Love Triangle Gone Rouge | Teen Ink

Love Triangle Gone Rouge

September 7, 2023
By Elphant06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Elphant06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      It was a chill, dark, and stormy night. In the quiet town of Milwaukee, all you can hear is the rain, and your thoughts talking to you. It wasn’t until late in the evening, when four lives will be changed forever.
      They’ve been friends for about thirteen years. Or at least that’s how it felt for Cole, Jesse, Rene, and Karla. They all grew up with each other, and do practically everything together, especially Cole and Karla, who have been dating since Freshman year in high school. With their last semester in college coming to an end, and the stress of finals getting off their chest, they plan on celebrating by going to Cole’s Frat party tonight. While everyone is getting ready, little do they know that Rene’s careless feelings for Karla have been getting stronger for her everyday.
      They showed up at the party Friday night at 8:03 P.M. During the middle of the party Cole went to use the restroom, while he was in the restroom Rene was hitting on Karla. When Cole got out of the restroom he saw a dark shadowy figure near Karla that looked like Rene or Jesse. When he got to them he pretended that nothing had happened. For the rest of the night Cole had his guard up whenever a guy would come up to her. That’s when everything started to shift.
       After the party was over Cole dropped off Rene, Jesse, and Karla. When Cole got home he was lying in his bed, and was thinking about what happened at the party. Cole got out of his bed and went to the store to get the things he needed. He arrived at Rene’s house at 1:13 A.M, he’s pretty hesitant about breaking in and killing him because he was positive that Rene was the one that was hitting on Karla. Cole took a big sigh, he broke through the front door and was creeping up the stairs and he snuck into his room. He stood over him while his heart was pounding, and his blood racing. He stabbed him multiple times and left quickly leaving none of his evidence behind. At 3:08 A.M that’s when the cops and the ambulance arrived at Rene’s house and the sirens woke up Karla from her slumber. Karla was abstracted when she walked out of her house, and saw Rene on the gurney. Cole came back again and saw Karla crying on her knees with her hands in her face. Cole walks up to her and asks her what's wrong and she tells him what had happened and he pretends to be surprised. Karla wipes away her tears and musters up the courage and tells him the truth. “I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now. Rene wasn’t just a friend to me.’ These last couple of weeks, I had fallen in love with him.” Cole was flabbergasted and took her hands. Without saying a word, Karla placed the rose necklace that he gave her, and walked back to her house. Moments later the cops asked who Jesse was. A few minutes later Jesse pulls up to the house. When he got out of his truck the cops went over to question and arrested him. Cole had a nefarious grin when the cops drove away with Jesse.
       One year later the friend group that was once inseparable, became distanced as time went by. With the trial coming to a close, an insider and the news reporters are saying that Jesse was found guilty. The whole town was buzzing around speculating on how and why he did it, but the only person that knows the truth is the one that actually did it.

The author's comments:

The characters names are real people but the event that was going on is not.

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