The new neighbor | Teen Ink

The new neighbor

September 14, 2022
By Anonymous

Jade is a neighbor that likes to welcome new neighbors. Jade always likes to give to her new neighbors cookies. That day when her new neighbor called Brenda, Jade was going to give cookies to welcome her to come to this town. Jade goes to Brenda's house to give Brenda the cookies that she made for her. Jade knocked on the door, but Brenda did not open the door. Brenda was different, She looks as cold as ice. Brenda had been jealous of Jade because every time she looked at Brenda, She sees Jade talking to the neighbors and giving them cookies. One day Brenda leaves her house and goes to Jade’s house to talk to her, and says….“Hello, I am your new neighbor, Brenda”, Jade opened the door and to talk to Brenda, Brenda talked to jade to know how to communicate to their neighbor and be center of attention, Brenda talked to Jade for a few days. Brenda tries to talk to his neighbors, but Brenda couldn’t talk to no one. Brenda has a secret that no one knows, but Jade had been suspecting about it. Brenda gets and gets more jealous of Jade. Two weeks have passed since Brenda arrived in the town. Brenda invited Jade to her house at night to talk and watch movies. Brenda was making cookies for Jade because She knows how much Jade loves cookies, but one of the cookies has something that is not edible. After a few hours Jade arrived at Brenda's house, Jade knocked on the door and said “Hi Brenda, I am Jade”. Brenda opened the door and said “come in” Those two were talking about the decoration of Brenda’s house. It was a little her decoration, those two were as loud as a parrot. After they done talking about the decoration of Brenda’s house, “ Jade, do you want cookies, I made it for you” said Brenda. “Yes”. Says Jade without suspecting that the cookies had poison. After a few minutes of eating the cookie, Jade started to feel bad, and She said “I am not feeling good, I better go to my house” Jade left the house of Brenda. That night Brenda started to feel anxious about what would happen to her after what she did. It’s been three days since Jades 

hasn’t left his house, and their neighbors were worried. The neighbors call the police telling them that they are worried about her neighbor. After a few hours the policemen arrived at Jade’s house and knocked on the door saying “Open the door, we are the police”, but jade did not open the door. After a few minutes of knocking the door, the policeman used that thing to open the door and when they opened the door, they saw Jade lying on the floor. After a few minutes the policemen were interrogating the neighbors of Jade and inspecting their houses when Brenda saw the policemen interrogating and inspecting the neighbors houses, she started to hide poison that she used to put on the cookie then she started to make a plan for when the policemen interrogate her. After a few minutes the policemen knocked on Brenda’s house, Brenda opened the door and said… “How can I help you”, she was trying to act normal. The policemen ask questions about Jade. “Do you know Jade?” the policemen .
“Yes” said Brenda.
What relation do you have with Jade? Said the policemen.
“She is my neighbor,” said Brenda.
Brenda was answering the questions of the policemen with lies, telling the policemen that, She never talked to her, because She likes to be in solitude, so she had never talked to jade. After the policeman questioned Brenda, they left. Brenda started to pack her things so she could leave by going to another town. It's been a few weeks since that day, Brenda had been in his life like nothing happened.

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