The Mysterious Criminal | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Criminal

September 7, 2023
By ea0308890 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
ea0308890 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started on on a very dark hard raining night like if the clouds were going to fall at. At a farm owned by Robert and Bob.  The moon was out but it wasnt an ordinary moon. It was a full red moon WAAA WAAA. There was a weird sound outside that night it was almost like if there was a baby screaming outside. It woke up everyone at the farm. No one really thought of anything but, one of the farm owners his name was ROBERT.There was one thing about robert tho he was super old but he felt something apocryphal,therefore he got off his bed in a very slow motion he then put on some clothes to go check out what that loud mysterious noise was.

As Robert  approached one of the BIG red cabins he seen lots of blobs of blood.Almost if the person that did it had a insane amount of  animosity towards the animals ,then Roberts heart begins to beat almost if it was going to come out his chest.So he needs to think of something quick so he rushes in the cabin and sees a bunch of slaughtered cows ,sheeps ,and horses with odd stab wounds that went left to right in a zig zag pattern.Robert then looks around looking for anyone who could of did it but, he couldnt find anyone.

Robert then goes back to the barn and when he gets there moments later some mysterious man that was faceless was wearing all black appears with a zig zag chain saw in his hands. Robert then  faints as soon as he sees the mysterious man. Robert wakes up several minutes later. He was awakening to the farmer named Bob tapping him telling him whats wrong.

“I dont know i seen a faceless dude with a zig zag chainsaw” Robert responds in a horrified way.  

“Where is he? Do I call the cops.” Bob replies in a panicky manner.

“Last time i seen him was right infront of me” Robert responds  petrified.

Bob then starts to call 911 and exsplain to them what Robert had seen they then start to send police on the way to investigate.About 10 minutes pass by and the police finally arrive and they start to investigate. Moments later after they show up they see foot prints in the mud coming out of the barn leading to a whole bunch of hay stacks.

 The police continue to follow the foot prints and they start checking the piles of hay stacks and in the first one they check they dont find nothing, but on the second one they find the chainsaw they mysterious person used to kill the animals.So they keep checking and in the last one they checked they found him.

“Put your hands up dont move” the police ask him in a rude manner.

 but the mysterious man  runs and goes behind a shack. The police run after him check behind the shack and he is no where to be found so they panic and go back to the big red cabin and they see him hiding in one of the rooms in the red cabins.

“Dont move you will get tazzed” the police tell the mysterious man.

“You got me you got me” the mysterious man says in a manley voice.

The police put him in handcuffs.

“You have the right to remain silent”The police tell the mysterious man.

The mysterious man remains silent and they put him in the cop car. 

“Thank yall so much yall saved us”Robert and Bob stated.

“No problem” The police respond.

The police then transport the mysterious man to the police station and at the police station they find out that it was Roberts bully from high school named JAMAL!!!!!

The author's comments:

I am a junior in high school

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