Take and Give | Teen Ink

Take and Give

February 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Money made me. My parents told me that having money took away from your suffering. Me, I did not care one bit that I was young. As I grew, I knew that we did not have much of it, that is why we suffered. Our apartment had 2 rooms in total for 5 people living in a small apartment. The small amount of money that I saved. my quarters were used for laundry, my dollars to give to the landlord. I knew my brother's all made money. But they made bad money. The difference between good and bad money was not the note itself but how you got the money. 

I made bad money. I stole. but stealing was just taking. I took money from my uncle, as they gambled, as they passed out, the dollars would be left on the table. The dollars on the table would now be with me. My auntie came from the salon, she held a bag full of tips. as she left the room The cash would feel so good in my hands. The allowance my cousins would get would now be in my possession. I took them because they had everything that I did not have.

 At school, eyes would fall on me. I did not want to spend money on clothes. So, I saved it when I got back my parents asked me "how was school Reina?" I replied "Great" though I didn’t mean it. I had to share a room with 2 boys, and I was an outcast at school. The room was so messy and full of hidden drugs. That is how they made money. I could not steal from them, they cared about their money. They held it tight.

My friend L helped me make money. I have never seen L. I know him but I also don’t. I met him at a pen pal sight. I got a broken laptop for my 16th birthday. The first time I talked to L he told me that he knew who I was “Hi Reina” he typed. “Hi L” L was a weird name. . L told me that he was going to help me make lots of money. I laughed. He said with a calm but firm voice “I know you, I know what your parents are like and I know that you are struggling. Your brothers are drug dealers and your parents strive to keep you different.” He spoke. “I can help you be different.”

“Ok L, I accept”

“            I do not regret my decision. I did not want to be like my parents constantly worrying about money, and kids being successful. I would text L. L taught me how to take through the screen. Fraud, I pretended to be someone I wasn’t online. Get people to fall in love with an imposter, then they’d give and I would just take. L worked through the screen. I would sometimes meet up with the men online. My name would change, my age, my personality and when I took money from them. I would change again. I would leave with L by my side, I traveled the world, but I never stopped contact with L. I had everything. I Loved taking from people. I traveled to Japan to Italy and back to Hawaii. “L why do you help me” I asked “I want you to be happy.” He spoke.

              One day I realized that I had everything, but I had nothing I was constantly on the run and my name kept changing. Reina to Leila to Jenny to Victoria. I did not want that anymore I wanted a family. I wanted to feel like Reina again. “L I’m leaving you.” I left my laptop in a  hotel room I moved to France and started a new life.


 “Comment all-overs Jesenia” (how are you Jesenia) my boyfriend voice whispered , “I’m good.” I said back, I moved to France and had a boyfriend, we went everywhere together and it was super hard being without L, but  I had to move on and when I did move on I learned money wasn’t everything, money did not make me. I went by Jesenia and had 2 kids I loved very much. I gave them love, I gave them time, I gave them a listening ear when they needed someone to listen. My daughters were Jayla and Kayla. I gave them what I could not have. They kept me grounded. I gave and I gave. One day when I stopped by a coffee shop I reached to pay for my drinks. I smiled at the barista said and he says “have a good Reina. I turned back, and his name tag inscribed Leo. A weird smile appears on my face.

The author's comments:

This story is about a young girl who learns that what she had was all she needed.

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