Afterparty Killer(s) | Teen Ink

Afterparty Killer(s)

September 8, 2023
By VictorGarza_washere BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
VictorGarza_washere BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Afterparty Killer(s) by Victor Garza

In the neighborhood of Fondledam, there lies a very big house; the size of a mansion.  From the house pours bright colorful lights, shining across the streets during the nighttime. Inside the house is a big party, with everyone dressed in a costume like it's Halloween. Once the party was in full swing, a special VIP, known for being the master of partying, arrived to start the main event: Donnie M. Lion. The moment Donnie took the stage, the hype of the party went through the roof. Later on, he was about to present something up on stage for everyone to see, but right as he went to make a big announcement, *BANG*. He was shot, assassinated from afar, the bullet flying straight through his head. As his lifeless body fell limply off the stage, the party’s mood quickly turned sour. A deathly silence filled the air, nothing but the sounds of music resonated within the house. The silence was broken with an eruption of panicked screams.

It had been five days since the incident with the police searching items within rooms, possibly clues that are related to the crime. According to the police, it may be hard to find the culprit as it is slowly becoming impossible, so they have no choice but to send the one and only top class detective with his clandestine methods, Secret Agent Joe D. Quail. When Joe heard about the news, he had an austere(serious)look on his face thinking about the outcome of Donnie being gone away, towards atrophy upon his corpse, thus Joe accepted the search for the crime of murder.

In the detective booth, Joe picked up three witnesses who are the main party folk in the house and had seen the murder in sight. These three were a clown, a robot, and an alien, all of them said the similar thing, not knowing who did it or who might be, and saying that it’s not them. 
What the clown had stated, he said(in a goofy voice) “ I was over there making jokes with people while doing magic tricks, having them laugh their butts off and amaze them. I was along with the crowd when that happened though, so of course it wasn’t me!” 
Next, there was the robot that explained what it did, as it said(in robotic voice) “ *beep-boop whirring noises* I was dan-cing a-long with the peo-ple and turned my-self in-to a dis-co ball. *bee-bee-beep*” It even shows itself spinning in different directions with some light coming out of its face and chest. Lastly, the alien remained left to talk. From there, the alien had mentioned about its doings, it said(in wobbly spacey voice) ” I was providing music for the earthlings and passing out radiating nuclear rods or as they name it ‘glow sticks’, I swear these earthling are so banal with their choice of words.”
 After the interrogation between the three, Joe felt peculiar from the clues told by the police in the house, mainly about the blood stain’s direction to where Donnie was shot from, as nobody else knew where the bullet came from or where it began, Joe spotted cameras from two top corners of the ceiling, one pointing left, the other pointing right.
The police searched for a camera room and found one, deep in the basement, and Joe was able to watch the recap of what exactly happened during the scene. As the tape plays he notices that something’s off, when he remembered about the three saying jokes, dancing, and giving things to others, he thinks that they were in the crowd, but the tape displays they are not. None of them are even in the frame, until the part where Donnie gets shot he quickly paused the tape and rewind for five seconds, and there he saw 3 silhouettes with an object in the shape of a sniper. He knew it was them and they were coming after him, but immediately thought of a plan.
 The three busted through the doors and put Joe at gunpoint, Joe turned and raised his hands with the clown and the alien holding pistols, and with the robot holding a sniper rifle. They each said with such animosity against Donnie, the clown said “That punk has been stealing our show going from party to party!” followed by the alien, ”and it’s been like that ever since, but with him dead now we can regain our popularity!” then the robot, “you will not take a-way o-ur chanc-es!*ba-ba-ba-beep!*”
After Joe heard them speak, he slowly spread his fingers, stretched his arms, and made a loud clap. Suddenly there’s an ambush from behind, the police tackling the three from the door and above, they fall to the ground and drop their weapons upon impact, leaving them stuck below the police getting cuffed.

Thus, with the three arrested the crime was solved, thanks to secret agent joe for setting up a trap of police men aside from the door. You’ll never know what is coming.

The author's comments:

Idea/Brainstorming by Victor G.

Edit/Revision on first page by Gabriel G.

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