The song of the sirens | Teen Ink

The song of the sirens

March 1, 2023
By alicepurr GOLD, Fort White, Florida
alicepurr GOLD, Fort White, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Having a larger capacity to feel and express emotion are one of the many qualities that make us *superior* to your kind.- Melanie Martinez K-12

I was just 9 before my dad left me to go to sea.I saw the ship left and he never came back. I am now in New York City. The year of when dad left was 1550 it is now 2108 and I made a time machine. I did it to see if my dad has died to a mermaid species called sirens. If my dad is still alive then he could be lost at sea... I clicked all of the buttons and when back to when I was 9 and got in the ship my dad left.


He was the same as I remembered, He called out " LET'S GO NO TIME TO WASTE". and I saw the men working. He couldn't see me but I saw him. The salt waves crashed on the ship and it had a nice smell. I saw sightings.... I am kidding it wasn't much.. just water and rocks... wait I remembered.. SIRENS. I watched as I saw some of the men when in the water... Then I saw dad walk to one. M-mom was a siren and he helped her... Then he went in. and I waited... waited for him to come up then he never did. I went back to the present to see a gift on my bed. I opened it and saw my dad's ring on a chain. 


He died in the songs of a sirens.. 

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