Silence of the Sacrificial Lambs | Teen Ink

Silence of the Sacrificial Lambs

April 30, 2023
By faithmurillo BRONZE, Artesia, California
faithmurillo BRONZE, Artesia, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything in  Rosa "Rosie" De Leon's life seemed to only go upward for her until it didn't. 

She had everything she could've ever wanted as a little girl, a bright future, graduated at the top of her class, and was blessed with family and friends that loved and cherished her. She was called Rosa because her mother loved to tend to the roses that grew in their garden, which earned her name as the 'rosie' in her parents' eyes. Following her graduation, she was invited by a few close friends to go to a rural area in Spain for a graduation party. After all, who was she to deny a good time? Of course, ever the curious one,  Rosa felt the thrill of adventure flow through her veins as she continued exploring, despite being told off by the trip's chaperones to stay away from the villagers. A bit of wariness encompassed her, but she quickly brushed the feeling off in exchange for more explorations. A wiser girl would've turned away and heeded the warnings. 

 A day before the trip, on one fateful evening, she picked up all the mail from her mailbox, explicitly addressed to her, and curious, she quickly opened the envelope to find a letter from a friend she hadn't heard from in a long time, desperately asking for her help. Rosa's concern and worry grew tremendously as she read the letter to the end, and her curiosity flourished after thinking back to the mention of her former friend being lost in Spain. 

Eventually, the day came for Rosa to travel to Spain with her dear friends, and she couldn't be more excited. She brought her Polaroid camera and bag filled with various essentials, taking many pictures of the places she's been so far in Spain and some pictures greeting her with images of her with her friends, making her smile. During the trip, the chaperone was gesturing to what appeared to be a lush green and thick area surrounded by trees, and the sight beckoned Rosalind. 

"As you can see here, everyone, beyond this campsite is a village shrouded in trees and paths that twist and turn. It's in your best interest to stay away though, you don't want to run into the villagers. They don't like foreigners." The chaperone sounded tired, a yawn escaping his lips before leading the tour group back, but a girl with a wanderlust as strong as Rosa's couldn't help it, akin an itch that begged to be scratched. So, Rosa made her brave escape, making her smirk to herself as she slipped away with the agility and cunningness of a cat. 

"Ah, who cares? A little bit of adventure never hurt anyone," Rosa sighed and murmured to herself, traversing down the path. Her skill and agility allowed her to succeed in climbing up the towering wall of rocks until she reached the village she's been told to stay away from, shrouded away by a thick sea of trees. Looking around apprehensively and a little on edge, she avoided twigs or leaves that could give way to her position. Rosa then smirked and saw an opportunity for a thrill-seeking adventure. However, as she walked through the woods, Rosalind noticed a cloaked figure following her. 

This cloaked figure was unlike any other villager she had ever seen. Rosa couldn't see their face, but she could see that they were holding a tree trunk-like cane and a coat lined with sheepskin and fur. The figure seems to tower over her from a distance and stares menacingly. Suddenly  Rosa tried to ignore the constitution, but this mysterious person persisted in following her. Eventually, after a fruitless attempt to run away further into the village, the man cloaked with an aura of mystery spoke to her. With a croaky tone of speech, and a heavy Spanish accent, the man mustered asked where she was headed, and Rosa trembled in fear,  but wanted to conceal that entirely. So she warily replied, her guard up while whispering," There's someone I like to see in the village."

The cloaked figure smiled and said, "A little birdie told me that you're looking for a missing Señorita..and that she's in this very village..." 

Rosa hesitated but eventually agreed, thinking the figure might be friendly. As they walked, the figure asked Rosa about her life and adventures in the forest. Rosa shared her stories with the figure, and they became pretty friendly. However, the figure grew quiet as they approached the village and withdrew. Rosa could sense something gone awry, but it was too late. 

When she arrived at the village, and the place that the figure told her her friend was residing, it was to her horror that she found her friend lying on the bed, mortally wounded.  Rosa quickly became terrified, and she quickly sprang into action. She grabbed her basket and threw the camera and other items in the bag at the man, who was know standing in the room as her and her long lost friend. The figure was surprised and momentarily distracted, long enough for Rosa to arm herself with a knife, and successfully warded off the figure. After the figure was gone, Rosalind tended to her long-lost friend's wounds and stayed with her until she was well again for the night. 

Unfortunately, Rosa's luck seems to have run out as soon as she exits the house. With a protective grip on her wounded friend, she carries her on her back, and to her horror, she sees the mysterious figure from before, with a horde of villagers armed with pitchforks, axes, and dynamite. Dread encompassed her figure, and with no use, she and her friend were quickly outnumbered, with the night silenced, with the only sounds being the cries of the sacrificial lambs. 

"What a small price to pay for such a sacrificial lamb," The man from before laughed as he brushed the hair behind the ears of a now lifeless Rosa, whose hands were occupied with her friend's, leaving the pair in the cold dark dungeon alone.

The author's comments:

Though this piece drew heavy inspiration from the tale of Little Red Riding Hood, I ultimately envisioned a darker and modern retelling of the tale where instead of the titular character getting eaten by the wolf, the "wolf" in question instead is human, but would ultimately be predatory in the sense of his manipulative nature and cunningness being a major factor in the undoing for Rosa, like a lamb being led to slaughter.

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