Listen | Teen Ink


May 23, 2023
By Anonymous

Snow was on her way to her neighborhood's convenience store in the somewhat late hours of the night. She needed to buy some snacks to eat while finishing up her final art projects. While being rung up Snow saw a poster of a newspaper clipping behind the cashier. It read, “Warning for residents of  Atlantic Square: a killer is on the loose. A brief description of the man: around 5’8 and wearing a black hoodie with a brown hat with a swirl on the front. Please be aware of your surroundings and listen carefully.” 

“$3.58,” mentioned the store clerk wearing his dark black work cap with a blinding neon yellow color apron. 

“Oh- wait, sorry I was deep in thought,” replied Snow. 

“Don’t worry about it.” Snow paid for her snacks and started to head for the door. When she heard a very annoying ringing sound. She assumed that the electronic bell for the door broke and walked out of the store. While walking she suddenly realized that she had to buy white paint for her projects. She decided to take the train to get to her destination quickly. 

The train station was empty of people with expectations of the ticket clerk and a few late working office workers. While on the train she heard the ringing again and looked up to see the lights flickering on and off. “Dang these places really need to get their shinn fixed,” muttered Snow. While entering the train and seated down she saw the same office workers sitting around her on different seats far away from each other. One of them entered the train and sat in front of Snow. The man was wearing an office suit with the color navy blue with a loosened black tie. His hair was a dark black and looked a bit ruffled and messy. He let out a sigh and started some small talk with Snow. 

“So…what are you doing roaming around this late at night?” asked the worker.

“I’m just getting some last minute paint supplies for my art project. What about you? Why are you here so late?”

“My boss wanted me to stay another 2 more hours to work on some new project.” 

“Ah, unlucky-” Before Snow could add anymore  the train announcer stated her stop. “It was nice meeting you as a late night officer worker. Hope you get home safe.”

“Yeah, you too.” Snow left the train and was on her way to the paint shop store. She walked in to see no one operating at the front desk, but instead a loud ringing sound coming from the back. 

“These places really need to get renewed.” While searching for her white paint she saw a man looking at the paint buckets and colors. The man was wearing just a loose coffee colored graphic tee and loose jeans with black leather gloves. After finishing examining the man she went back to picking out what sort of white to buy for her project. All of a sudden she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder. She let out a squeak and jumped. She quickly turned around to see that it was just the man with a very shocked look on his face. 

“Oh shoot, I’m sorry for scaring you like that. You just seemed like you knew what you were doing, picking out paints and such.” 

“Sorry for that reaction, I was just surprised. Yeah I can help what’s up?” 

“I have 1 daughter and she wants to repaint her room a pink color. Can you recommend a good shade of pink?”

“Yeah of course.” Snow helped the man pick out a nice, soft shade for his daughter and both of them walked towards the front area to pay. There were still no workers operating the front desk and Snow was considering just leaving the cash and leaving. Before Snow could execute her plan the man spoke again.

“Wow…There seems to be 0 workers here.” Then all of a sudden the ringing presented itself again, but this time much louder. Ruby’s ears started to hurt, her head started to spin. Her vision was getting blurry and she started to wobble. But then an unfamiliar feeling brought her back. Her abdomen felt a sudden pain and then looked down. That’s when she saw it. A knife stabbed right through her. She looked behind her to see the man giving a sinister grin.

“Look who has no warnings left.” Snow started to slump and then her body hit the floor. Her vision was going dark and blood started to pool around her. The last thing she saw was the man doing something to the cameras. He had his hands in his pockets and confidently walked outside of the paint store.

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