Race of Your Life | Teen Ink

Race of Your Life

March 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Ava grew up in Ohio where she was a 4-time MPK champ. She participated with her favorite car, which was a blue 1969 Pontiac Lemans. Ava used to love to go to her favorite restaurant, El Greco's, where she meant Liz, who became her best friend. Liz was dating a man named Lee; they eventually got married and moved to Alaska. Ava, after so many years of racing and missing her best friend, decided to take a break from racing and move to Alaska to be near Liz. 

Ava traveled 3,770 miles by car to a little town called Snowfall, Alaska, which is where Liz and Lee live. Liz was invited to stay with Ava and Lee while she looked for a place of her own. Liz took her to the local mechanic, who also owns a storage unit for Ava to store her things. When they showed up, they met Jake and his assistant named Luke. They all met and got along great. Jake took the two women to show them the storage unit. It was big enough to fit everything at a good price; except for her 69 Pontiac race car. Jake offered Ava to store her car in his shop, right next to his 1976 burnt orange Camaro. After they moved all of her belongings, Liz took her to see a beautiful two story log cabin that just happened to be for sale. 

The cabin had a wood burning stove with beautiful wood floors and a lot of space for her. Liz's favorite part of the house was the huge kitchen. So Ava put in an offer and would know in a few weeks if she got it or not. 

The next day, Ava and Liz went to Pappy's Place, the local bar. Liz and Ava walked in and sat at the bar when Liz introduced Ava to Isabella (Izzy), the bartender, and Zeek, the bar owner. They all talked for a while and became pretty familiar with each other. Liz invited Ava to see her bakery she accepted. On the way there, they passed Jake fixing a car on the side of the road. When they pulled up to the bakery, they saw a beautiful specialty designed all glass storefront and through the storefront they saw Lee serving an older gentleman. Ava asked who that man was and Liz responded he was the janitor from the bowling alley named Tommy, but everyone called him TC. They all had a conversion and got to know each other. Ava found out that Tommy is a retired race car driver and after Tommy retired he moved to Alaska. After they talked for a while, Tommy said bye to Ava and Liz. Liz gave Ava a tour of the bakery and Ava fell in love with how the bakery looks. After giving Ava a tour, Liz asked Ava if she would like to go bowling. Ava agreed and as they got to the bowling alley they saw the owner, Andrew, at the front desk talking to the person working at the front desk, Scott.  Ava and Liz both paid and went bowling. After a while of bowling, the owner came up to them and asked who Liz’s friend was and Liz introduced Ava as Liz's best friend. After Liz and Ava got done with their game, they decided to go get dinner at a fancy restaurant called The Steakhouse. As Liz and Ava were eating their dinner,  John, the local butcher, came up to them. John had been doing his job for over 30 years and he offered to give Ava and Liz a tour of the shop. Ava asked Liz if she wanted to go and Liz agreed, so  they went with the butcher. When they entered the butcher shop,  they saw all the animals that John was butchering. Ava and Liz both looked at each other with a confused look on their faces because they never have been to a butcher place before.

