kidnapped | Teen Ink


September 14, 2022
By Anonymous


It’s an awful Sunday morning, my mom died. I don’t know how to cope. My dad has been throwing things out of anger. I miss the bubbly energy around the house, but now home just feels like an empty hole. Nothing is the same anymore. My dad used to be sweet, caring, funny, and loving but now he’s aggressive, irascible, and distant that I’m starting to fear him. Even I feel like I’m changing because I don’t think being happy all the time is right without my mom being here. I don’t like this big change at all.

I don’t know who the man that I live with is. Dad? No, he would never be this invective with me.  I just wanted to make myself a sandwich, but he ended up being at the kitchen and he started to scream to me about the now messy home like I’m some type of maid for him, but I still ended up cleaning because I didn’t want him to be more mad at me. I was never the type to always be in my room but now I feel like I need to. Everything is getting worse.

I want to get out of here, but I’m not 18 yet. For some reason I have been hearing voices outside in our trailer and it’s freaking me out. The pounding and screaming never stops at night. I want to go check it out, but my dad is always by the back door so its impossible.

I went to check out the trailer since my dad was surprising not by the back door and I found very disturbing things. There’s chains stuck to the floor and a very weird smell. It’s making me feel unsettled. I don’t even want to picture my dad as those type of guys but the way he’s been acting lately has me scared that my suspicions are becoming true.

I was watching the news and it covered a missing girl and when my dad heard the tv he came across the room and quickly screamed at me to shut it off. That was weird. Today he’s been very sketchy and it’s the first time I heard voices from the trailer during the day. I need to go check it out again and see what’s been going on because this is a very serious situation.

I started searching more information about the missing girl which her name is Violet Sanchez. She was last seen very close by our small town. Everything is starting to add up. I need to check the trailer as soon as possible or it could get any worse. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking of someone being held hostage in that trailer. I don’t want to believe it’s true, but it can be.

I found her… It was heart breaking. My dad got here as soon as I found her so I quickly got to my room and tried my best to not seem sketchy even though I just saw something I thought I would see in a million years. The news just got back on, and I lowered down the volume and the parents are wishing for their daughter back which I hope with my help they’ll hug again.

I turned “my dad” in and I feel a big relief. Violet is back with her parents, and I feel so much better. Never would I think that the death of my mom would cause the birth of a psychopath. We were just a happy little family with no care in the world. I’m just hoping the girl get the therapy she is very much in need of after such a traumatic incident.

The trial is starting very soon and I’m so nervous that I have butterflies in my stomach. Hopefully everything comes out great and everyone is happy except him. I had a meet up with him and he was furious about me turning him in and almost hit me put the cops grabbed him.

I will be put into a foster home until I turn 18 in a couple of months since I have no family. That psychopath got charged with life without the possibility of parole. I’m happy that Violet got the justice she deserved.

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