The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

September 7, 2023
By Kim9erlyC BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Kim9erlyC BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was October 20, 2021

A normal day like every other day. A group of friends were planning to attend Yaryssa’s Halloween house party, Yaryssa was a popular girl at Milby High School. Which meant that many people were going. She was known for throwing the best parties. The whole school was talking about the party, But Sandra's mom was strict. She had no idea if she should ask. Diego, Mateo, Andrea, and Yocelyn were trying to come up with a plan to make sure Sandra made it to the party with them. The school day ended, everyone went home and it was starting to get dark outside. Which meant that the party was going to start soon.

Sandra was planning to sneak out and then get picked up by the rest of the friend group. In Diegos dads car, Diego's dad had absolutely no rules which meant he could whatever. Everyone got ready and met at Diego's house, from there they drove to pick up Sandra. It was around 9:00 pm and Sandra was about to sneak out, she made sure her mom was asleep and that she was as quiet as possible. She successfully snuck out and her friends were already waiting for her 3 houses down the street, so Sandras mom wouldn't notice. As she got in the car everyone started celebrating because she had successfully snuck out, Which meant they were all going to the party. They got to Yaryssas house and as soon as they entered they noticed everyone sitting around in a circle. As they walked closer they noticed that they were playing a  horror “game”. They joined and sat in the circle. One of the guys at the party said “Who’s next” a random girl said “I'll go” she sat in the middle and grabbed this object that looked like a hand, she firmly hold it with her hand and said the words “speak to me” she started laughing and said she could see a little boy, everyone was recording and laughing. After she was done, she said “whos next y'all should try it” Yocelyn stood up and said “me”, she followed all the steps until she could see many ghosts in the room. After the maximum of 5 minutes, she let go and the vision stopped, she said “it's as if it was a horror movie”. Everyone got a chance to try it but Mateo, Since he was the youngest at the party. He kept insisting until he convinced them. They clarified to only do it for 3 minutes maximum since he was still young. He agreed and proceeded. Following the steps and saying the “special words” Everything was normal until suddenly he started talking in Hebrew and talking about a “Lisa” Yocelyn was in shock as she realized that the “Lisa” Mateo was talking about in his vision was in fact her sister who had passed away about a year ago. She rapidly stood up and got close to Mateo asking if he could see anything more. A girl at the party warned them that it was almost 3 minutes. Yocelyn ignored her and kept listening to what Mateo was seeing and hearing. Suddenly he started crying blood tears. Everyone was so scared and tried to separate him from the hand, But NOTHING Was working. Until everyone jumped in to help, but it was too late he fainted and stopped breathing, his soul got trapped in the game. 911 was called, and when they arrived they asked what had happened. Everyone was too scared to answer but Diego stood up saying that they weren't sure. 

The ambulance took Mateo to the hospital and everyone else went home after that. Back at the hospital the Doctors told Mateos mom that he had fallen into a coma and that the time of recovery was unknown, Mateos mom was devastated and confused. The next day the friend group went to the hospital to check up on Mateo, but he was still unresponsive. Diego had the idea of replaying the game to see if they could talk to Mateo through the vision, but it failed to work. Later that day Mateo’s mom brought in a priest to try and free any spirit stuck inside Mateo’s body, but also failed. That same night, Yocelyn had fallen asleep when suddenly she started having vivid horror nightmares of her sister and also a sorta demon, who confirmed that Mateo was with him. She was so horrified and rapidly woke up. She continued having these nightmares and wasnt getting enough sleep every night as she should have. Until one day driving back home from school Yocelyn fell asleep behind the wheel and was 

Highly impacted by a car behind her leaving her on Life support, but a few hours later she passed away. Devastated, her friends found out about the news and they were left in grief.

 It was a very tragic month for everyone. Her funeral took place the next day, The moment Yocelyn was buried Mateo’s mom who was at the funeral received a call from the hospital stating that Mateo had woken up. She was in shock and headed to the hospital right after. Everyone was in such a confusing feeling as they had received back a friend but lost another. Mateo explained to his mom that he felt very drained and clarified that he could barely remember anything. Yocelyn’s passing had broken the tie between the demon and both of them, freeing Mateo.

The author's comments:

Horror or Mystery story

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