The peace world | Teen Ink

The peace world

September 8, 2023
By olivarespedro BRONZE, Houston, Texas
olivarespedro BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Obito and his teammates Rin and Kakashi, were fighting in a war in order to protect their village, The hidden leaf village. They were out fighting the enemy in a cave near the entrance of the village, but they were trapped inside of the cave surrounded by 10 enemy ninjas, they were outnumbered. Obito was able to make a distraction for Kakashi and Rin to escape by exploiting a giant boulder that was in the way, by doing that he was able to kill all 10 enemy ninjas but made the cave collapse. Kakashi and Rin were able to escape but Obito was still inside of the cave, crushed by giant boulders. Both Kakashi and Rin were certain Obito died and left him there.

A few hours later a former high rank ninja named Madara, heard what was going on and went towards the battle but found only Obito crushed. He went and was able to get Obito out from underneath the giant boulder, he was certain he was dead, but luckily Obito was still alive but half of his body was crushed. Madara took him to his layout to regenerate his body and train him to get stronger.

Madara was a high rank ninja in The hidden leaf village that betrayed his family, friends, leader, and his village and was now a criminal, wanted by the village. One day he killed the leader of his village and has been running away from the village for 3 years. He has been wandering around the village wanting to become the leader but one day he found a secret layout where it talked about a peace world, but in order to complete the peace world he needed someone to sacrifice. Until he found Obito and took him to help him get stronger and regenerate his crushed body. After the process of regenerating Obito’s body, Madara told Obito about the peace world and that he will create such a world, but he didn't tell Obito that he was the sacrifice he told him that he needed someone else to help him create such a world. Obito didn’t agree to it and told Madara to find someone else to help him. Madara accepted his decision and knew something would happen in his life that would make Obito come back to him so he decided just to train Obito.

3 years passed by and Obito is now stronger with his new body and Madara’s intense training. Madara suddenly told Obito that one of his spies found Kakashi and Rin fighting for their lives against the enemy and were about to die. Obito, worried for his friends, asked Madara where they were. Madara tells Obito that they are in the village outside of Rin’s house. The enemy was holding Rin hostage and Kakashi was wounded after trying to save Rin. Obito then told Madara that he was going to go to them and that he wasn’t going to come back. He thanked Madara for everything he did for him and left, as Obito was leaving, Madara whispered “You will come back to me.”

Obito on his way to his friends was getting really worried but he was confident that he could save them again even if it cost him his life again. Once he got there he was too late, the enemy had already killed his friends. Obito, frustrated and filled with anger, lost consciousness of his body and something else took over him and charged at the enemy and killed them all. Not knowing what happened, he saw his friends and was holding them one last time. He said, “I will create a world where we can all be together again”. Obito then left and went towards Madara again.

Once Obito got there he told Madara that he was right and to teach him how to create the peace world. Madara then told him everything about the peace world and how to create it but Madara didn’t tell Obito that he was going to be a sacrifice. They both trained really hard for it.

5 years later they both were ready to create the peace world. They went straight to the enemy and told them where the leader was. They didn't respond and didn’t see them as a threat so they ignored them. Filled with anger and excitement they told the enemy about the peace world and what was going to happen. Still the enemy didn’t believe a word they said and ignored them. Both Madara and Obito had enough and charged at the enemy with anger and excitement and were able to easily defeat 500 low rank ninjas. The Leader of the enemy then saw what they were capable of and sent all of his high rank ninjas. They did struggle a little to defeat the high rank ninjas but in the end were able to defeat all 700 high rank ninjas. The leader of the enemy was impressed by what Madara and Obito had done, so he decided to face them and take it in his own hands. 

The leader was face to face with both Madara and Obito but he didn’t fear them. Obito then told Madara “I’ll handle this, stay back, don’t interfere” and went straight for the leader but the leader was too powerful for him and easily wounded Obito. Madara, laughing at Obito said “You fool, you aren't as strong as me, watch and learn.” Madara went straight for the leader and easily killed him with one attack. Now that everyone was dead they were ready, Madara then told Obito that he was just a sacrifice and was preparing the sacrifice to create the peace world. Obito’s life was flashing before his eyes and got a memory of his friends where Kakashi tells him what he would do when they die, he just said that he wouldn’t do anything that would cause problems that he just wanted wars to stop and to not fight any more. He got consciousness of his body and decided to kill Madara, he got up and went behind him and stabbed his heart with a sword. Madara fell to the ground but Obito knew that he wasn’t going to survive with his wounds. He fell to the ground and asked for forgiveness to his friends and GOD. He passed away with a smile on his face.

The author's comments:

this story is about a anime character that i really love

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