MARKED | Teen Ink


September 13, 2022
By Gmcgrew1234 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Gmcgrew1234 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The morning of Gezela’s 13th birthday she woke up to a sad town. She went to see what was going on and had seen her boy best friend, Chris, was dead. She felt as if her whole world was falling apart. She couldn’t breathe and didn’t know what to do. While Gezela was standing there she saw something on Chrises neck. Gezela saw vampire marks on his neck.

    Four years have passed since the terrible incident. When Gezela was walking down the road of where Chris used to live, she saw a red paper on the floor. Out of curiosity she picked it up. On the paper it read “Chris, at 6:30pm come to 2764 Stew south if not I’ll kill you.” Gezela froze, she had no idea what to do, so she did the only thing she could think of. She took out her phone and started searching up the address. The address was about 15 hours from her home.  she starts running home to pack so she can solve the mystery of who killed Chris, but without anyone finding out about her big secret.

    Gezela took off to go see if she could stop this maniac from killing anyone else. As the long drive went on, she felt tired, so she took a pitstop at a gas station nearby. As she got out the car and started walking, she tripped. when she had looked up to see who it was who had helped her she saw a tall man. “Omg thanks Mr.?” “Oh, my names simil.” Gezela thanks Simil and continuous her trip into the store. When she gets to her car Simil approaches her and says, “I know this is a weird question but can I come along with you my car just broke down and I have no where else to go.” At first she was certain she would have said no but then she gave it a second thought “umm well I am headed somewhere important but if you want to yeah, I guess that would be fine.” Gezela said kindly to Simil. They drove and drove, but Simil needed to use the restroom, so they stopped at a near by gas station. Whenever Simil was getting out of the car his phone fell out of his pocket and by the time Gezela realized it he had gone into the gas station. A few minutes go by and Simils phone goes off. Gezela picks up the phone and answers it for him. Before she can say a word, a deep voice comes through the phone “have you killed the girl yet.” She hangs up and sits in silence. Simil makes his way back to the car and as he’s walking, she tries to think of what to do. Should she stay or should she drive away? She decides to stay because he knows to much already about her plan. “You ready?” says Simil. Gezela must seem as if nothing happened, so she replies with “yeah let’s go.”

    They finish driving the 15 hours and finally pull up to the address, but it’s no house it’s a bike trail. Gezela doesn’t know if she should go alone or to let Simil come along. But before she can say a word Simil says he will stay behind. Gezela gets out of the car and starts looking around, for what though? She has no idea what she’s looking for exactly. All she knows is Simil might have something to do with all of this. As she is walking Gezela hears a loud pitch scream, so she runs towards it. When she gets to the person theirs no more screaming because they’re dead. She’s terrified because she has no idea what’s going on. Out of nowhere Simil runs up and says, “what’s going on, I heard screaming” “h-how did you hear the scream all the way from the car, its way to far and I could barley hear it and i was nowhere near the car.” Gezela says with fear in her voice. Its silent for a while. Simil laughs “what do you mean? its not that far from here.” They stare at each other again. “You’re lying” Gezela says backing away from Simil, Simils smile fades and becomes serious. “Took you long enough.” Simils says walking closer towards her. “you’re way to gullible. Who lets a total stranger just walk up to there car and “tag along” with them?” “Why are you doing this to innocent people.” Gezela says now with tears. Simil smiles “Well simply because they look to happy, and it disgusts me.” “THAT’S ALL!” Gezela now angry. “YOU KILLED CHRIS BECAUSE HE WAS TOO HAPPY. HE WAS MY BEST FRI-” Simil now rolling his eyes “Blah Blah cry me a river. The only reason I’m going to kill you is because I made a bet I vould kill you under 24 hours without you finding out I was a part of keath? Ken? Or whatever his name is death, but sadly I lost because you found out. What a shame.” Gezelas face goes blank, and she falls to the ground and cries. Simil laughs, He pulls out a knife and runs up to Gezela and stabs her in the back of the heart. She falls face flat to the ground and makes no sound. Simil walks away and says, “well that was easy.” As he’s walking away a rock on the floor starts floating, Simil pauses in confusion. Before he can process the situation, the rock hit him in the face. He hears a voice say “f-for fun? You thought it was a game? YOU KILLED HIM FOR FUN.” It was Gezela. She was using her power she never wanted to come out. She starts laughing slowly and a scary look appears across her face. “I’m going to kill you and take you soul.” “What are you?” Simil says with big eyes. She lifts her hand and pulls him off the floor using her power. He then starts to cough up blood. She uses her power to throw him, then breaks his arms because he uses them to kill people and put vampire marks on them. Gezela takes his soul to us to bring Chris back to life. After simil dies chris is brought back to life. “Gezela? Is that you?” “CHRIS” scream Gezela in a joyful tone. She runs to Chris and hugs him tightly. “What happened and why are you crying? And why are we in the middle of nowhere?” says Chris confused. Gezela laughs “it’s a long story”

    It’s been a year and a half since Chris was brought back to life with simils soul. They were taking a walk to the mail and on the way back Gezela was looking though the mail and saw a mysterious junk mail, so she opened it. “Why did you stop walking?” Chris says to Gezela. “C-Ch-Chris look” When Chris looks at the letter Gezela was reading it read “Its been a while and I’m watching you and your family. I’m coming for my soul and your family -SIMIL.”

The author's comments:

this piece was meant to keep you on your toes with some unexpected events. It was also meant for you to use your imagination. 

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