The Endless Sunset Cabin Killing's | Teen Ink

The Endless Sunset Cabin Killing's

March 3, 2023
By kenzie_lynn BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
kenzie_lynn BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did you ever once think about what would happen if a massacre were to happen and you being the only one alive after it all? Well that's me… Slade’s the name, and I'm the only one still alive after the incident at the Endless Sunset cabin. We've always thrown big parties there, because it’s been abandoned for years, the whole highschool would always go and the students would always take turns throwing them. Well this specific Saturday night it wasmine and Lilly Reese’s, night to throw the end of summer party. She’s the prettiest girl in Wilson High. She had ocean blue eyes, big blonde hair, 5’4, so smart, and the prettiest smile you've ever seen. and of course I chose her to throw this party with because if I get at least one chance to even talk to her then I'll be set for life. 

The only problem I have is my “girlfriend” Scarlet Hansen. it's not that I want to be with her, but I have to be. Scarlet was definitely the hottest girl in school in everyone's opinion, Lilly and Scarlet were always in competition with their looks, but their personalities are totally different. Scarlet was a total b*tch and like the devil on my shoulder that I can never get rid of. Lilly, she was the angel, the sweetest soul you'll ever meet. Scarlet hated the fact that she wasn't the second host and I know she'll chew my ass later about it, but I didn't care. Lilly is what I care about right now and making this party bigger than any party that's happened here before. Scarlet’s always been so jealous of Lilly, she wants to have full control of me and never wants another girl to have me, she also wants to be the prettiest girl in Wilson high. If Scarlet were to ever find out I have feelings for Lilly, I'd be dead.

7 o’clock rolled around and it’s finally time for me to go pick up Lilly to decorate for the party. As I see her walk out of her front door to the car, it’s as if she's floating on air. She's so elegant and flawlessly beautiful, I snap myself out of it as soon as I hear the door click open. The whole car ride there, we were silent. It was definitely awkward and all I could do was stare straight ahead at the road, because the sight of her made me weak in the knees. As soon as we arrived, Scarlet was blowing up my phone, Lilly was so annoyed with the amount of text and calls I was getting, so she snatched my phone right out of my back pocket and yells 

“Well, are you going to answer her or not Slade, seeing your phone go off and hearing it buzz constantly is kind of annoying. So please if you're not going to answer it I will.”

“Please don’t, I’ll answer her when I can. Clearly I’m a little occupied. She’s just upset because she knows I'm with you and is jealous of you. She already thinks I’m cheating on her anyway, so I don't care all that much.” I say snatching my phone back.

“Maybe if you actually treated her like a human being then maybe she wouldn't be so worried about what you're doing 24/7.” She yelled back at me

Hearing that come out of her mouth made everything just go in flashes through my brain when that's the last thing I wanted to think about right now. The video, her cheating, the hurting, the abuse. Everything that Scarlet has done to me runs through my brain like a slideshow. After that I decided not to continue so we carried on setting the tables up in silence. I hear her whisper…

“I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

“It’s whatever at this point, no one will ever know the full story and if i’m made out to be the bad guy that's just fine.” I say while shrugging my shoulders as I put down a red solo cup.

She steps towards me, her big blue ocean eyes looking into mine “what is the full story then slade?”

“We're not getting into that right now Lilly. I’m over it.” I turn my body away from hers staring out the big window. 

She grabbed my hand and said, “No Slade, talk to me please. What am I missing here?” I turned towards her seeing her sorry eyes, I looked down to see her hand gripping my wrist. I feel my throat tighten up and my eyes start to water, I pull my arm away from her grasp and sit down on the old grandma looking couch. She sits besides me and waits for me to say something, anything. With my head down on my hands I try to start but nothing comes out, she grabs my hand once again, I grab her hand back, squeezing it. I feel her caressing my hand with her thumb, letting me know it's okay. She made me feel okay, she made me feel safe and like I could trust her.

“I don't want to be with her” I started out softly. “I have to be, but she won't let me leave. She's blackmailing me, and I don't want people knowing about me. It will make people view me differently and I don't want that, so I have no choice.” She grabbed my face from where it was once looking down and turned it towards her. Looking into eachothers eyes.

“What is it she has against you Slade? Let me help you.” she said in a soft tone, a tone that made me want to tell her everything. I felt like an open book with her, it's like I felt our souls were opening up together.

After taking a deep breath I told her the truth “She has a video of me trying to hang myself. She told me that if I were to ever try to leave her that she would leak it to the whole school. That's why I can't leave.” I took another deep breath and said “You're the first person I've ever told that too. So please let's just keep that between us.” She let go of my face and tucked her beautiful blonde curly hair behind her ear. She came closer to me and said 

“I don't think that's something to be ashamed of. I don't see you any differently than I did before. I think you're still as handsome and brave as you were 30 seconds ago. ” She got even closer to me and grabbed my face and kissed me. I pulled away out of surprise, I liked it. It felt like there were fireworks going off everywhere inside of me.

