Annabeth | Teen Ink


January 13, 2023
By Skykaiser16 BRONZE, Elberta, Alabama
Skykaiser16 BRONZE, Elberta, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The girl I see right now that I have been in love with for the past two years is not the girl I know. Standing in front of me is a girl who is fake crying to receive attention. The girl looking at me is someone I have never seen. This girl is a complete stranger, a monster even. She is malicious and disgusting. Every moment I have spent with her for the past twenty- five months has been a lie. I am not delusional. I am not crazy. She is not right. She is the crazy one. I can not believe a single word coming out of her mouth.
My girlfriend and I have been together since the beginning of sophomore year of high school. We just celebrated our two year anniversary last month. I moved to this school the year we started dating. It was an instant connection. I knew the moment I saw her she would be the love of my life. She devoured my thoughts. She was everything I wanted. When I woke in the morning she was my very first thought and when I fell asleep she was my last thought. Through our entire relationship she was my everything. I have been slowly starting to realize she is not a lovely girlfriend. The girl who I have been in love with is not there.
Her mouth is parted slightly waiting to say something. Waiting for my approval or a signal. I look up to see her slender cat eyes that are a shade of bright ivory green. The shade of green, which a witch's skin would be. The green that symbolizes pure evil and envy. Her eyes were drawing me into her web like I am an insect waiting to be feasted on. Her eyes looked soft and inviting ,but that was deception. She was putting up an act. The golden streaks in her hair were curly and long. Her hair seemed to fall perfectly at all times. Not even a piece of it was misplaced. Under all of her hair there were shoulders. Her shoulders never seemed to be not fully back. Her posture was always excellent. Not a time in her life has she been seen hunched back. The people in high end restaurants would be jealous of her posture. The perfection does not stop there, it is everywhere. All of her features are perfect: her hair, eyes, smile, laugh, skin, voice, nose, face shape, and everything else physical to the eye.
For the longest time, I believed she was perfect both ways, inside and out. She is just pleasant to the eye. The perfect girl who checks all the boxes. She is that girl you fantasize about. In the movies she would be the girl next door. The girl who walks the halls with a bright smile across her face with everyone’s eyes on her. The girl you would want to take to prom. Her perfection exceeds beyond just that it is also her family. She lives in an enormous white house with a white picket fence. Her mom is the most talked about person in the town. She is the image of a housewife. A mother that is in charge of the PTA meetings. She runs all of the school events. The most supportive mother around town. Her father is a lawyer with money overflowing his bank account. Her father also has a stern face with a cigar lingering in his hand. His daughter is the light to his world. She is a father’s daughter. The only child is what she is. It explains the attention seeking. She is an attention seeker. Oh, I am not crazy! She is mad one! Tricked me into believing she was this sweet angel. She has put up an act her whole entire life.

My girlfriend is beautiful, smart, driven, loveable, and talented ,but these things don’t mean a thing. She can do anything: paint a masterpiece, win first place for a one hundred yard dash, win the spelling bee, win any position in an election, be the top of class, and so much more. Everyone loves her! Sweet positive words fill peoples mind when they think of her. So why am I losing my mind because if you really see her you will realize this girl could be your worst nightmare. I feel like my head is spinning. Oh, I am not delusional. She has evil intentions. She is not right! She is not right in the head!
My head is throbbing and my thoughts are all over the place. I feel like I am about to fall over. My hands are shaking. I have suddenly realized I have been staring at her silently. I can't feel my legs anymore. I see her eyes watching me. I start to droop down then suddenly she speaks. Her voice is quiet and innocent. She speaks like I am a child. Slowly and carefully making sure I hear every word pronounced correctly. “I can’t believe ... you” she said with hesitation. “Me? You can not believe me?” I said with anger. “You think I am stupid? I know what you did! You cheated on me!” she said. “I don’t know what you are talking about-'' I started to say. “I saw you at the party, making out with her! ” she yelled at me.
The party we were attending was an ordinary high school party. There was alcohol, drugs, and loud music that could be heard across the entire neighborhood. When we walked into the party there were people everywhere. We could not hear each other or ourselves talking. We decided to go into a room together. The room we entered must have been the host’s bedroom. The room was messy just like any typical boy’s room would be ,but there were pictures all over the wall. At first glance it looked like my girlfriend. Then I noticed it wasn’t her ,but a girl in the junior class.

