What Happened? | Teen Ink

What Happened?

January 26, 2023
By Anonymous

What Happened?

Standing there in a pool of blood, smiling, delighted at what I had just done, the feeling of satisfaction had never overcome my body so much. Never in my life had I thought that I would do this and that it would feel so amazing. Hearing her screams sent chills down my spine. I felt a tingle of happiness, watching her face twist in shock as she fell over, the life leaving her body. Staring down at Annelise’s body was like a dream come true. After standing for a few minutes, waiting, making sure she was dead, I walked over to the sink to retrieve a few clorox wipes and hand towels. 

“Jaimi!” Annelise yelled from the bedroom doorway. “Wake up, I’m going to be late for school!”

Sliding upward to my elbows, rubbing my eyes, dazed from the dream I had just been awoken from. I look over at the digital clock on the nightstand that read 7:57 AM. I stood up quickly, tossing on a pastel green t-shirt along with a pair of gray sweatpants. Sprinting from my room to the kitchen, I went to grab my keys from the counter only to find them gone. 

“I already started the car and made you a cup of coffee. Let’s go,” Said Annelise to answer my panicked look of confusion. 

After locking the door behind me, my sister and I ran down the stairs. The high school that Anne went to was a short drive, but with the traffic it could take longer than expected. While sitting in traffic, I thought about the dream I had. Why would I ever think of killing my own little sister? I know that she can be annoying and gets on my nerves sometimes, but I would never even think of killing her. The thought of seeing Anne laying on the floor dying would not leave my mind. Trying to block it out, I looked over to see Anne with her right headphone in her ear, listening to music. 

“What are you listening to?” I asked.

“Rocket Man,” she replied. “It was mama’s favorite song, you know?”

“I know, she used to listen to it on repeat,” I said smiling.

Yvonne. She was a sweet, gentle, caring, and hard working woman. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. No matter what state she was in, she smiled and laughed trying to make my sister and I feel better. She was the best mom anyone could ask for. My mom passed away a few years ago. That’s why my sister and I live together alone. Me only being a nurse’s assistant, it’s hard to keep up with the bills. Anne tries to help with it. She got a job working at a small bakery at the other end of town. 

As I drove back home alone, it was harder to ignore what I had thought of. The thoughts about Anne in my dream were odd. What was confusing me even more is that it didn’t feel wrong. I felt as if most would get a twisted feeling in their stomach from just imagining hurting their sibling, but for me, there was a small feeling in my stomach and the back of my head that made it seem okay. 

Entering the apartment, I took off my shoes and walked across the recently cleaned and vacuumed carpet to the kitchen. Leaning against the counter, I started to feel sick, closing my eyes thinking it was only a few seconds. Once I opened them, I looked at the time to see a few minutes had passed. I looked to my right side on the counter and sat a cup of coffee. I stared at the cup of coffee, starting to feel flustered and angry. Why would she make coffee then not drink it and leave it on the counter? 

“That’s such a waste! She knows how tight of a budget we have!” I yelled, starting to feel hatred toward her that I’ve never felt.  

Screaming, I threw the cup at the wall. Watching the coffee drip down the wall, pieces of the glass mug falling to the tile kitchen floor. Ignoring the mess, I walk over to the wall that has all of my sister and I’s pictures. I looked over the pictures, seeing my sister’s face enraged me. Yanking the pictures off of the wall, I started to throw them across the room and at the floor, watching her face get shattered in the glass mess. I felt drained.

I woke up on the cold bathroom floor to a loud shriek. After running into the living room, I found Annelise standing in the doorway with a shocked look on her face.

“What the hell happened?” she questioned. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know what happened,” I replied honestly.

I really don’t know or remember what happened. The apartment was a total mess. A few holes in the wall, a broken cup with coffee all over the tile floor, pictures smashed on the ground.

“You’re bleeding!” Anne said, quickly rushing over to me. 

I looked down at my hands to see them covered in blood. What happened? Why am I bleeding? Why was I asleep on the bathroom floor? Was I asleep while this was happening outside the closed bathroom door?

“Jaimi,” Anne said, “tell me what happened now. Please.”

I felt terrible for not knowing or having an answer. Seeing my little sister this worried and concerned about me was the worst sight to see. 

Letting out a deep sigh, I finally replied, “I don’t know what happened.”

With a confused look on her face, Annelise said, “Okay then, go clean up. I’ll start picking up the glass and cleaning up this mess. We can talk later.”

With a nod of agreement, I turned and walked into the bathroom to get stuff to clean up my cuts and bandage them. After washing my hands and picking out the glass, I looked up at myself in the mirror. I didn’t know what to think. After staring at myself for a while, I opened the bathroom door to go help clean up the apartment. There was so much tension in the air. It was suffocating.

“You didn’t come pick me up from school, so I got a ride home from a friend,” Annelise had said breaking the silence with a serious voice.

“I didn’t realize the time, okay? I’m sorry,” I replied.

“Didn’t realize the time? Just like you don’t know what happened?” she said with a tone filled with attitude.

“Well I said sorry, so I don’t know what answer you want from me Annelise.” I snapped back.

“I want to know what happened! Everything was normal this morning, all of the sudden you’re late to picking me and I come home to this huge mess! What’s wrong with you?!” Anne said screaming at me.

In a fit of rage, I stood up very quickly walking into the kitchen. My blood boiling, I reached for the largest knife I could see first. The rest was a blur.

Waking up in my bed, my face and hands sore. Getting up, I went to the bathroom. Flicking on the light, I saw myself in the mirror, face covered in bruises, clothes and hands smeared with blood. Confused, I yell for Anne, only to get no reply. Walking into the dark living room, I felt a little tense. Stopping in the middle of the room, I said Anne’s name. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Quickly I turned on all the lights and walked toward the kitchen. Still dark in the kitchen, I stepped in something that felt like a puddle of water. Flicking on the light switch, I look down to see Anne’s lifeless body laying in a puddle of blood. 

Seeing her like this, I felt excited. Feeling absolutely no remorse, I kicked her to see if she was still alive. After no response, I sat down on the floor, leaning against the cabinets, I pulled her small petite body onto my lap.

“So, how’d that go? Thinking you could fight back against me,” I said looking down, smiling at her. 

The author's comments:

We have the POV of the main character, Jaimi, who has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), but doesn't know she has it. Causing her to have episodes without being fully aware. In the beginning, it wasn't her having the dream, it was actually her alter's dream, but when her sister woke her up, she switched back to her front alter. That's what caused her to be confused on why she would have that type of dream. After she got home and had that moment in the kitchen feeling sick, that was actually her switching alters. That explains why she has that outburst of anger toward her sister and why she doesn't remember what happened to the apartment when she wakes up. Her other personality that has these angry and dangerous outbreaks, ends up killing Anne in the end. 

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