“I’m sorry did I do something wrong?” she said in an upset tone.

“No. You did everything but something wrong.” I grabbed her neck and pulled her towards me while kissing her repeatedly pulling her on top of me. Then I suddenly heard a car door slam.

“There's someone here.” I said while pulling her off of me.

We both popped up from the couch, she ran to grab her shirt off of the floor. As we both duck down beneath the window I kiss her one last time before anyone tries to come in. I run outside to see who it is and it's my best bud Jasper.

“Whats up sladeypoobear!!!” He always called me this because Scarlet does and he thought it's absolutely hilarious. 

“I've got the goooooods” he says with a big grin on his face pulling out some weed in a little baggy and 2 bottles of vodka. “We're going to get f*cked up tonight.” He said with the same big grin he had on his face earlier. I helped Jasper carry all the alcohol and weed supply into the cabin. 

It then rolls around 9 o’clock and everyone is now showing up, I then see Scarlet get out of her car with all her “friends”. They all think that she’s actually really friends with them when in reality she hates them all. She hates everyone, it's nothing new.

As soon as she gets out of the car she walks over to where I was standing and starts yelling at me. I don't know what about, I’ve kind of just learned how to block her out. My head just tunes her out to sound like the one teacher from Charlie Brown. As soon as I heard her, I just turned away and looked for Lilly. As my eyes scan the room for her, I finally see her in the middle of everyone surrounding her. She looks so beautiful dancing without a care in the world. For a slight second we make eye contact and she gives me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

“What do you think you're doing?!” Scarlet says while grabbing me and making me face her.

“What do you want, Scarlet? I'm just trying to have a good time. You're kind of ruining that.”

“Why haven't you answered any of my texts or calls Slade?!” she screamed at me.

“Because you're not my responsibility Scarlet, I don't have to move at every command you give me. I don't want to be with you. Ever since you betrayed me with the video, we haven’t been together for real for four months. We haven't actually been together for four months. Get a grip and move on.” I said with a stone cold face, knowing I don't feel a thing for this woman anymore.

“Quiet! No one knows that and no one can know that. We're supposed to be the perfect couple, sladeypoobear. You know that. So please babe, please go grab me a drink.” She said with a big fake grin on her face and her eyebrows high and mighty, that was her sign for me to look happy and if she has the video.

“Yes your majesty, i'll go get it right away.” I turned away from her but I felt her grab my arm not in the way that Lilly did, this touch was cold, dark.

“Thank you. Hey, word of advice… stay away from Lilly. K?” She still had that sickening grin. How was I supposed to stay away from the girl my head couldn't stop thinking of? I walked away ignoring her comment. Her remarks sit in my brain, every little thing she's ever done or said to me. But then I see Lilly coming towards me with her bright blue eyes  smiling into mine.

“What's up loser, getting me a drink?” she said while giggling and dancing.

“I mean if you'd like one, sure.” I said while shrugging my shoulders. 

“No, no it's fine Slade, I can fend for myself. But I would like you to dance with me…”

“Oh no I-” she didn't allow me to finish my sentence until I felt her grab my arm and pull me into the middle of the field. I could feel burning eyes on me the whole time I was dancing with her but in this exact moment I didn't care, not even in the slightest. I felt the burning sensation on my neck get hotter and hotter until I was cracked in the face.

“What the hell was that for!” I yelled furiously, waving my arms in her face.

“I told you to stay the hell away from her! There will be consequences.” Scarlet stormed away. 

As I watch her go stomp away I see Jasper and his girlfriend Abby pull Scarlet away from the party. I followed them so I could know what was going on. Kneeling behind A bush I see them all standing in front of the beach.

“What do you want Jasper?!” Scarlet yelled at him.

“I’m really tired of seeing you control Slade like that, it's not cool, All we're trying to do is have a good time and you're ruining that.” He spoke with a calm tone.

“I don't control him. I love him, there's a difference. I'm also just trying to have a good time with my boyfriend but he can't even listen to me! You probably put something into his head!” she screamed, pushing him back towards Abby.

“The hell!” Abby screamed in Scarlet's face.

“He’s not even your boyfriend Scarlet! He doesn't want anything to do with you! He only stays ‘with’ you because you're holding something against him. Y'all have been broken up for a long time, get a hold of yourself. It's pathetic!” Jasper screamed at her, flaring his arms up and down with Scarlet still pushing him back. She punched him square in the face. Abby pushed Jasper out of the way. 

