The Collection of One Sentence Horror Stories | Teen Ink

The Collection of One Sentence Horror Stories

August 29, 2023
By iamkyle_2 BRONZE, Seoul, Other
iamkyle_2 BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I overheard voices planning a bloody murder – in my head.


While playing rock paper scissors in the mirror, I lost a round; shocked, I looked up to see my reflection smile.


After visiting Chernobyl, my skin started to fall apart; as it couldn’t contain my organs anymore, I melted into a puddle of flesh and blood.

The author's comments:

Kyle is a sophomore at Mercersburg Academy. He is an alpine skier and an enthusiastic scholar. In his spare time, he enjoys writing songs, listening to music, and playing squash. These days, Kyle is focused on literary activities such as writing essays and composing poems.

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