Broken | Teen Ink


March 10, 2023
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

         It had been a long day at work, deadlines, angry boss, drama. I didn't want anything to do with it, but of course, seeing as it’s my job, it’s unavoidable. Rubbing my feet on the mat right in front of the door I walked into my house. It was the usual sight, everything was just how I had left it, and nothing seemed out of place. I went into the pantry to grab a bag of fish food. Then, walking over to the aquarium and dropping a small bit of it in, watching the fish slowly eat away. After that, I decided to go and take a shower. Once I had finished I walked into the living room and slouched down on the couch. All I wanted to do was relax. I reached over to the remote that was lying on the coffee table. On the table was a tall and elegant vase, with cracks all over. Around a year back the vase had fallen to the floor and shattered. I did my best to try and repair it with some glue, but it’s never been the same since. Clicking on the TV I was ready to sit here all day. 

          It was the next day. Work had been just as infuriating as yesterday. I pulled on the doorknob and walked into my house. It was the usual sight, everything was just how I had left it, and nothing seemed out of place. I went to grab a bag of fish food from the pantry. Once I had finished with the fish I decided to go and take a shower, just being in the office building makes you feel disgusted. Soon, I was in the living room and heading toward the couch. I reached for the TV remote that was lying on the coffee table. The vase on the table was still there, but, it might have just been me, the cracks looked a bit bigger than the day before. I turned on the TV, not wanting at all to go back to work the next day. 

          Work had been a slum as always. I was struggling even trying to find enough motivation to get out of bed and go to work this morning. I tugged on the doorknob and allowed myself into my house. It was the usual sight, everything was just how I had left it, and nothing seemed out of place. Fish food in hand I went to feed the extra burdens in my life. Then I went into the bathroom ready to take a shower, just the thought of having to go back to work made me feel disgusted. In just a couple minutes I had finished and was heading to the living room. I fell onto the couch and reached for the TV remote. The vase that lay on the table was still there, the cracks even bigger than the days before. I clicked the TV on and turned off my head.

          Work had been just as awful as any other day. I walked over to my door and slammed it open. It was the usual sight, everything was just how I had left it, and nothing seemed out of place. I went to take a shower, feeling like I had just rolled around in mud. The office will do that to a person. In around a few minutes I was outside the shower and heading towards the living room. I jumped onto the couch as I reached for the TV remote. The vase that lay on the coffee table was still there, the cracks as big as ever. I clicked on the TV.

          Work had been awful. I walked over to the front door and threw it open. I went to go and feed the fish, but they were floating upside down. I went to take a shower, it was quick. I went to the living room to sit on the couch. I reached for the TV remote. The vase was broken.       

The vase was broken.          The vase was broken

                  The vase was broken

The vase was broken.         The vase was broken.

I was broken.

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