Covid-19 | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

    September 7, 2020, the day we left our dorms to go back home but in my case, I went to a lake house with some friends. After I get all my stuff from the dorm my roommate Kianna and I head to the lake house. Once we got there we looked around and got all of our luggage down but then we went by the lake to tan and refresh ourselves. Javier had texted me that he was coming later but everyone else started pulling up first it was Larissa, Ruben, and Daniel they came together and looked around the house to pick their rooms to sleep in. Later on that day Leo, Damhailey, Amberlene, and Azahel arrived at the house they came in and also picked the rest of the rooms that were left. After everyone was settled in I gathered them around the living room. I tell them that we should go to a party and start getting ready because the party is kind of far away since we are in the woods in the middle of nowhere. We all headed to the party and once we got there it was a bunch of people once we arrived, I told Azahel “Who knew a bunch of people would come to a party during COVID” as I turned I saw Kianna with her ex again as per usual I tell Amberlene and Larissa “look at Kianna she with him again” they laughed with me and were like we should’ve known. Fast forward to when we get home that same night, I tell Kianna “Ouuu” I saw you with him again she tells me it's not like that it was just that night we were drunk I tell her “ok ok if you say so everyone decides to shower and head to bed after. I slept so hard like a rock waking up in the afternoon. I saw everyone outside in the water swimming so I headed down there and ran and jumped in the water. The water was cold, very green and clear. Damhailey, Azahel, and I started playing in the water. We started playing chicken then sharks and then Ruben and Daniel jumped in the lake and we started playing monkey in the middle of course me and Damhailey were in the middle. I told Larissa, Amberlene, and Kianna to get in the water but they wanted to sit in the sun and tan in the sun. I told Damhailey they probably just want to dawdle. Leo cooked up some barbecue and within a few hours he called us to come eat and it was so delicious it was one of the best meat I have ever had. After we had all eaten the bomb food we went inside and started playing games and were jamming to music and drinking but I kept getting messages from an unknown number telling me to “don’t get too drunk tonight” so I decided to block it since they are trying to ruin my fun according to Kianna. Later on that night, we watched a scary movie but Larissa and Ruben went to bed early because they were tired from last night and everyone else started going to bed beside me and Kianna we were just talking and drinking but then we heard a car pull into the driveway while looking out the window we see a man get out of his car going to the front door the knocking starts and the doorbell ringing. We ask “WHOS THERE?” Nobody answers, and then the knocking gets loud. I tell my Kianna to get me the knife she tells me to be careful please while I’m yelling saying “HELLO?” I made the brave decision to open the door but as soon as I did nobody was there I turned to Kianna asking her where did he go she told me I don’t know I don’t like this. Kianna screams and I run back into the hose to see Javier standing beside her. We start to yell at him for scaring us badly. Kianna asked him why didn’t you answer us before he said because I was on the phone. Everyone woke up and asked us what was going on and I just told them we are fine, it was just Javier. He answers sarcastically “Yeah I’m that scary-looking” I curse him out I could’ve killed you but I thought you were coming later tonight! While holding up the knife in my hand he tells me okay okay okay I wanted to come earlier in case I was missing out on things. Kianna says why didn’t you announce yourself and where is your mask? Javier tells her because I was on the phone like I said and for my mask, it's in my pocket. Javier asked me I thought you only asked me to spend quarantine alone I replied yeah and with Kianna and the friend group but I asked him who's truck was that outside he said oh my dad mine was leaking fluid. Great but you know you could’ve called instead of showing up like this and scaring the hell out of me and Kianna but then that would’ve ruined the fun I answered with yeah I but I didn’t want to get scared like that or Kianna he said okay that’s fair but are you really gonna be mad at me make me? I turn to Kianna she answers with no just keep your mask on and stay 6ft. How did you know I was here? I asked Javier he answered I have your location Jazmyn then I remember when I came here and met your mom and dad I was feeling a little bit nostalgic. We went outside to talk for a bit then Javier brought up the basement and Kianna asked what’s in the basement. We headed down there and partied away by ourselves. Once we had all partied away we went to the living room and started talking about scary fiction stories and we decided to go to bed. Javier and I started talking about an Instagram post that had been posted at the party we went to. He got a little jealous and I told him we aren’t like that and it's best if he just went to bed and let it be. Since I was tired, I decided to go to bed. Javier went to the front to get something from his truck. Meanwhile, Kianna was in the restroom putting eye drops in her eyes. I show up and scare her by accident but we start talking about the conversation I had with Javier. We say our good nights and I go to my room but I see Javier on the couch on his phone trying to fall asleep. Once I get to my room I do all of my necessities and fall asleep. Javier wakes up in the middle of the night yelling out “Jazmyn?” He turns to the coffee table looking for his phone only for it to be missing. He starts looking around but then out of nowhere, music starts playing. I wake up telling myself “Seriously?” So I walked to the living room and saw a shadow walk by calling out “JAVI- '' Before I was able to finish my sentence Javier came up from behind me and covered my mouth. He tells me there's somebody in the house and he asks me where is your phone? I tell him it's gone he says mine too after that the music stops I tell him we need to get everyone he stops me and says wait. Looking out the window he asks me can you get down from there I tell him yea he says take the keys and I'll go wake everyone up. We split up and I started descending the side of the house. I started running to the car but stopped at Kianna's window calling out her name “KIANNA” waking her up but she moved just in time to dodge the killer’s knife. Leo comes up behind the killer and hits him telling Kianna to run and go while wrestling with the killer. Kianna runs out of the room and I open the front door calling her to come. We start running to the car and once we get in we turn on the truck and start honking at Leo who is still fighting with the killer. Kianna asked me who that man was. I told