Jeremy | Teen Ink


May 25, 2023
By Anonymous

It was the night of June 13th, just a day after summer school ended and almost a month before school was said to start. We knew we’d actually have to wait about two and a half weeks before school really started but time was distorted in our little brains. Warped into something so disgustingly beautiful that if we were to reach out and touch it we’d be devoured along with it and it was only a matter of time. So much so that we just couldn’t wait, we wanted it now and when you’re a duo of stupid middle school kids, that’s almost reason enough. Almost. I remember that exact night because it was cold, unbearably cold in a country with its very roots buried deep into the equator.
“Maybe we should just go back home, this seems extreme,” I said, wrapping my hands around my body in an attempt to restore some feeling in my stiff hands. I gazed up at the rusted, iron fence which held a sign that basically screamed “DO NOT ENTER, UNDER CONSTRUCTION! DANGER ZONE!” I stare up at the jagged barbed wire lacing the top of the fence as if it’s daring you to come in, warning you that you’ll never get out. “Don’t be a baby! This’ll be so much fun!” I turn to see Jeremy’s red-rimmed eyes light up with excitement and prickle with just a bit of hope, his smile bared so wide that night I almost mistaken it for gritting teeth. Jeremy… my best friend since grade school, a hated fellow he was but oh was he brilliant. Sometimes I wonder if his brilliance was the reason for the hatred, the hatred torwards him anyway. His dirty blonde hair and mischievous smile, always up to no good. I like to remember him as a brilliant, crazy, fly by the seat of his own pants kind of guy but in all honesty it only took one word to describe him… scared “Bwok Bwok Bwok! Chicken! Don’t be a scaredy cat man!” Jeremy said, shoving me in the back with more force than I think he intended.  “I don’t know… maybe there’s a reason to be scared.” Whether that was of spiders, the dark, his parents, the kids at school, or me his dearest friend that would’ve done anything for him. Jeremy was always scared.
“Come on, the fence should be broken down here!” Jeremy said, dragging me by my arm. “Come on Jeremy it’s cold and I don’t want to be here! I just wanna be at home stirring some of Mrs.Wheeler’s gumbo!” I protested, tugging my hand from his grip as we reach the ragged gap in the fench. Jeremy turns to me, smiles, gently takes my hand and slivers through the small hole, dragging me reluctantly. Once we reach the other side of the fench my nerves ricocheted through my body. It was a six foot clown with sharp, bloody, ravenous teeth. I tried to scream but Jeremy clasped his hands tight over my mouth. “Shhh! It’s just fake!” He whispers, as I fall down into the dirt on top of him. He says some other things but it all drowns out as my head begins to reel. My stomach knots up tighter than it ever has as my heart pounds viciously against my chest. “Breathe! Breathe! You’re okay! We’re okay!” Jeremy clasps my hands in an attempt to calm me down but it just makes my blood boil. He brought me here, he’s the reason I feel sick, the reason I feel like a coward. I push myself off of him, enraged and overwhelmed. “Sorry I’m a little scared of the freaking killer clown!” I boomed, turning to him, tears prickling my tired eyes.
“Just come on!” He says as if he’s annoyed with me. With me. His bestfriend since diapers, the only person who would do anything for him. Before I could tell him off he grabs me by the shoulders and forces me to turn around. “Look, past the creepy clown.” He whispered. The first thing that came into sight when the tears prickling my eyes dried, was that stupid clown but behind it I saw what has been keeping Jeremy so fixated on coming here. There was a big farris wheel that stood about 30 feet tall. Shadows stretched across it leaving the worn away silver even more brooding. A sudden breeze moves through the air causing the ferris wheel to creak. My body trembles and I try to write off as an effect of the crisp air. But my heart was doing summersaults as I had a feeling what Jeremy wanted to do. “You aren’t planning on getting on that thing are you?” I ask trying to keep my voice from shaking. “Yes.” Jeremy’s breathing picks up and for the first time in a long time his face is radiant. He looks like the Jeremy I met so many years ago. The tip of his ears and nose reddened like it did so many times before when he was geniuely happy and I could’ve sworn more freckles popped up on his glowing face. My best friend, who I would do anything for, wants to do this. He couldn’t wait a month for fair week. He couldn’t wait the month that we both know is really two and a half weeks. He couldn’t wait to get on that ferris wheel and I couldn’t wait to see my best friend’s reddened nose and ears. However, that’s the funny thing about time. The more you rush it, the faster you lose it. But Jeremy and I were kids, we didn’t care about time. So there we went, rushing… to the ferris wheel full of hope and fear.
“You ready buddy?” Jeremy asks and that questioned seemed surreal. Am I ready? “Yes you loser! Start it!” I laugh swinging my feet back and forth, I felt immortal.
“Okay, okay I’m gonna start it, run, and jump on.”
“Okay hurry up! Your mom could wake up any minute!”
“Okay!” He chuckles, pressing a button. The ferris wheel creaks and shakes, but then it slowly starts to creak up “Here I come!” Jeremy grins, jumping into the seat next to me. “We’re doing this!” he squeals.
“Oh yeah we are!” I place my hand around his shoulder as the ferris wheel creaks up, soon we’ll able to see the whole city. “Hey Jeremy..”
“I’m glad we decided to do this.”
“Me too, I love you.” He pulls me in for a hug. “I love you too.” I smile, embracing him. We finally creak to the top of the ferris wheel and when I pull from Jeremy to look, I freeze. My breathing becomes ragged, my heart almost burst through my chest, and the next thing I knew I was flailing my arms screaming at Jeremy to get me down. Jeremy tried to wrap his arms around me to calm me down but I shoved him. I shoved him hard. The last time I looked him in his face he was scared, as he always was. He called out to me, but I couldn’t help him, it was too late. He tumbled off the cart with the broken door, the cart that I picked, the cart that I shoved him off of. Me, Jeremy’s best friend, the guy who loved him more than anyone, the only person who would do anything for him, shoved him off a ferris wheel, 30 feet high and killed him.

The author's comments:

This piece is a short story I wrote about two bestfriends sneaking into a fair that’s underconstruction.

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