The old man who didn't want help | Teen Ink

The old man who didn't want help

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

This story takes place in a nursing home around the afternoon. An old man named Mr.Jones, laying down in bed, gets greeted by a caretaker. 

“Hello Mr. Jones” in a friendly tone.

Telling him he needs to take his pills. Mr. Jones doesn’t think these are any pills, he thinks these are poisonous pills that will slowly kill him.

“Get away from me lady!” in a loud aggressive voice, as if he was in danger.

 Mr. Jones screams for help but no help comes. He stands up to defend himself. Mr. Jones charges towards the caretaker and pushes her to the ground. He walks out of his room then looks both ways. He sees no one. Mr. Jones then runs towards the exit but is stopped by security. He is then returned back to his room and is set back into his bed.

The caretaker chose a different way of trying to get him to take his pills. She wanted to inject medicine into him with a shot. She enters Mr. Jones’ room and tries to calm him. He acts as if he is calm but is plotting something in his head. The caretaker leaves the room without the shot. Mr. Jones, staring at the long, sharp, needle, without hesitation, grabs the needle and hides it out of sight of the caretaker. The caretaker walks in and looks around the area of where she last put the shot. She bends down to look to see if she had dropped it. She stands up but is greeted by Mr. Jones staring at her holding the needle over his head as if it was a knife in a stabbing position. She screams for help, knowing that he was going to attack her. Mr. Jones is charging at her with a raging strength and punctures her neck and begins to repeatedly stabbing her until there is no movement left in her body. He stands up straight and a sudden realization comes to him. 

“ What have I done?” in a disappointed tone.

He freezes and turns pale, as if he saw a ghost. He ran out into the halls to seek help. People come rushing into the room. Nurses doing everything they can to save her but nothing could help her. When it was confirmed that she was dead, Mr. Jones' heart stopped beating. The numbness of his body caused him to lose control of himself causing him to fall to the ground, hitting his head on the floor, causing internal bleeding. People checking for a pulse for a sign of life. Nothing. He was dead.

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