The Thing | Teen Ink

The Thing

September 13, 2022
By Anonymous

  December 24th, it was Christmas eve. It was snowing Christmas lights practically lighting up the night sky. Steve was coming home at 9:00 PM, he entered through the front door. Both his wife and kid greeted him at the entrance. Steve gives a warm smile and slowly let the words out with exhaustion “hey guys, I missed yall too”

  As Steve is changing from his work clothes to his regular clothing from, he goes and spends some time with his son, and played with his son and toys. While playing with his son Steve heard the dog has been barking nonstop, so he gets up to let the dog out in the backyard. Steve looked up at the moon and it was as if the moon looked down on Steve, with the most sinister smile ever. Steve brought the dog back inside and the dog was growling at Steve’s wife and kid, so he puts the dog up in the cage, but he got this sudden feeling in his stomach. It was disturbing…sickening. It was as if his stomach got hit with a wrecking ball. Steve looked at his wife and kid, the feeling only got deeper… Steve’s heart was fast paced like a race.

Steve brushes the feeling off thinking nothing of it. He heads over to his son to help finish his homework, but while helping his son finish his homework that disturbing feeling came back…but worse. Steve wrapped up quickly helping his son and then sent him to shower while following behind. Steve heads to the game room to call his friends for a quick catch up and waits for his wife to finish her things up.

Steve’s wife comes up stairs to the game room where Steve was. While Steve was with his wife, they were spending time together…but there it is again the same disturbing gut-wrenching feeling. She heads to the shower while Steve heads downstairs to make dinner. While Steve is getting dinner started his wife shouts down “honey Ima go shower” Steve replies “okay, dinner will be done in a bit”. As soon as those words left Steve’s mouth he watches as his wife and kid walk in through the front door… only one question on his mind… who was upstairs? The feeling of fear had completely filled his soul. Steve looks at the stairs and sees something creeping up. There it is a unique figure, a dark sinister smiling figure standing at the top of the stairs. “Wait there’s two no… they’re merging” says Steve. The dark sinister figure slowly starts to walk down the stairs tilting its head while keeping his spine-chilling sinister smile. Steve and his real wife and kid were paralyzed with fear but despite everything Steve couldn’t help but feel stupid and dumb for not noticing it sooner that the people Steve came home to wasn’t his real family but it was…it was…it was that thing. Steve knew he couldn’t just stand there in fear, he had to do something. He had to be courageous get his family out of there. Steve got everything near him and threw it at the thing and yelled at his family to run away and call the cops. Steve runs around trying to buy time for his family to run and give the cops an opportunity to arrive as well. Everything Steve was throwing was useless. The thing just kept being unphased by the objects thrown at it. The cops arrived and did a search but found nothing the officer went up to Steve and said in his ear “next time make sure they’re real and not me”. Steve’s heart sank into his chest as he heard these words start to process in his mind. The thing drove off still impersonating an officer. Steve chased after it in a hurry with the intent to free his family from the things evil twisted game. The thing arrived at an old vintage house and walked inside. Steve shortly arrived to where that Thing led him. Steve got nosy and followed it inside and was stunned to see that the thing that was in his house impersonating his family was no where to be found. It was just gone.

The author's comments:

I had fun with this.

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