her I don’t know. Leo hits the man with a vase and goes in for a kick but then gets stabbed in the leg he takes the knife out of his leg and the man gets up to fight with him again for Leo to close the front door on himself. The man grabs Leo and throws him to the wall taking all his air out then the killer starts grabbing him and stabs him repeatedly. Kianna and I are still outside and she asks me where is Leo? I tell her he's coming as the front door opens. We see Leo coming out the door all bloody and I say he's hurt. I have to help him but be ready to take off. I tell Kianna she says okay be careful. Walking towards him I see his feet lifting and I see the man behind him holding him up by a curtain hanger finishing him off in front of me. I froze meanwhile Kianna was honking at me but I started running to the car Kianna puts the truck in reverse and we started moving but Kianna felt the wheel as if the tires were messed with losing control of the truck she reversed into a ditch and got stuck but we keep on trying to move forward but we are stuck. We see the man coming towards us and throws a rock at the window breaking it so we jump out of the truck through the driver's side and run back to the house while the man chases us we manage to close the door on him but we couldn't hold it any longer so we run upstairs and go up into the attic and I see everyone except Ruben and Larissa and I ask Daniel and he says I found them dead together asleep so I lock the door trying to get the window to open but the man starts banging on the attic door trying to open it up the guys are trying to hold it down and Kianna calls my name because he opened it so I got exacerbated and kick him down with my foot and I throw a box out the window to break it open. I go out the window and I tell them just follow me Kianna is telling me I can’t Jazmyn please I can't we start walking on the roof Kianna tells me it's too high I tell her don’t look down and she says okay wherever you go, I will follow. The man grabs her by the hair and she starts yelling and freaking out pushing her off the roof. Once we all got to the patio I called for her “KIANNA” I saw her on the floor oh shoot I ran downstairs to the front door for one of the killers to come chasing after me but Daniel hits him in the face and they started fighting I run to the kitchen looking for the knives and I grab a cutting board and tell Daniel to move knocking him out or so I thought he comes up from behind me and grabs my hair and throws me over the kitchen island he comes around the island and Azahel grabs a blender and knocks him out cold like if he had gone to the North Pole I finished him off and took of his mask to find out it was Kianna’s ex-boyfriend’s best friend. As I look up I see another one of them shaking his partner angry. We get out of there and run to Kianna and she tells us that her leg is broken and I tell her it's not one, it's a group of them but I can hear him coming outside so I tell her to act dead right now. We run and hide from the man that’s looking to see if Kianna is dead or not but he looks like he got suspicious of her and is getting closer to her nose so I throw a rock to distract him. He follows the rock and looks in my direction and we start running because I thought he saw me so he starts chasing after us but then Amber falls and I tell them we have to go get her but they pull me back and say no she’s gone so we keep running down to the lake hoping to peddle my way to the other side to find my neighbors help we all tried to get on but it couldn’t hold us all so Daniel and Damhailey say to us yall go we can fight them off. Kianna is at the lake house autonomously dragging herself to the kitchen to try and heal her leg up the best she can. She sees her ex's ex-boyfriend's best friend on the floor. We are in the middle of the lake and as I’m peddling the man grabs the pedal stick and takes it away so now we are stuck in the middle of the lake with no stick and the guy keeps on sticking the knife up the cracks trying to stab us and ends up stabbing my hand and gets on the boat so I tell them to jump off and start swimming towards my neighbor's house. I started knocking and they looked for open windows to see if anyone was home but nobody answered so I found the back window open and I looked for a phone to call 911 and my neighbor pulled out a shotgun at us telling us to get out of he’ll shot me but the killer stabs him. We ran out of the house and ran through the woods to the nearest road. We hide from the killer and he walks past me at first so I decide to start running away and he tackles me down and starts choking me and tries to stab me. Azahel and Javier start fighting him and I get up and start running to a car I see Javier yells my name “JAZMYN” and says Azahel was stabbed he’s not gonna make it. Once I had gotten to the car I told the lady they are trying to kill me and my friends the lady refused to let Javier and me in the car without a mask so I cussed her out and told her to give me and him a mask and she lets us in but as soon as we had put the mask on I started getting dizzy and sleepy. We woke up tied to a chair with Kianna’s ex's mom and his friends around me. I was so confused why they came to kill us. They started talking about Kianna’s ex and how he had died due to COVID-19 because of the party we went to the night we got here. They started talking about how they needed to get revenge for him and how we were all supposed to die for him to get justice. I told them he wouldn’t want y'all to do this or have all this blood on his name. Kianna tried to text 911 on her laptop but she didn’t have any good signal because the router box was not working well but one of the guys found out that the router box was on and started looking for Kianna he told the rest of the guys to go outside he’ll catch up with them in a few. He started heading to Kianna but she was lying on one side of the kitchen island and thankfully when he got to her side she had already moved. Kianna was able to get a drill that was beside her and come up from behind him and stab him in the leg with the drill so he fell to the ground. Then she grabbed a pan and hit him in the head with it knocking him out. I whispered to Kianna “Get us out of this rope and chair they are all outside” She was able to get us loose and we grabbed the keys that were on the counter and ran to the cars I saw the lady’s car and started reversing out of the driveway they all came out of the house and ran toward the car. I was able to drive out of the area where the lake house was onto a freeway to go to a little town so we could get to the hospital. Kianna's leg was leaking a lot of blood making her lose most of her blood. She started getting weak. I was focusing on her and not keeping my eyes on the road. I was going 87 miles per hour trying to get there fast out of nowhere a car drove in front of me and Javier yelled “WATCH OUT A CAR!!!!” I didn’t hit the brakes fast enough so we crashed and flipped over the edge.

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