their tragedy | Teen Ink

their tragedy

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

Their Tragedy

June 19, I was sitting in class listening to Mrs. Crawly talk and talk and talk. ‘’13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are imp-..’’  Mrs Crawly said, stopping to the loud Ring! Ring! Ring! Of the old school phone. Excitement rushed through my whole body hoping to get called down to go home. ‘’Ricardo get your things together sweety, your moms here.’’ Mrs. Crawly said in a morose tone. I immediately get nervous and my hands started to trimble, I could hear my heartbeat ascending at every step I took. Thoughts were rushing into my mind like waves at a beach on a windy day. I made it to the main office, and my eyes rushed over to my mom when I heard her tears. She walked over to me and said ‘’He’s gone..’’ ‘’your dad’s gone.’’ I went numb, my hands turned pale white, and my lips got dry. Everything around me went silent, It was like I had gone daef. Then it went dark, my body got heavy, and I was gone.When I finally opened my eyes I felt cold, the smell of cleaning products and disinfectant hit my face. I saw a nice lady in her late 30’s walk in asking me how I felt. Her attitude was so benign, so I felt comfortable. My mom was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t know how to feel. My head was everywhere. I was just there. I didn’t eat, watch tv, get up, nothing I was there but meantally checked out. I felt so weak but it didn’t really matter because I didn't want to get up anyways. As my eyes were about to shut, my mom walked in. She had my favorite type of cake. I wanted to feel happy and thankful but there was nothing. My mother looked tired like she slept in the rock hard chair.Then her mood changed capriciously. She broke down in tears. Her face was wet from tears. Then it hit me. A big slap on the face by emotions. So many feelings.. ‘’ Why him’’ ‘’Why’d he leave us like that’’ ‘’Why wasn’t he careful’’ ‘’ If he wouldn't have gotten in a fight with mom the night before he wouldn’t have been out late.’’ Although he wasn't my biological father, he has been there since I was 3. I was always taught that family isn’t always someone who has the same blood, but instead someone who plays that role. He was always so austere but I think he didn’t mean it in a bad way. He always helped me with homework late nights when he didn't have too. Losing him was like someone ripping my heart out my chest. I couldn’t wrap my head around what had happened. Why him… I have always believed in god but this made me question him. If he was real, why him. All hope was gone. There was no light inside of me. The spark was gone. The feeling I had every morning to get up and go was just gone. Why was I here? Wait.. my mom. I wasn't the only one that was hurting. My mom lost her husband, soulmate, her other half. I was being selfish. I was in no position to help someone when I couldn't even help myself. I was stuck in a box. A small dark, cold, quite box. My mom hugged me. Silence again.. But this time it felt different. A good different. I suddenly got a little bit of hope. Just a tiny bit of light. My mom and I have never really been on the same page. She was always like a bug that would never go away. Always nagging ‘’clean your room’’ ‘’GET OFF THE GAME’’ ‘’Take the trash out’’ ‘’NO’’ But that feeling I had toward her was gone. I wanted to hug her back. I actually wanted her around. Two years later, to now. I'm 17 now. My mom’s been so happy. That doesn’t mean we forgot about him. Twice a year we go to his grave and have lunch like we use to do before. I miss him with everything in me but everything happens for a reason. Every once in a while I like to text his old number. Not because i'm expecting a text back or anything.. That would make me crazy. I just like to let things out. ‘’ Hey dad, I’m finally 17. Proms tomorrow and I'd love for you to meet this girl. Shes so pretty and nice. Her eyes are as blue as the sky, her skin is silky soft, bubbly personality, and an amazing smile. She's the best. I miss you.’’ Then I put my phone down and drove home. It was dark and not many people were out. I went a little over the speed limit. I saw two bright lights coming in my direction. Everything was happening so fast i didn't have time to stop or move. ‘’BOOOOM..’’

The author's comments:

This is based on a true story.

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