The Boy Who Disappeared | Teen Ink

The Boy Who Disappeared

September 14, 2022
By Anonymous

“MOM” screamed Jimmy, or how his friends liked to call him “Little Jimmy.”  Jimmy was asked by his friends if he wanted to go out with them and play at the park. 

“Yes.” said the mom, while she was scrambling eggs and cooking bacon for breakfast.

“Can I go to the park with Julian, Shaun, and Stephen?” asked Jimmy.

“You can go with them after you eat your breakfast.”

“Okay thank you mom for making breakfast and letting me go with them.”

Little Jimmy opened the fridge when he looked inside, he grabbed the orange juice and poured himself a cup. Jimmy headed towards the table and sat down with his breakfast sitting in front of him. While he was eating his food he looked outside the window, and he saw a weird-looking van driving past his street. He didn’t think anything of it. Jimmy finished his breakfast and started heading toward the door.

“Alright, mom I’m heading out.”

“Okay honey, call me when you need a ride back home.”

“Okay i'll make sure to call you.”

Jimmy started heading out the door, closing the door behind him when he saw the strange-looking van pass his street again, still he didn’t think anything of it. Jimmy started strolling down the street, the park was only five blocks down his street. As he was walking, he had seen the van again but this time the van was on the side of the street, the driver had gotten out asking Jimmy for help. 

“Hello, young man, may you please help me.” Said the strange-looking man. 

“Umm I don’t know if I can.” answered Jimmy, while stopping when he was confronted by a strange man.

“Please help me, young man, my van broke down.” begged the man.

“Alright but I don’t have that much time. I have to go to the park with my friends.”

“Thank you, so much little guy.” Said the man, while having a sinister grin on his face.

Jimmy started looking to see what was wrong with the van when suddenly he felt the presence of the strange man behind him. He saw the man's shadow moving behind him moving closer to Jimmy. His arms were in the air as if he was going to grab him. Jimmy felt his heart coming out of his chest and he felt his sweat coming down his forehead leading down to his nose. He was filled with horror to the point that the sweat droplets started falling down his nose, then once he realized the man was already wrapping his arms around him to take grasp of him, it was too late. 

“Stop put me down!” Jimmy screamed.

“Shut up!” he screamed back. “Shut up or I will kill you.” He whispered. 

“Let me go.” he faintly said as he was being pushed into the back of the van. “Untie me right now!” screamed Jimmy from inside the van.

While in the van Jimmy looked around while he was tied with a rope, and he found a newspaper that had a picture of the driver on it. The newspaper read “WANTED MAN” the name on it was the “Collector” the man that kidnapped Jimmy was a renowned kidnapper that has been the perpetrator of many kidnappings in the state of Texas.

“What did you do to them?” Jimmy anxiously asked. 

“What are you talking about.” said the man while laughing.

Jimmy was taken to an unknown location and was thrown into a dark open basement with a dim light. He looked around and saw the door which he was thrown from. He tried opening the door, but the door was sealed tight to the point where he fell down the stairs that you had to go up to get to the door. Once he fell from the stair, he heard the man call to him. 

“You wont leave here just yet.” the man echoed.

“Please let me leave.” Jimmy begged.

“Now why would I do that.” said the man.

“Please let me go!” begged Jimmy.

The man left the area and Jimmy was all by himself. Jimmy went searching for anything he could use to get out and protect himself. When he was looking around, he saw something on the ground out of the corner of his eye. What he saw was a metal rod that he could use to get out of the house's basement and knock out the man. The man comes back inside the house to look for Jimmy.

“Hey little guy!” said the man “where are you?”

Jimmy didn’t respond.

“Aye where are you?” shouted the man.

The door from the basement opened. Jimmy was under the stairs. Jimmy was holding his breath for long, as if he was under water. The man was right above Jimmy, Jimmy caught him in his trap. The man slowly started walking down the stairs when a loud BANG!! came from his head.

“I knocked him out.” 

said Jimmy in an unpleasant tone. 

“The door is still open.” whispered Jimmy in a thrilled tone.

Jimmy started tiptoeing up the stairs in case the “Collector” woke up. Jimmy got out to the door to find himself in a hallway inside the man’s house. Jimmy walked into the kitchen and saw a house phone. He decided to call the police to end the “Collectors” streak of collecting children.

“911 what’s the emergency.” 

“Please help me!” pleaded Jimmy “I have been captured by the WANTED man.”

“Please come, I have knocked him out and he is in the basement right now.”

“Okay, we just sent the police to your location.”

“Okay, I will be waiting in front of the house.”

It was night by the time the police came and took hold of the “Collector.” The police comforted Jimmy and they notified Jimmy’s mom and his friends. His mom came as soon as possible when she got the news. 

“Mom!” gladly screamed Jimmy.

“Jimmy!” shouted the mom.

Jimmy started hugging his mom but while he was hugging, he saw something. The man's van was driving past the house. The windows were too dark to investigate. But the man had already been put into a cop car.

The author's comments:

We were writing short stories in class, and I wanted to write about this because I like thriller movies and stories.

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