Not Tonight | Teen Ink

Not Tonight

September 13, 2022
By Anonymous

                                                                 Not Tonight 

Abbi and Mike met while they were both working at a grocery store. One day, Mike asked Abbi if she wanted to go out to dinner sometime, and that’s how their little love story begins. Well, at least that’s what she thought.

After going on a large number of dates. Specifically 10 dates. Abbi felt like she had gotten to know Mike very well. He seemed nice, charming, funny, and a gentleman. All the things a girl could ask for. Although there were some things that just seemed a little off about him.  He would stare at Abbi, but not like the kind of stare like he was admiring her. More like he was scanning for certain characteristics about her. That didn’t stop her from falling in love with him. 

At the end of their 10th date, Mike asked Abbi if she would like to go to his house. After about an hour Abbi had realized how long they had been driving for. Which she thought was weird because Mike had told her that he lived in the area. 

“Hey Mike, I thought you said you lived in the area?”Abbi asked.

“ Don’t worry about it,” Mike said. 

Mike saying that made Abbi a little uneasy, but she shook it off. After approximately an hour and 45 minute drive they arrived at a pretty big house in the middle of nowhere. They walked in the house and instantly the house smelled like lemons and chemicals. The furniture was wrapped with plastic. By this point Abbi is completely creeped out. 

“Hey, are you ok?” asked Mike

“Yes, I’m great.” said Abbi very sarcastically.

Clearly Mike didn’t comprehend that she was being sarcastic. 

  “ Oh okay, I’ll be back. I have to check on a few things.”

As soon as he left she tried to find her phone to call someone to come get her, but then she realized she left it in the car. It was one thing after another, like a scary movie. She looked about the house to find a phone or something that would help her in some way. Nothing. While she was looking in a closet she came across a box marked “ Private stuff.” Abbi being the nosy person she is, opened the box and instantly regretted it. The mysterious box was filled with newspapers about some killer in a bunch of different states and there was a picture of Mike. Well what she thought was Mike. It was him but with a different name “ Jacob Cruz”, and he was wanted for murder of mulitple women in multiple states. Not only were there newspapers about him, there were what looked like millions of papers of missing woman papers. All the women were weirdly similar , brown hair, glasses, and fair skin. Which also matched Abbi. Then she hears from across the house.


Abbi quickly yet quietly put everything back and swiftly made it back to the couch like she’s been there the whole time. As he walks in her heart starts pounding like the beating of a drum. He walked in the living room and was silent.  Abbi knew if she tried to make a run for it, she would be killed. So, she asked where the restroom was so she could try to figure out what to do. She was in the restroom and had no idea what to do. Abbi did have one idea but she wasn’t so sure about it. She finally got enough strength to get out of the restroom and she didn’t know what she was going to do, but she was just going to go for it. All she knew is that the other girls he killed didn’t deserve it and he was going to get away with it without consequences . She got out of the restroom, furious, walking quickly with no thoughts in her head. She saw a metal baseball bat and immediately grabbed it. Abbi made sure “Mike” couldn’t see her and without hesitation; she swung the bat across his face. He fell to the ground. He was as stiff as a board. All Abbi could think was I wasn’t going to be your next victim. Not tonight.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this story because I enjoy murder mysteries.

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