It is a betrayal I felt. | Teen Ink

It is a betrayal I felt.

February 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Entering the complex darkness fills in the corners of every room as if it was a dream that I can’t escape.
It’s vivid. Maybe a dream? A nightmare? A prophecy? But it’s clear it’s my death.
An individual was in the dark room filled with opulence waiting for me so they could erase me away, but here I am, dead and alive.
My whole life was arranged by my family. From the day I was born, my destiny was already decided by them. Their joy was for me to be perfect, like them, that even marriage was arranged.
My husband and I met each other when we were children. Our families were the same. No matter who it is, they will not let anyone get in their way, not even us.
they lack empathy and manipulate their way through. Just like our marriage
Egocentric snakes.
We both knew our families one day will plan our marriage. At first, I was against it, but interest is more important than love to our families, but who wouldn’t want a family’s prodigy as their future son-in-law who can be their daughter’s prince when she burdens in any way, or a prince who can fulfill her desires and be there for her if the only thing she had to do is to be his companion?
My husband was a guy to be fond of and to trust just like a friend, but our marriage was only based on interest, nothing else.
I had no other option.
He was a friend of mine, but he became more than a friend as time grew on us, or at least in me.
He was a sweet, charming, and charismatic man who listened to my burdens. He knew my beliefs against re-arranged marriage, and how I was against it. I knew he did not want to get married as well, as he had someone he loved.
I met her once when she had forced her smile, and upon her seeing me holding hands with my husband she had threatened me. It was jealousy, it consumed her.
Everything started as a friendship at least for me, as he became a good husband. He was a reliable husband who I could count on him as he understood how lonely and neglected I felt due to my parent's decisions, and he knew how I was the only one who had my back during all those years of suffering living amongst them.
He was friendly as he enjoyed time with me, and take me out to experience new things with him.
He had a smirk like no one else had. His white teeth shined as he smiled, and his dimples will appear. He was a prince.
I loved him for all these characteristics, but at the same time, I drowned in different thoughts.
“Was it only compromise?”
“My family?”
He still had a lover whom he loved before me, but what could I do? Their feelings were mutual, and she didn’t approve of our marriage, but she had no say in it.
Remembering all of this I stood up. the only person who could be responsible for this atrocity was him. Maybe he thought my existence would be better if gone so he could end up with his lover. Maybe I was just a burden to him.
Tears and blood dripped down as I hold my head and my feelings.
It is a betrayal I felt.
I slowly drowned in my tears and thoughts of confusion. It felt like my world crumbling into my own hands into small fragments.
Fragments of memories and time.
It was all an illusion,
now it’s reality.
Thinking I could trust him with my life, yet he took mine as he pleased.
“Can I love again?” I spoke.
The light from outside enters the room, bringing my husband.
Clenching my fist, I throw various punches, yet they trespass his body.
I was enraged at him.
He stood there paralyzed, his eyes fully opened, and stared at my body laying down on the bloody floor. His scream echoed into the building almost too real to believe.
“No, no, n-no,” he gasped, and sank to the floor, while clutching his chest the tension of his heartbeat increased. Sorrowful he felt.
‘Why did you leave me alone?” he said profoundly.
“D-don’t leave me. Please Lia Don’t Leave me. You are the only one I love,
please, please LIA,” He screamed.
I wanted to be with him, I wanted to believe that he wasn’t the culprit.
“You love him, you love him, you do,” My mind spoke. Yet I blamed him.
The next day I woke up covered in thick white blankets made of silk. It was bright as the sun shined down upon the curtains where there he was, my husband.
Upon my awakening, a small gasp echoed through my ears. He stood in front of me, then collapsed to the floor. His eyes drowned in tears of joy as he approached the bedroom. He had tried to wipe her tears out, but he covered himself with his slim hands, but he couldn’t hide the fact that he was lonesome.
I tried to stay away from him.
“STOP IT,” I yelled.
I screamed as I take out the needle in my arm. Yet it didn’t hurt as my burden all this time.
I was ready to take my anger to him.
He was there, my chance. As I throw all my force through the needle a sudden noise came out of his mouth,
“I’m sorry for not protecting you from Zariah, I deserve this. Please do as you wish, but once you wake up, believe me, please,” He whispered.
Once again, I can’t escape.
But in the blink of an eye, I wake up to another room, reality.
Realizing after all he wasn’t the culprit; I sit alone isolated in a room with an individual waiting for me.

The author's comments:

This piece is based on school work. Tragic.

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