her asking a billion concerning questions. “No mom I told you I’m fine, everything great now” she said joyfully. Her mother with a sigh of relief and gave Erica a hug. “Okay dear, its late and you got school tomorrow, you need to sleep.” Her mother exclaimed. “Yes, mom I love you, goodnight” her mother said the same giving Erica one last hug. Erica with the same smirk as the one in the mirror, she extended her arms out and gave her mom a hug, they both went to their rooms, and both slept peacefully that night

The author's comments:

TW: blood, gore

we were writing short stories in class and i came up with this one 

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