The Moment that Change Everything | Teen Ink

The Moment that Change Everything

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Every happy story has a bad ending. Like the smell of blood. Ever since I was little I had a good sense of smell it is weird, but I do not mind it. It has its benefits. In this world, blood can be immensely powerful. But can be extremely dangerous. There are monsters, lurking, feeding, and killing. No one knows exactly what they are, but we know that they have no mercy. I remember my first encounter with one.
About 5 years ago, it was just me and my family oh, we were so happy. We did not have a whole lot, but we had each other. My husband was a fragile man, but even so, he could do the most amazing dances. Our son wants to be just like him just not the fragile part. I was cooking dinner for my family when I realized I forgot to pick up medicine for my husband I did not want my children to end up hurt, so I went by myself, Everything was fine until on my way back I smelled it. The smell of blood, not just any blood, my family’s blood all of them. I ran as fast as I could hoping, praying, begging that they did not get severely injured.
When I got there, I was out of breath walked to the side of the house and I see my husband on the floor holding our youngest. I peeked inside, only to find everyone dismembered. “No... no!” I said as I called out for them praying that this was a joke or a misunderstanding. I checked their temperature, my husband was only warm there I tried waking him up, but I could not. I tried everything to keep all of them alive, but it was not enough. Those days were the most devastating for me. After all the grieving, after all the enmity, after all the regret. I thought the gods were punishing me. But then I realized that there was a smell, a scent, I could not make it out, but I knew it was someone I never met before. I had ignored it for so long and I knew I had somewhere to start. There was something wrong with the way my family had died, It was not an animal, an animal would have left a little bit of their bodies or eaten all of it. So, there was no doubt in my mind that I was something else. I just needed to find out what exactly happened to my family. And I was not going to stop at anything to find out what happened, and I knew I was going to get my revenge.
And so, my long journey began. On the day they were killed I met a strange woman she was oddly quiet, she asked if I wanted revenge for my family, and that she would like for me to join a corp that puts an end to those monsters. I immediately agreed to her proposal, she led me to her trainer from when she first started. I trained for hours every day for an entire year; it was very tiring. But during that year I found out about the man behind all these monsters, he does not go by anything other than “the king.” The woman’s name is Amari, she told me rumors about the king. “The king is similar to a virus that spreads rapidly.” She said, “But the good thing about a virus is that there’s a cure.”
Years passed, and I’ve yet to find the king, I killed off so many of his men. I also made some friends on the way and lost many. But I am still fighting, living for the family he took from me. None of his men has yet to spill where he is hiding, “that coward” I mumbled to myself. “I’m more than positive he’s all bark no bite,” I said in my head. I was so caught up in my thoughts I did not realize my peers were talking to me. I was going on a mission, to find out what mischief was going on in a small town. To see if I can

The author's comments:

I am 17 female who just wants to go home.

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