“Ohhhh, I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” she said with a smirk on her face, punching Scarlet straight in the nose.

“I love him and I will kill anyone who gets between us!” she said with blood dripping from her nose. I see her pull something out of her back pocket and quickly insert it right into Abby’s stomach. Stabbing her repeatedly in the stomach and then pulling it back out, looking over at  Jasper standing there in shock not knowing what to do. 

“Please run Jasp. please warn everyone else.” I whispered to myself. Scarlet turns his dying girlfriend towards him, with blood spilling out of her mouth. I can see him mouth the words ‘I love you’ to her, just before Scarlet takes the knife and slashes her throat with it. I can see him trying not to buckle to his knees, he starts running. Faster than I've ever seen anyone run before. I started running back to the party. I can hear his screaming ‘help’ and ‘get out of here leave.’ while he’s still running. We both made it back to the party and were yelling at everyone to leave, to run. We don't know who her next victim is.

As everyone is running trying to get away I start searching for Lilly. Pushing everyone out of the way.

“Lilly!” I yelled. I got not one answer back. “LILLY!” I screamed again. This time I heard a

“Slade I’m right here” I could barely hear it over everyones panicking but I searched for her, still calling out each other's names. I finally found her on the ground, people running all around her and a piece of glass stuck in her thigh. I picked her up and started heading to the cabin. Jasper was still yelling at everyone to get out of here. I look back for a split moment to see where Scarlet is, and I see her holding up an axe right above Jasper’s head. 

“NO!!” I screamed, throwing Lilly to the ground. “JASPER RUN!” I screamed while sprinting towards Scarlet. Jasper sprinted away from the spot he was in and I tackled Scarlet, knocking the axe out of her hand. I grabbed the axe before she was able to reach it and hit her over the head with it, knocking her out cold. 

“Now you have to go somewhere Jasper, I love you man and I’m so sorry.” I said while giving him a hug. I could tell by the way he was hugging me that he needed this.

“I love you more man, and it's alright you didn't know this was going to happen.” he whispered, pulling me in tighter. When he finally let me go I ran back to Lilly. 

“I’m sorry for doing that but I couldn't let him die and just watch it happen.” I said while picking her back up and running back to the cabin. After getting us back to the cabin I sat her down on the couch, and secured all the doors and windows, making sure Scarlet had no way to get in.

“I think what you did was really brave.” I heard her whisper in my ear.

“What are you doing up? You have a piece of glass in your thigh?!” I said, still looking straight ahead. I felt her grab my hand, turning my body towards her. 

“It’s fine, I can't even feel it.” she said while grabbing my head and pulling me in for a kiss. Her kiss made it feel like nothing crazy was going on right now. It was like magic.

*BANG!* I pulled away from her grasp and we both looked at each other scared out of our minds. 

“What the hell was that?!” she whispered in a scared tone.

“I don’t know…” I crept up closer to the window. *BAM* We both jumped back in shock. There I saw a bloody hand slide down the window, the hand slowly falling from the window leaving a trail of blood on the window. *BANG* There was Jasper’s face against the window, blood dripping from both his mouth and nose, smearing all over the window. My jaw dropped in shock and I jumped back. I felt my knees becoming weak, Lilly caught me before I could fall. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* repeatedly against the window, a ringing noise going through my ears from the cracking and banging of the window. I see my dead best friend being beaten to a brim. I turn to Lilly and she's holding her hands to her ears. 

“Duck!” she cried out. I couldn't hear her from the constant banging and ringing so all I could give her was a confused face. She rolled her eyes and pulled me down by my arm. The next thing I see is shards of glass all over, and Jasper laying next to me. I couldn't cry, I had to focus on the situation I was in. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly and then laid it down next to his side where his dead body lay. 

Scarlet stood up from the outside of the cabin with the axe in her hand, the nastiest smile on her face I've ever seen. She started coming towards us, the sound of glass against her boots. She raised her leg to step through the window, I grabbed Lilly and ran out the back door. I could feel her limping while running. Running into the forest, I feel something dragging me down. It was Lilly, she collapsed and couldn't run any longer.

“I need you to run please!” she cried.

“No! I can't leave you too!” I said with a raspy voice while trying to lift her up.

“I can't walk Slade. You have to go.” she said, grasping her leg. 

“No. I’m not going to let you die, at least not alone.” I said while kneeling down to hold her. We heard the moving leaves on the ground and the grass swaying closer and closer. Until we finally saw Scarlet’s black poofy hair and big combat boots coming towards us.

“You guys like to be chased, don't you?” she said with a slight smirk on her face. Neither of us answered her, this made her start swinging her axe back and forth. She knelt down next to me.

