Murder from the shadows | Teen Ink

Murder from the shadows

September 7, 2023
By Htx-prime BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Htx-prime BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“AHHHHHHHH” Everything went silent after that horrifying scream, John stands there on top of Ali’s body: lifeless. 1 week before the murders. “Haahahah you cant catch me” “Dad can we go home” Said Elai “Wait give Ali a minute she is having fun” said John “Yhea Elai have patience” said Caroline  “Shut up” said Elai “children behave” said Maggie “Alright Ali come on we are going home”Said John “But dad can i stay for a little longer” Said Ali, “Ali you heard your father” Said Maggie. The family got in their car and headed home, the family got home and the children went to bed because they were gonna go to the water park tomorrow. But the children didn’t know the horror they would come to find the next morning, John had recently found out that Maggie his wife has been cheating on him for over half of his 14 years of marriage. So John came up with the most horrific way to deal with the problem. That same night John had a chimera so he woke up, Doing so he saw his wife was not there when he went to go to the bathroom he heard a noise in the kitchen and knew it was her so he took his chance and stabbed her in the back with a knife he had in his bed room. But instead of hiding the body he played it of as if she got killed by someone else, so he broke a window and cleaned the knife of his finger prints. When the police arrived in the morning they were abstracted on how John did not hear the glass break, John said that he had taken nyquil because he couldn’t sleep and he had to get ready to wake up to take the kids to the water park. The police believed him and let him go. The next day he planned the funeral and no one thought that John would be the murderer of her life, after that nothing happened. The next morning John decided to clean the house because it smelled horrible and Elai and Ali quickly agreed, as they were cleaning Ali got invited to go hangout  with her friends house down the block, John agreed and she went on her way not knowing the horror she would come to find when she comes back to the house. As Elai heard that she went to go hang out he was jealous of her because he is stuck here cleaning and stuck in the house with a horrible smell. Then he thought to himself  “what if its coming from the basement”. So he did what he thought and went down to the basement as he was cleaning he heard something in the wall shuffling, at first he thought it was upstairs due to his dad also cleaning but it sounded closer. Then he noticed a hole in the wall and as he peeked trough it he saw something that traumatized him, he saw caroline’s body crumpled up and blood all over her, he ran upstairs to tell John but when he got there John was sitting in the sofa looking at him with a big deep smile as he said “ITS ONLY ME AND ………..YOU”.  Elai’s face became pale white but he snapped out of it and quickly ran to his room and locked his door, “ELAI” Said John as he tried to break down the door, Elai didn’t know what to do so he waited for his dad to break down his door so that he can run out. As John broke the door down, Elai tried to slide through his legs, but he was not lucky. John had grabbed his shirt and threw him down the stairs, as Elai sat at the bottom of the stairs unconscious, John stabbed him in the stomach. When he thought that he was safe, Ali came through the door and saw her own dad standing on top of Elai’s body with a knife in his hand covered in blood. John saw Ali try to run but Ali felt something wrong when she looked down she was …….shot, John had a pistol with a silencer so quiet that not even the neighbors could hear. Ali fell to the ground and John dragged her inside the house so that no one will suspect a thing. But what he forgot about was the blood on the ground and on him, so he quickly changed clothes and washed his hands and got in his truck and left through a back road that he made in his backyard. The police arrived at the scene and tried to contact John but he wouldn’t answer, Then John arrived as if he just got back form “work”, But one cop noticed something strange about him the clothes that he was wearing were not dirty even though he works in the refinery. So the cops took him in as a calm questioning but it became an interrogation, After countless questions and several hours they got nothing out of him, so they let him go. And just like that John got away with the murder of his family, the cops got nothing out of him so they called the case “Murder from the shadows”.

The author's comments:

Im a junior at pasadena memorial high school

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