 John took them on a tour and showed them all the tools and what everything does. Ava and Liz both thought the place was cool but scary at the same time. After getting a tour, John asked Liz and Ava if they would like to try and butcher an animal. Liz and Ava both agree because they both thought it would be a cool experience. As Liz and Ava were butchering the animal Liz slipped and cut her hand open. Liz and Ava rushed to YouHeal, the hospital, to get Liz’s hand fixed. At the hospital front desk, the girls were welcomed by Dr. Chloe. Chloe asked Liz what happened, but Liz didn’t really remember, so Ava stepped in and told Chole everything. Chole took a look at Liz’s hand and told Liz that she needed to get stitches. Chole called nurse Skylar in to help out. Skylar took a look at the cut on Liz’s hand and started to help prep the area and clean the cut. Doctor Chole numbed Liz’s hand and began the stitches on Liz’s hand. After Liz and Ava were done at the hospital, Liz and Ava went to the pharmacy to pick up medicine for Liz’s hand. At the pharmacy Liz and Ava met the pharmacist and the pharmacist’s assistant, Mike and Ben. Ben and Mike helped Liz and Ava out and told them what kind of medicine would be best for the cut on Liz's hand. After Liz and Ava left, Liz got a call about the house she put a down payment on. After Liz got off the phone she told Ava that she could move into her new house within the week. Ava and Liz were excited so they went and told all their friends. Liz and Ava were planning to have a housewarming party when Liz moved into her new home. Liz was inviting everyone she knew. About three days after Liz cut her hand, she finally got to move into her new home. The next day, Ava threw Liz a housewarming party to congratulate Liz on her new house. All of her new friends showed up, even Jake the mechanic showed up. Liz and Jake talked for a while and caught up on what they both have been up to. Jake asked Liz if she would like to go out to dinner to celebrate because of her new house. Liz agreed and they made plans to go out that night. After the party, Liz and Jake went out to eat at SkyLine Chili. Jake and Liz talked for a couple hours, getting to know each other more. Liz found out that Jake liked her and Liz told him that they needed to talk more before she would make any decisions. Jake and Liz finished their dinner and headed back to Liz’s new house to clean up from the party. 

Jake and Liz talked for about a month before Jake asked Liz to be his girlfriend. Liz said yes! Liz and Jake decided they wanted to go to the movies to celebrate. Liz and Jake went to the movies at UEC theaters. Liz met the owner named lucy. Lucy told Liz that she had been working at the UEC theaters for 30 years. Lucy and Liz talk for a while and they both got to know each other; so much so that Lucy gave Liz a lifetime ticket to the movies. Jake and Ava  finished their movie and decided to go home. 

The next day, Liz and Jake went to the garage to work on their race cars to get them ready to be raced again. After working on the cars for a few hours, they went to the race track for a test run of the cars. Liz and Jake did their test runs on their cars and saw that their cars were running but not good enough. Jake talked to Liz and asked her what they were going to do about the car problem. Liz told Jake that she can help him fix his car and then she would work on hers later. Liz helped Jake fix his car and took it for another test drive to make sure that Jake's car was running good and ready to be back on the race track. After Jake’s car was fixed Jake and Liz started working on Liz’s car. Liz put more speed and a tune up on her car. After all the work was done, Liz went to the race track and tested the car and the car was still delayed at the start. Jake went down the track and found that his car was running just fine. Liz took her car back to the garage to see what was going on with her car. After looking and running the test Liz found out that she needed to put more boost more towards when the car took off and not so much after the car was going down the track. Liz and Jake finished their last test of the day and they both went home for the night, just to wake up and do more testing on their race cars. After Jake and Ava’s race car’s were running well and they were happy with the results, Jake and Ava went and signed up for their first race. Jake and Ava would only have a week to make sure they were happy with the way their cars were running. 

After they got to the race track, they didn’t have much time to look over any problems or any changes they would want to make. As the time of the race was coming, Ava started to get the trailer ready for the cars to be loaded. When the trailer was ready, Jake loaded both his and Ava’s cars into their spots to get ready to move the cars to the track. Jake put the trailer on the truck because they had a long trip ahead. 

After Jake and Ava arrived at the race track, they unloaded the race cars and got them ready for the race. Jake was up first to race his car then Ava went next. Jake won his race and Ava lost. After the race they both loaded the cars back on the trailer and they headed home. After Jake and Ava got home, Ava wanted to go on a night out to the movies by herself. She told Jake that she was going to the movies and Jake got jealous because Ava was going to the movies without him. 

