Secondary | Teen Ink


September 8, 2023
By marianaa9 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
marianaa9 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Vicent sits in a cold police station wondering who would do such a thing to his brother. 1 year ago Vincent and his twin brother Victor lost their dad in an airplane crash. Their father , Mr.Rossi was the owner of a very successful law firm and known as one of the best lawyers in the country. A couple months after the funeral the family had to read over the will settlement. All eager to who the law firm would go, Vincent knew deep down he wouldn't stand a chance of being chosen over Victor who was now a multimillionaire and co-founder of a popular social media app. Victor was the twin who was known as the good twin; he had everything in his life together. Vincent on the other hand was the complete opposite; he depended on his parents for everything. Once his dad passed away he thought about what his life would become but he held onto hope that his dad would leave behind something big just for him. 

        They got to the court to finally probate the will. They all waited patiently as the judge read over the will. The oldest daughter Veronica inherited her dads houses in different countries and she inherited his collection of luxury cars. Their  mom inherited 45% of the business's income. Victor and Vincent both anticipated waiting to see who would become CEO of the law firm. Finally the judge revealed Victor was now CEO of their father's law firm. Vincent waited for the judge to reveal his part. When they revealed to him he only inherited a condo and 120 grand he felt angry and envied his brother as he always was seen as the perfect twin. Vincent though did not let go as easy as they all expected, he was committed to come up with a plan to be head of the firm. Little did anyone know that his plan was the cause of this all. Victor was being congratulated by everyone around them Vincent was in a sense of chimera and had it set in his head all that was his. The family planned a party to congratulate him with more love and support from everyone. 

      Prior to the night of the party Vincent had come up with the most cold hearted plan set. He had become close with his brother's assistant Gloria and convinced her to be on his side by informing her of the benefits she would receive. Gloria whets at the idea of how drastically her life would change by just going along with the plan. The night of the party was as cold as the north pole with people that came in with gigantic coats. Gloria was a lifelong friend of the family, but her dad always liked Vincent the most even though he wasn't his son. They knew from their childhood he would be successful. Gloria was upset by the fact her father prioritized her cousin over her and she grew resentment towards him. As soon as Vincent had her on track with the plan they both combined their jealousy to make him suffer through what they did when they chose him over them as kids. 

      Mrs.Rossi went all out for this celebration; he was so proud of how far he had come. Victor was caught off guard by the surprise. He prattled with the guests for a while, then Vincent pulled him aside and pulled him outside and played it off as getting him a surprise. Gloria had a car ready to flee. As They walked out they made sure to take a way with no cameras. They took him to a condo he had in town and laced his drink. He died slowly from an instant killing poison. They then paid someone to get rid of the body. They then returned to the party and pretended like nothing happened , but Gloria felt bad instantly and felt like she was carrying an elephant with how much this burden bothered her. Vincent was glad he knew the law firm he had it all planned out with what he would do when he had control. When Mrs.Rossi noticed Victor had been gone for a long time she grew worried. She went to go question Vincent since he was the last one she had seen him with , but he played it off so well. She stayed worried but eased up a bit because she knew Victor wasn't much of a party guy. The rest of the night Vincent played it off as he went home because he had so much to work on. As the night went on the crowd got smaller as time went by. Then the next their mom was even more worried she reported him as a missing person and police instantly started a search.

    As usual they questioned the close family , but when they noticed Gloria was seen leaving with Vincent by another suspect the detectives grew suspicious. They then questioned her and noticed she was very nervous and never once made straight eye contact this raised so many suspicions and the station knew they found the suspect. They then brought in VIncen the most Obvious lead in the case he played it off perfectly well. The cops did not think much of it and thought maybe the other suspect had seen Victor leave and not Vincent.

     The case grew cold for a couple weeks and Vincent thought he had gotten away with it. As they noticed they missed a big play they reopened the case and figured it out. Vincent sat in a solid police station wondering who would do such a thing. He has everything going well from him after he took over the firm. However the police noticed one thing, as Gloria got mentioned he made a face that made him come off as scared. They knew something was wrong and got a search warrant granted. Once they searched his house they found Victor's necklace that he had never taken off and that's when they knew it had to be him. They brought in Gloria for a second time and told her to confess they offered her a deal so she can leave on probation and she broke. Vincent was arrested for the murder of his own brother, the firm had now gone to his mother but after this huge crime it went downhill. Vincent never admitted to the murders and blamed it all on Gloria. Vincent received Life in prison while Gloria ended up with only 2 for poisoning. The Rossi family would never be seen the same after this tragic case.

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