The Locked door | Teen Ink

The Locked door

December 4, 2023
By JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One night as his parents were out they left their 10 year old son to stay home for the night. As he gets comfy on the couch with snacks, drinks, and about 6 or more movies he hears something fall in one of the upstairs bedrooms. So he goes to see since he is a big boy now and was told to not let anyone in. He proceeds with caution upstairs, there is silence not a single object in sight. He returns to his movies and continues the night. As he is preparing for bed he starts thinking about what had happened earlier that night and tries again to find what might have fallen. WHile searching he gets to the only door in the house that is different. First it has no lock, two it is squeaky and third it's a very narrow rectangular shape with only enough room to fit 3-4 small dogs. As he opens the door he sees it is empty as it has been for the last 3 years since they’ve been there. The he is shoved hard into the room he starts hitting and screaming but to no avail. As the hours go by he notices that the tv that he had left on was off and he can hear his parents snoring in the bedroom.

The author's comments:

i am a high school student at polahs. I one day wish to be a write and really enjoy writing horror stories.

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