I Don't Belong To You | Teen Ink

I Don't Belong To You

September 30, 2022
By Anonymous

I don’t belong to you

“I haven’t seen him in a while. I hope he’s okay,” Jasmine said to Miles. Jasmine was worried about Mateo, she hadn't seen him in two days. She was concerned because the last time she saw him, they had been arguing about Miles.

“I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry too much about him.” Miles had brought Jasmine out to the woods so they could go on a hike and so she could clear her mind about Mateo. As Jasmine stepped out of Miles’s car, she breathed the fresh air in deeply. She had always loved the smell of the trees, the grass, and the dirt. As they were walking Jasmine was admiring the tall trees, she brought her camera with her so she took pictures of almost everything.

“Let's go look over here. I want to show you something that I have never shown anyone before,” Miles told Jasmine as she was taking a picture of a bird sitting on a tall rock. They walked up a  hill. When they made it to the top they saw their whole town. They saw cars passing by below them, houses, and buildings. 

Jasmine has never seen anything like this in real life before. “Wow, this is amazing.” Jasmine said, amazed “It’s so beautiful.”

“Yes, very beautiful,” Miles said looking at Jasmine not paying the slightest attention to the view. He just stared at Jasmine and admired her beauty.

“Mateo would love this,” Jasmine said looking out into the view. Miles rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh. 

“Why do you always have to bring him up?” Miles said, annoyed at Jasmine.

“What do you mean?” Jasmine said, now looking away from the view.

“All you talk about is Mateo. There is never one day where you don’t talk about him. It’s annoying” 

Jasmine looked at Miles confused. She thought Miles liked Mateo; they had been best friends since the first day of kindergarten. “Why are you so upset? I thought you and Mateo were best friends.”

“We were best friends. We're not anymore.”

“Why?” Jasmine said, concerned. “Is that why I haven't seen him in two days? Did you guys fight or something?”

Miles just looked away. He didn’t want to tell Jasmine about what happened in the last two days. “I can’t tell you,” Miles said, backing away from Jasmine. 

“Why? You know you can tell me anything” Jasmine said while trying to reach for Miles’s hand.

Miles snatched his hand away from Jasmine. He backed up and sat on a rock. Jasmine followed him and sat beside him. “It’s hard for me to talk about this,” Miles started. “I love you. I have loved you from the very first day I met you. I love everything about you. I love the way you talk, I love the way the wind blows through your hair, I love the way you smile. I’m so in love with you and you haven’t even noticed.” Jasmine looked at Miles confused. She had no idea he felt this way for her. “I wanted to ask you out to the homecoming dance but I knew Mateo would ask you first. I know you like Mateo. I know you would choose him over me so I had to get rid of him.” Jasmine looked at Miles. 

“What do you mean get rid of him?” Jasmine asked immediately getting up from her seat.

“We can be together now. Mateo can’t get between us now. It can just be you and me now.” Miles said getting up and following Jasmine.

“What did you do to Mateo? Where is he? Is he okay? What did you do to him?” Jasmine yelled, pushing Miles. Miles looked away. He was disappointed in himself for what he did but he was still happy because Mateo was gone now and he had Jasmine all to himself now. 

“I killed him,” Miles said under his breath.

“What did you say?” Jasmine yelled. “Miles, what did you say?”

“I killed Mateo so I could be with you.” 

“No, you didn’t. I don’t believe you,” Jasmine said tearing up. 

“I killed him in these woods. I had to or else he wouldn’t leave us alone. I need to be with you. You would never choose me so I needed to get rid of him. You need to be with me not with him. I love you.” 

“You’re lying”

“I will show you where he is if you want. He is somewhere in these woods.” Even though Jasmine was scared she agreed to let him show her where Mateo was. She didn’t believe Miles. Miles would never kill anybody let alone his best friend. Jasmine followed Miles down the hill and through a path after a while Miles suddenly stopped. He looked around and started walking towards this pile of leaves. Once they got to the pile of leaves Jasmine stayed back. “He’s right here. Come closer.” Jasmine walked slowly to Miles and the pile of leaves she stood next to Miles but kept her distance. 

“That’s him?” Jasmine asked. Miles pushed the leaves off and revealed a rolled-up carpet. He unrolled the carpet and a body appeared.“That can’t be Mateo. There is no way that is him.”

Miles flipped over the body and revealed Mateo’s face. Jasmine dropped to her knees sobbing. She looked at Mateo. He had bruises all over her body. His arms, his legs, his face. Jasmine couldn’t even recognize him. His clothes were all ripped up. He was covered in dirt. “How could you do this to him?” Miles looked away. He didn’t want Jasmine to be upset. He hated whenever she cried. It hurt him. “Why did you do this Miles?” 

“I already told you.” Miles sighed, “he was getting in the way of everything. You belong to me, not him.”

“You’re crazy I don’t belong to you. I don’t belong to anybody” Jasmine got up and pulled out her phone from her pocket, “I’m calling the police” Miles grabbed the phone out of Jasmine’s hand and threw the phone.

“Don’t call them,” Miles said angrily Jasmine turned around and started running. She was scared for her life. A boy she knew her whole life just killed their best friend. Eventually, Miles caught up to Jasmine and grabbed her. He pulled her into a hug and they both dropped to the floor. Jasmine was trying her hardest to get out of his embrace but he was too strong. She tried to reach for something so she could defend herself. She found a rock and hit Miles in the head. He passed out and Jasmine got up and ran away. Jasmine ran as fast as she could. She made it to a Gas station. She saw an old man who looked like he was around 50 years old.

“Help please, my friend is dead. I need to call the police.” The old man handed Jasmine his phone. She called the police. A couple of minutes later the police came. They found Miles and arrested him.

The author's comments:

I  am a sophomore in high school and I love reading mystery and romance books.

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