“You know I love you, right sladeypoobear?” She said while grasping my face and kissing me. I pulled away in disgust. 

“I’m doing this for you, for us.” she said, raising her tone and grabbing my face turning it back towards her. 

“Now we can be together forever baby.” she said with a smirk, beginning to stand up. I kept my head down as she continued to go on about how we are meant to be together, and how I’m hers forever now. I looked up just in time to see her raising the axe right above Lilly’s head. 

“No!” I cried and threw my body over Lilly’s. Then I felt it, I felt the axe insert into my back. The cold blade tears out of me as she pulls it out. My back cringing at the feeling and the sound of my back ripping open. Rolling onto my back I can hear a blurred voice crying to me.

“Why would you do that?! You're insane!” I hear a muffled cry coming from Lilly. 

“I didn't mean to hit him, I meant to kill you. Maybe if he wasn't so in love with you then he wouldn't have ever protected you and we wouldn't be in this situation right now!” I hear Scarlet yell at Lilly. I lift my head up the slightest, and see Scarlet's curly black hair dash off into the forest. I lay my head back down on the ground, and I start to feel blood start to drip from my mouth. I then feel Lilly’s hand wipe it away. I hear a ripping sound, the same sound my back made just a few minutes ago, I cringed at the thought. I looked down to see what was making the noise and it was Lilly ripping her shirt, she lifted up my back. Pounding my fist on the ground from the amount of pain I am.

“I’m sorry I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m just trying to make the blood slow down.” she whispered with tears forming in her eyes. She tied it around my waist and I let out a heavy breath. She kept repeating ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ when she was done she laid down on my chest, I slightly raised my hand and moved her hair out of her face she looked at me and kissed me. I could feel the tears hitting my face from her kiss. 

“I love you Lilly, and I’m so sorry for this. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize this.” I said quietly, still gasping for air while holding my hand against her cheek she held my hands against it as if she never wanted me to let go. 

“Shhh, it’s okay. I love you too, Slade. You're not going to die, okay?” She whispered back to me. I then hear Scarlet walking back dragging the axe on the forest floor, and cackling. She was going insane over this, I then watched her pace back and forth in circles around me and Lilly. I then hear a gasp escape from Lilly’s mouth and see her eyes go wide, she suddenly stumbles to the floor and Scarlet continues to impale Lilly in the stomach.

“SCARLET STOP!” I yelled as loud as I could. She continued to ignore me and impaled Lilly once more. Lilly turned her head towards me with tears falling from her face. She reached her hand out for me and I held mine out in return. 

She held my hand tight and mouthed “I love you slade.”

“I love you too” I mouthed back at her and took her hand and brought it towards my mouth and kissed her hand. Scarlet finally removed the axe from her stomach and stopped, I could still see the tears falling from her eyes still staring into mine. 

She finally took her last breath, I could feel her soul rip away from her body. She would have looked a lot more peaceful if she didn't have a pool of blood formed around her. 

“Now that that's done.” Scarlet hovered over me and smiled down at me. She took out her phone and dialed a number. 

“Yes hi, my name is Scarlet Hoover. I’m calling about a massacre that happened at 2740 16th ave. I think the murderer ran off though… I think there are about 3 dead and one severely injured, I just found him. Please hurry!” she cried as if she was a victim, as if she didn't make this happen. 

Finally the ambulance and police finally showed up, they carried me to the car on a stretcher and as they were heading me there they took Scarlet off to the side to ask her questions about the incident. As soon as they got me to the car there was a police officer waiting there for me, waiting to ask me questions. He had asked me ‘who did this.’ I looked towards scarlet and she looked back at me shaking her head back and forth, and mouthing ‘don't you do it’. I looked back at the officer and gave him a scared look, hoping he would know what I meant. He came closer to me and whispered “did that woman do this?” I nodded my head and told him ‘yes’. He walked away to go tell another officer, they then went behind her, took the handcuffs out and handcuffed her. 

“You're under arrest for the murder of Jasper Hall, Abby Cook, Lilly Reese, and the attempted murder of Slade Raven.” They said in a stern tone.

“What?! I’m innocent??” She screamed at them. As she walked past me she gave this death glare and then a nasty smile along with it. As she was getting put into the back of the police car she looked at me and blew me a kiss. I was utterly disgusted with her, and myself. Why did I let it get that far? I shouldn't have even cared about the video, or any other sh*tty thing she's done to me. I should've just left. Why did I let it carry on for so long… I asked myself. 

It should've been me, they were amazing people and never deserved that. I put them in harm's way. They were my people, and now I don't have them here with me.

The author's comments:

Slade must get away from his crazy ex-girlfriend Scarlet. Will he get away from her grasp and make it out alive. 

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