Walking through the alley | Teen Ink

Walking through the alley

February 1, 2023
By Ares_Mei BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
Ares_Mei BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Matt has amnesia. His doctor asks him to take medicine every day at 10 pm.

         This evening, he was having a party with his friends. Since he was too devoted to the activities, he lost his smartphone in the bathroom of his friend’s party. On his way home, he meets an alley. This alley is very long, and there are only a few light sources, and it is impossible to see what’s on the other side of the path even halfway through the alley. However, going through this alley, Matt could be at his apartment, and he wants to take medicine while he’s at home, with enough brightness and some water.

         “Ahhhh!” Matt suddenly has an intense headache, he has not taken his medicine, yet, and it is probably 10 o’clock. “Let me check where I am.” He’s now at the mouth of the alley, and going through this alley, Matt could be at his apartment.

         “Hahaha, that’s funny!” A burst of weird laughter came from the alley. Matt was curious about what was in the alley, which is the short way to his flat anyway, so he walked into the alley.

         About halfway through, he met a wanderer and asked, “Hey, did you just laugh out loud?” “Yeah, it’s me,” said the wanderer. When Matt passed him, he started saying, “This time, keep moving forward, and don’t stop.” After Matt heard the wanderer's whistle, Matt turned around and asked, “What was saying?”

         “Ahhh!” Matt again had an intense headache. He looked at the wanderer and asked, “What was I telling you?” The wanderer repeated that Matt asked him what he said. Then Matt asked, “So what did you say then?” Maybe because of his headache, his tone is mean and disdainful. The wanderer repeated, “Keep moving forward, and don’t stop.” Matt did what he said and finally got out of the alley.

         “Ahhhh!” Matt suddenly has an intense headache; he has not taken his medicine, and it is probably 10 o’clock. “Let me check where I am.” He’s now at the mouth of the alley. He’s now at the mouth of the alley, and going through this alley, Matt could be at his apartment.

         “Hahaha, that’s funny!” A burst of weird laughter came from the alley. Matt was curious about what was in the alley, and this was the short way to his flat anyway, so he walked into the alley…

The author's comments:

This article describes a mysterious scene where a man is trapped in the street and can never walk through the tunnel for some unknown reason. However, there are clues in the article that it is reasonable for the man to be trapped. 

The story is set up by saying that the man often has a headache and needs to take medicine to make himself normal. However, he loses everything he can use at the party to keep track of time and stay conscious. 

In the beginning, from the tone of the wanderer, we can infer that it is not the first time that the wanderer saw the man. 

Later in the story, by carefully noting the direction that man's facing. We can form a conclusion. When the man walks deep into the alley, is tricked by the wanderer and returns to his original position. The wanderer tricked the man first because he can do so. The alley is too deep and dark, and the man has a headache so that the man cannot see what's the front and what's the back. Also, he is being rude to the wanderer. Although he did this because of his headache, it does give the wanderer a reason to do so. 

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