The Forbidden Fortune Cookie | Teen Ink

The Forbidden Fortune Cookie

September 8, 2023
By knalani1326 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
knalani1326 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bryan Lopez and Ethan Silva have always been best friends since they met at Carter Lomax Middle School. They were both new students to the school; both coming in from other cities. As they have been growing up together, over time, Ethan has gained the biggest distaste towards Bryan because he has always had it very straightforward in life and for the most part gets almost anything he wants while Ethan was always pretty impoverished. They have now graduated from high school and Ethan works at Panda Express while Bryan is living his life working very effortlessly from home whenever he feels like it. Bryan would always go visit Ethan at work for lunch because since they graduated they could not see each other every day at school anymore.

But one day, as Ethan sees Bryan coming in to eat lunch at Panda Express he scrambles to grab a fortune cookie and a piece of paper as he hurries to the restaurant's break room. As Bryan is ordering his food, Ethan is writing a note on the piece of paper he picked up and replacing it with the actual note of the fortune cookie, then resealing the packaging to look as if it was never touched. When Ethan sees Bryan's order is ready for him, he makes sure to take his order to him. They greet and say hi to each other per usual,  they always act like they haven't seen each other in years. They chat for a bit before Ethan says he has to get back to work before he gets in trouble. When Bryan finishes eating his food, Ethan comes to say goodbye and brings him the fortune cookie telling him to enjoy the rest of his day as if he did nothing. Bryan opens the fortune cookie and freezes in shock as he reads, “Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return.”

Bryan gets up in such a scurry trying to get home as soon as possible. As Bryan arrives home he immediately packs a couple of bags and books a flight to Houston Tx from Dallas Tx where he currently lives.  Bryan was blowing through so much money so quickly because he could tell no one, so he couldn’t ask for help. Bryan had to Uber everywhere and rent hotels/motels as his money was consistently dropping more and more to the point where he was officially running out of money. Eventually, Bryan completely lost every single penny he had so he had no other choice than to become homeless. Bryan was only homeless for a couple of days before realizing that he was going to try finding a job and asking for money from all the cars passing by. Unfortunately, no one wanted to accept Bryan into their job since he was homeless and he forgot his background check and resume at home. A couple of years later, Bryan feels he has no more control of anything at this point and he starts getting depressed. The more he gets depressed, he feels like his body is slowly getting weaker and weaker by the day. Bryan decides to use all the energy he has inside of him to walk all the way to the Baytown Bridge. A couple of days later Bryan finally makes it to the highest peak of the bridge. Sadly, as Bryan hesitated he, had just jumped off the bridge and had committed his life… Per usual, this was all over the news as the police were called by people driving on the bridge trying to get him to stop. The news had got to his hometown in Dallas and sooner or later Ethan saw this not-so-devastating news. Ethan was delighted as he finally got what he wanted; for Bryan to leave. Little did anyone know, Ethan was the one who replaced the note inside of the fortune cookie to get Bryan away. All Ethan's life this was all he wanted and he finally got it, for Bryan to leave the earth since he was always so jealous of what he had.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment in class. I chose to write about this because it was creative and it helped me write.

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