The case of missing teenagers | Teen Ink

The case of missing teenagers

September 1, 2023
By Anonymous

While Dylan was getting ready for school in the morning, he overheard the news reporter

saying that many mysterious disappearances were happening, however, he didn't think much of it.

After eating his breakfast and heading out to school, he felt a bad sensation crippling down the

back of his spine and he decided to get in his car quickly. Once he arrived at school he met up

with his friends Scarlett, Ricky, Amy, and Maddy. They had been talking about the news report

and how they wanted to go out and figure out what was going on with the disappearances.

All of a sudden they heard the intercom saying that school had been canceled out of fear of

other possible disappearances. Dylan still hadn't understood why they were making a big deal but

his friends pushed him to realize that all the missing people were students in their own

High school, which made them targets. After realization hit him he started to want to investigate

what was going on in their small town. Once they were heading out of school they bumped into

the principal Mr. Oozborne, he had a benign attitude towards all the students good or bad which

was why everyone liked him. He had shown his concerns to them and asked them to quickly

go home and stay safe. After the conversation, Dylan got the same uneasy feeling in the back of

his spine but he and his friends quickly left the school to go to the forest. It was usually a banal-looking forest but this time it felt different.

Dylan, Ricky, Scarlett, Amy, and Maddy were all sitting in the grass planning what they were

going to do about the situation. When they heard a small voice saying, “help, help, help” they all

quickly stood up and ran towards it. When they got there nothing could have prepared them for

what they saw. There was one of the girls that was missing from their school lying on the floor

with tons and tons of blood all over, one of her legs cut, and a scratch going across all of her

face and neck. Amy called 911 and before they could take her she capriciously in a loud voice

said, “ It was him, yall have to get him yall have to” but before anyone could question her she

had gone unconscious and the paramedics had to work on her to try and save her life.

Still startled, Dylan, Ricky, Scarlett, Amy, and Maddy left the scene after the police had

questioned them and they were trying to figure out what the girl had meant by what she had said.

Later at home, Dylan was watching the news and the reporter said that the girl they had found

had unfortunately gone into a coma and the other missing students were found dead with the

the same scar across their whole face and neck.

In bed, Dylan kept repeating the words she said, “ It was him, yall have to get him yall have

to” This had gone on for hours in a loop until he got exacerbated but then the switch in his brain

turned on and told him that she had meant a person had done all of it to her, the cuts, the leg and

even the signature move, the scars on all of their faces. Filled with sudden shock he ran to the

restroom and threw up knowing they wouldn't be able to find out who did it until she woke up

and even then it might have been too late for them. There was a serial killer in their town.

The next day Dylan called everyone and told them he needed to have an esoteric discussion

with them in their secret hideout. He exposed his discoveries and they were all terrified when he

finished talking. They decided to stay together at all times so it could be safer, they were

brainstorming their ideas of who the serial killer could be when they got the idea to go to school

so they could try and find hints in the student's lockers that had gone missing and were now


Dylan upon arriving had yet again felt the crippling sensation he had been feeling lately but

he decided to ignore it like all the other times. Once inside they searched for what seemed

an eternity with no luck at all until they found a note in one of the girl's lockers that said she had

to go to the woods for a serious meeting she needed to have with the principal Mr. Oozborne

signed with his signature. Ricky analyzed it and discovered that it was going to be on the same

day that she disappeared. So they all disturbingly realized that their very own

“kind” principal was the one behind everything. Suddenly they heard someone behind them

applauding them for finding out the identity of the serial killer, it was someone with a whole

bodysuit and a mask on their face. They couldn't see who it was but as soon as they heard their

voice they knew it was the principal. He quickly said “Y’all weren't next on my list, but I'm afraid I'll have to make y'all next since y'all decided to be little detectives”, Then he aggressively tried to

lunge at them, and they bolted as fast as possible toward the upstairs, Dylan quickly pulled out his

phone and called the police office so they can come. Then after a while, they are in what seems to

be a dead end so they start to panic. When the principal gets to where they are, Maddy pushes

them all away and tells them to run as fast as they can and not look back. They make it out

and start to cry for their friend who had just sacrificed herself for them. The police go in and

arrest the masked person, the principal, or so they thought.

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