A Dark Night | Teen Ink

A Dark Night

May 26, 2023
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

A Dark Night

          The city streets were dark, not a person in sight. Alone I walked through them using nothing but my eyes to help me see. Tall buildings loomed overhead like towering giants looking down upon me. I could feel my heart beating at an uncontrollable rate, a bead of sweat on my face. The sounds of my own body masked the low hum of the structures nearby. 

          In the distance was a single illuminated building in the void of blackness. It was like it was drawing me in, asking for me to be there. My eyes were glued to the lights as I walked. I couldn’t turn back now. With each step, my breathing became more erratic. 

          A helicopter flew overhead, the noise of its propellers breaking me from my trance. It was heading towards the lights in the distance, I quickened my pace. As I walked I placed my hand on my right side, an inch from my pocket. I was close, the lights were getting brighter. My arms were twitching, ready to reach for my pocket at a moment's notice. 

          Sirens in the distance as white vehicles began to pull up to the building, their sirens blasting noise into the quiet city. My hand reached into my pocket and wrapped around the handle. Just a little further. The vehicles were unloading injured bodies into the building. No more than a mere 50 feet, I pulled out the gun from my pocket. I opened the chamber and unloaded 3 already spent shots, letting them fall to the ground. The noise as they hit the floor was covered up by the sounds of echoing gunfire.  

The author's comments:

The man walking in the city streets is a killer who is slowly moving towards a hospital. The helicopter and ambulances are driving in because they are bringing in the 3 people he has already shot, with the implication that he already shot 3 bullets. He then shoots the nurses and doctors bringing in the bodies so that his original victims can’t be saved.

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