Ava ran into the butcher, John, at the movies. They both talked about life and how Ava's hand was doing. After talking for a while, Ava said bye and she headed home. As Ava reached her front door, she saw that Jake was standing at the door waiting for her to come home. Ava asked Jake why he was standing there waiting for her, but Jake didn’t say anything. Ava brushed the situation off and proceeded to cook dinner. As Jake and Ava sat down for dinner, Jake asked Ava if she was really going to eat that much after all the Swedish Fish she ate. Ava didn’t respond but in her thoughts she was wondering how he knew. After dinner, Ava went to lay down. Jake left the house and tracked down John at his house. Jake snuck into John’s house and grabbed a kitchen knife then waited for John to go to sleep and then stabbed him in the chest. Jake took John’s body to the woods and buried the body with his other victims. Jake cleaned up and headed home. 

The next morning, Jake cooked Ava’s breakfast and they both sat down to eat. After breakfast, Ava and Jake went bowling. Andrew asked how they were going and gave them the bowling shoes. Ava and Jake started their game. About half an hour later, Andrew came up and asked Ava if she would like something to eat or drink. Ava says yes please, which makes Jake jealous. Jake waited for Andrew to go into the bathroom and then choked him to death. Jake took Andrew to the woods and buried the body. Jake went back to the bowling alley and told Ava that he wanted to leave. Ava and Jake headed home, but Jake wanted to stop at a dinner place to get something to eat. Ava took Jake to the restaurant and Tommy was waiting to be seated. Ava and Tommy both said hi to each other. Tommy was seated and then after Jake and Ava were seated soon after. After Jake was done eating, he got up and told Ava to wait there and not to move. Jake told Tommy to come outside because Jake had to show him something. Tommy followed Jake outside and Jake hit him upside the head with a crowbar. Jake picked Tommy's body up and put his body in the trunk of his car and rushed his body to the woods with the rest of the bodies. Jake went back to the restaurant to get Ava. Ava asked Jake where he went and Jake had no response.

 Ava got invited to a party that was taking place at the bar Pappy’s Place. After the party had started, Jake and Ava both got drinks and talked for a while. Ava walked aways and ran into Lee, Luke, and Zeek; they all joked around while having a good time. Ava left the party early and headed home but Jake stayed. As the party was coming to an end, Jake sat the place on fire and killed Lee, Luke, and Zeek. After Jake set the fire, he ran and called a taxi to get home. By the time Jake got home, Ava was already asleep. 

The next morning, Jake woke up early to leave and get food. When Jake got back, Ava had to leave to get stuff for dinner for that night. Ava saw Andrew’s co-worker, Scott. Ava said hi and asked how he was doing and then they both went their separate ways. Jake snuck past Ava and told Scott that someone needed him in the back. Scott was confused but went. Jake went behind Scott and hit him in the head with a hammer multiple times and took Scott’s body through the back doors of the store and took his body to the woods, where he buried all the people he had murdered. 

After he hid Scott’s body, he went home and took a shower and ate dinner. Ava told Jake that she needed to get her medicine. So Ava went to the pharmacist and talked to Mike and Ben. Ava said bye to Mike and Ben and headed home. After the pharmacy closes, Jake comes from behind the building and stabbed them both in the chest. Jake put the bodies in the car and took them to the woods to be buried with the rest of the bodies.

 After a few weeks, Ava becomes suspicious and begins to investigate. Ava realized that all her friends have gone missing. Ava got a hold of a detective and investigated what happened to them all. The detective found footage of how Jake beat them in the head with objects. The detective sent cops to Ava’s house, where Jake is living, and the cops took Jake in for questioning. The detective took Ava and showed her the video tapes of Jake murdering people. They  put Ava in a room with one way glass; Jake is on the other side. The detective went in and started questioning Jake. Jake admitted that he killed anyone that came in contact with Ava and he will keep doing it. He told the detective that he's next! The detective sent Jake to jail. 

Ava left Jake and decided to move back to her hometown. After a few months of being moved back to her hometown, Ava received a picture with Jake standing next to her car in her garage.     

The author's comments:

A short murder story about a jealous boyfriend that kills anyone his girlfriends comes in contact with.  

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