The Revenge | Teen Ink

The Revenge

September 1, 2023
By ym0300333 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
ym0300333 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Revenge 

From when our moms packed us lunch to the first day of high school, freshman year. It’s always been Lexi since she was 5 years old until her mom's friends from college came back to town and introduced me to their daughters. That's when she met Natalie, Kate, and Issabela, her now three best friends well childhood friends if you want to call it that. They grew up together had trips together and even went to the same schools, as well as the same classes their whole life. They would love to host sleepovers at each other's house every weekend or even eat pizza on the couch while talking about boys on a school night. Lexi and her friends are really close and this year they will start their freshmen year at the same school. They were so excited that the night before they decided to put on a face mask and made sure they looked banal and their outfits were perfect for the first day of school well did I mention freshman year? They all went to sleep happy knowing that they would meet new people and even find new hobbies they would love and probably continue till their senior year.

Today August 10, 2015, the first day of high school, Lexi and her friends head to breakfast they got their morning coffee with a bagel, Lexi was the only one who didn't finish her coffee so she took it to class instead so she could drink it and not waste it. They start heading to class, Lexi’s first class is painting but the girls have a gym so they parted their own ways Goodbye, and as Lexi is making her way into the class she runs into someone. Lexi accidentally drops her coffee on this person she has never met. “I’m so sorry I can clean this up”, she says while looking into his handsome most beautiful brown hazel eyes trying to look for the closest napkins there are. “ Hey it's okay it's my fault, I didn’t see you there I was distracted by my friends talking to me, im sorry I didn’t get your name”. He says while trying to clean his jeans up covered in coffee. “My name is Lexi nice to bump into you,” she says while looking into his smile. “Pretty name so that's a plus. My name is Nathan, What class where you heading to” He says. “I'm heading to my painting class What about you”, she asks. “Oh really you won’t believe where I'm going, im heading to painting class as well”. He says “Well would you like to walk with me there” He asks Lexi. “Yeah, I see why not,” Lexi says. From that moment on it is history. Nathan would ask Lexi to be his girlfriend during the 5th week of school. Lexi kept this a secret from the girls in till he asked her to be his girlfriend so Lexi took Nathan to meet them at lunch. When they start heading towards their table. Natalie, Issabela, and Kate’s jaw dropped. That’s when Lexi broke the news to them, They were so benign and happy for her, and after that day they all started to hang out together. Nathan would come over to play board games at Lexi’s house and Natalie, Kate, and Issabela saw how happy she was with Nathan. Ever since then they they hung out every day after school at Lexi’s house or at the cafe to do homework together and just catch up about the drama at school till one day. After 11 months of dating, Natalie catches feelings for Nathan so she has the bright idea to tell Isabella and Kate about her feelings and of course, hide it from Lexi because they knew she would get hurt that her childhood friend likes her boyfriend. Right? Natalie then delivers this hatred for Lexi more like jealousy by just seeing how happy she is with him and because of her liking Lexi’s boyfriend, she decides to try and flirt with him when Lexi isn’t around or outside of school. Nathan ends up catching feelings for Natalie too so he goes over to Natalie's house here and there till one day things lead south and Natalie and Nathan sleep together they get scared because Nathan had plans to meet Lexi in 15 minutes at the mall to get ice cream and food together so he hurried. At this point, Lexi starts to get suspicious because Nathan isn’t answering the phone or his text so she checks his location and sees that he is at Natalie's house so she questions herself. Why would he be with my best friend or at her house? So she left home and had a suspicion something was going on between them so she didn’t tell them she kept it to herself, she went to sleep and ignored Nathans's text that night. The Next day at school she ignored Nathan and Natalie so she headed to the cafe for lunch by herself because she didn’t want to see their faces. At this point, Natalie and Nathan know that Lexi might have known about their relationship well or at least suspected something about the two. But what they didn’t know is that Lexi had a plan well more like “REVENGE”. Kate found out that Lexi knew about the affair by the stories that she posted on her private Snapchat and that she was planning something but didn’t know what it was so she was paranoid. So she told Isabella to. Lexi wanted to poison them with food poisoning so that they knew to never mess with her but a turn happened. Lexi textes the group chat with Natalie, Nathan, Isabella, and Kate in it saying “Do yall want to come over and eat pizza on the couch like the good old times, I'm sorry I've been distanced from all Can yall forgive me? se yall in 10?” this is her way of planning on lowering them down to her house. Lexi then ordered the pizza so by the time they are all here the pizza comes in time and doesn't look suspicious. She then hides the rat poison close to the kitchen island. Natalie, Nathan, Isabella, and Kate text “I'm down ill be there in 5 Do any of yall need a ride”, on the group chat to which Kate also replies “I do”.  They arrive at Lexi’s house and Kate tells Isabella, Natalie, and Nathan that she is scared that something might happen because Lexi had known and planned something. Natalie reassured Kate that nothing would happen because that was their childhood friend and that she was only trying to fix things between everyone. So they proceed to walk in and greet Lexi. They conversed meanwhile the pizza got here so they waited on the couch. When they hear the doorbell 5 minutes later. The pizza had arrived. Lexi then distracted them by saying that all of them should pick a movie while she cut the pizza and put it on plates for everyone. Natalie tried to help Lexi so they could talk but Lexi refused. That's when Lexi decided to put the poison on the food except for hers. She watched as they ate the pizza not knowing that the poison was strong enough to kill them. She then waited for an hour to go by when all of a sudden none of them were breathing, She thought it would only put them unconscious but she knew she messed up she had to come up with a plan and fast. She went into her backyard and dug four big holes she then put their bodies in bags and put them in there. Lexi didn’t get caught with the murders till 5years later. The company she had was the antithesis of everything, she admired her childhood friends and now her Ex-boyfriend.

The author's comments:

I am a high school student.

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