Now this is the part where my memories start to blare. I could have sworn I was kissing my girlfriend ,but when I saw another girl who looked exactly like her walking in I realized I had made a mistake. I could have sworn it was her. It smelt like her. It felt like her. I looked up at my girlfriend to explain this ,but found myself having a hard time trying to reason with her. “No, I thought it was you. I- Why are you mad at me? Do you blame me? I don't know you anymore. All I see is a monster...”, and I said that whole heartedly. “A monster? Excuse me! You think I am a monster? You are! You are a cheater and a liar. You-” she said regrettingly. “Annabeth shut up!!! I am tired of your lies. I am done! I see right through you!” I said with full confidence. “What are you talking about? You are acting insane. You are delsonial. Did you take something else? You know you can’t mix them!” Annabeth said with concern. She is trying to twist this on to me! She is trying to make me the villain. “ Samael, I can not do this anymore. You need help-” she said to me ,but at the same timeI felt my body go numb. “Samael, are you okay? Please tell me you didn’t forget. You know you have to take them twice a day-” she said with her voice going in and out. I don’t feel good. Something is not right I know it is. I looked at the cup I had. It looked like there was white powder floating around. She drugged me! She did something to me. At the party she handed me a red solo cup. She tricked me. “Get away from me! I know you poisoned me” I yelled at her. “What are you talking about?” she said coming towards me. “Get away!” I said as best as I could. She leaned over me to grab me and I pushed her as hard as I could. When I pushed her she fell back on the driveway. I heard a thud and maybe a crack. I could see her body laying on the floor near me. She was not moving. Is she dead? What have I done? Oh no this is bad. “Annabeth? Annabeth! Annabeth! Get up! I am sorry... so sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you.” I said crying. “Sam.. I- can’t move.... I-.” she said shakily. “Annabeth!” I started to crawl to her. There was stickiness everywhere. I see red streaming... slowly. I see her laying there. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. “Help me Sam please!” she said pleading.
Her eyes were no longer filled with evil. Her skin looked white and soft. She has never looked this beautiful. Her golden curls were still perfect even with speckles of redness. She was my perfect love. Her hands are so soft and warm. I was mesmerized by her. There was a sound far away; it sounded like sirens. Sirens have such a pleasant sound to them. The colors flashing reminded me of a 4th of July night. She and I spent the 4th of July together. We would watch the fireworks fade out with our feet in the water. Or was that New Years? No, New Years it's too cold to be near the water. No, no, no that is.... I can not remember. Why can’t I remember? Oh, I remember! I remember the fireworks in the reflection of the water. I also remember seeing her head underwater struggling to breathe. She was fighting back like I was hurting her. I was not. I just wanted her to see the fireworks in the reflection, just a little closer. I feel hands around me. It feels like comfort. Oh, I need comfort in these times. I am not delusional or crazy. “I am not delusional or crazy! The crazy one is...”. I seemed to forget what I was about to say. “Who is the crazy one?” a man said above me. “I don’t know anymore” I said to the man. I saw people all around me. Swarming around me with stares. “You need to come with me. ” the man said. “I did not kill her... I just pushed her away from me.” I said. “Who did you push? No one is here?” the police officer said harshly. “She was trying to hurt me. She drugged me sir” I said unsurely. “You are to remain silent...” the policeman said to me while putting handcuffs on me. He was speaking to me ,but I could not hear him anymore. I could only hear her voice. She was mad at me. She was yelling at me. She was screaming at me saying “It's all your fault”. “ I am sorry.... I am so sorry. I did not want you to die. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me” I said pleading to her. She won’t forgive me. She blames me. “I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry...” I said in the back of the cop car.

22 days later......
I was sent back to the place I have known for quite some time the following morning after that night occurred. Oh, I missed this place. The lovely faces all around. My room is on floor five room 13. My room has beautiful padded white walls. I have been in these walls for 765 days. These days, I can not see Annabeth anymore ,but I can hear her. I can hear her through the walls. Sometimes I think I can see her beyond the walls. The doctors love to tell me things over and over again. That I am sick and I am here to be helped. I am also told Annabeth doesn't exist and everything is all in my head. I need to take the pills offered twice a day to make me feel better. They tell me all these things. I do not believe them. I do not trust them! My Annabeth is here with me, somewhere!

The author's comments:

While I was creating this piece I wanted people to feel something and I hope I accomplish my goal. 

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